My experience is the opposite. Most girls that respond just send back one sentence replies that don"t really go anywhere or give you anything. Every now and then I run in to one that will go a bit longer. Another girl I"m chatting with right now, I used the divorce line to open. She ignored it completely and commented that one of my pictures (of me in Japan) looked familiar, I responded that yes it was in Japan and asked her if she had been, and then she responded with a 250 word message. So at least that one still has potential, although again it"s with a girl who"s on 200 people"s favorites list, although her pictures aren"t nearly as good.
There"s a third girl who looked me up, and again asked about Japan. That one"s only gone back and forth a couple times, but she seems alright as well.
Like I said, just trying to get an understanding or feel for how these conversations should go.