Dandain said:
If that"s your plan Eomer then doesn"t it seem to be counter productive to ask for relationship advice? If the fall back plan is to have booty calls on all 7 continents it sounds ridiculous that you are in any way ready or desirous of a life time commitment to anyone but yourself. Which is 100% cool if that"s what you want but you"ve been playing it off in this thread about how much you want to find someone and how you"ve lamented over chuck and anne.
Do you want someone that you"re in 50-50 with for the long haul really?
Maybe I"m not being very clear, but basically yes I would like to find the perfect girl and live happily ever after. However at the same time, I"m not going to just dive in to it with anything that comes along. I thought I"d found that girl in Anne, but unfortunately it wasn"t to be.
Basically I"m just taking it as it comes. If I find that person, awesome. If not, the single lifestyle suits me just fine as well.
ToeMissile said:
I am definitely like this as well.
There"s no question in my mind that the physical attraction you feel for someone can be reinforced by your feelings for them. That very much happened with Anne. But at the same time, I don"t think that entering in to a relationship where you have little or no physical attraction to the person is a good idea, even if they"re extremely compatible with you personality wise.
ark said:
You are bald at 30? Not tryin to be a dick but I"m goin back to my "shallow hal" diagnosis.
Not bald, but balding. I could grow my hair out longer and it wouldn"t be overly noticeable, but it would definitely be thin. As it is I shave it really short, and it just looks like it"s shaved short everywhere until it gets to about 1/4" long, then it becomes apparent that it"s pretty thin on top. Damn my genetics.
ark said:
And your friend sounds pretty successful. you wouldn"t believe how much the perception of grandeur means to sluts. i grew up in bars, started working in them at age 17. owned three by 19. the absolute ease at which you can get ass and how easily you learn to get ass from working in or owning a bar is like taking candy from a baby. it is seriously a joke. even fat bouncers get laid, and often.
Basically he started the ski tour company in highschool, and continued it through university. It used to make big coin, and that allowed him to start buying bars etc with his buddies. The ski tour business hasn"t been profitable in over a decade, but so long as it"s not losing big money he keeps it running for the fun of it.
He"s just naturally a really charismatic, fun guy. However he"s not smarmy in the slightest. I"ve never actually seen him pick up women and he virtually never talks about it, he just has em spread out all over the place on the side. Why he never settled down, I don"t know, we"re not close enough to really discuss that kind of thing.
ark said:
someone who is obviously fortunate enough to be able to travel all over the world really isn"t in the same position as a lot of people. we dont know him, but he is older and probably very realistic. if you take two people who look alike, act alike and think alike, but one of them is rich, it is COMPLETELY different to girls. the girls who get targeted dont care if you like the notebook. money gives you confidence, and as a result of that you develop a kind of pseudo sort of "douchebag game". the problem is most girls are dumb as shit and fall for it.
Like I said, he most definitely does not have a douchebag game. People in general, not just women, naturally gravitate towards him and want to hang out with him simply because he"s a lot of fun (that"s his favorite word, you"ll be strolling down a dirty street in Val Paraiso and he"ll spot some dark, dank bar and be like "hey! Let"s go in here! Looks fun!" and within 15 minutes of being in there everyone in the bar is his best friend). He doesn"t throw money around and outwardly if you just met him he looks like a normal, late 40"s bald dude.
Chu said:
If you think the only point of having someone by your side is sex, then you"re very mistaken.
Even I get that point, and I"m a fag.
I didn"t mean to imply that at all. I was just responding to Grobbee that even if I don"t find someone that meets my expectations, I"m not overly concerned with growing old, bitter and lonely. I"m almost through my 20"s, and despite spending probably 80% of it single, I"ve had a great decade since I finished highschool and if the next one is half as fun, I"ll be perfectly content.