1. I believe you can find someone that you can be with for the rest of your life but as time passes it becomes increasingly harder and harder. Back in our grandparents time people did not travel as much and grew up around the same people and often married their high school sweethearts and everyone in and around their towns knew each other. The chances of people being unfaithful were lower because of this. Today people often live in various places throughout life and our busy lifestyles bring us in contact with new people of the opposite sex almost daily. It is a lot easier for one to be sidetracked and have lust for someone take over than it was years ago leading to the high divorce rates and cheating. This is only going to increase in modern times. The way many people cling on to antiquated religious beliefs only increases this as well. There is a reason the countries with the highest rates of religion and the bible belt in the south have the highest divorce rates in the world. Old unrealistic beliefs forces people to think they have to live in a perfect world/marriage and the slightest hiccups in that causes them to say fuck it and end things because they aren"t living their fairy tail life.Vim said:After reading this whole thread, posting some personal experiences/questions...
I"ve become really curious on where you all stand on the whole finding someone to be with, potentially (ideally?), for the "rest of your life".
Do you all believe you can find someone to be with for "the rest of your life"?
Do you all want to find someone you can be with for "the rest of your life"?
Do you believe in being faithful to one person once you established a "serious" relationship and then proceeding to stick it out with them for...
Really curious on everyones stance on the subject.
2. Yes it would be great to find someone to be with for the rest of my life. It will be very hard citing the things I posted in answer number one but I do believe it is possible. It takes really knowing someone and both parties being able to deal with and handle problems together when they arise.
3. Yes I believe in it but as I also stated in answer number 1 I can clearly see why today a lot of people do cheat. There are ample opportunities and humans being opportunistic beings often take advantage of them. When there is a will there is a way. Both people have to live up to their side and do the things that they did from the beginning and that they said they would do as a previous poster mentioned.
I am curious what others think about the things I said in answer number one as I have recently began discussing these things with some of my friends and it seems to be a very interesting topic.