Eomer said:
"You don"t think I"m a horrible person, do you?"
"Depends on the day
Any particular reason you ask? And did you mean to send that 5 times?"
At this point I"m really seeing quite clearly how much of a head case she is, when it wasn"t obvious (to me anyway) at all when we dated.
Eomer I"ve noticed with girls you"re always wanting to know more, asking questions constantly, always interested in what they have to say regardless of the circumstances. You always have a response, no matter what they say. I feel like a girl could call you a piece of shit waste of oxygen and you"d try to think of some witty retort to turn it into a joke in attempt to make them laugh.
You commented yourself that she"s a "head case," and I"m assuming that conclusion was drawn in part from that text. Which means you recognized her text was weird, yet you still ate it up and gave about as big a response as you possible could. What"s wrong with "? I"ve moved on" or "don"t worry about it" or my favorite response to
a weird text that is only sent to get attention: ignore it.
There is some fundamental aspect of either your personality or simply how you interact with women that is betraying you. You say you are a kinda cocky guy, but any guy who can pull off cocky and manage to dodge being overly arrogant, especially with a $$ job and interesting life, is gonna have lots of women interested in him. You always seem to have them interested until a few dates in, then lose it.
So something is betraying you. Something is partly an act and your behavior is in some way showing that fact. Judging from the text and email responses you have posted here over the months, I"m probably 90% confident that it"s your frame (your sense of reality that is projected socially). I thought earlier your frame was weak, but I think at this point your frame with women is non-existant. For example, if a girl says "you"re just trying to get into my pants," someone with a weak frame would say "oh no no I"m just trying to chat I"m not looking for anything right now blah blah." Someone with a strong frame would look at that question as the socially inept question that it is, give a confused and slightly annoyed look and say, "that"s an odd statement to make to someone you just met," or something along those lines. Get the difference? With a weak frame, you legitimize whatever the girl says and respond on her terms. With a strong frame, you bring the girl into your own reality and she responds on your terms.
Everything a girl says, you buy into. Rather than having your own view of reality firmly established and projected onto other people, you buy into whatever the girl says. If she wants to say there are purple aliens farming boogers in her nose, you ask whether they are paying their rent on time.
tl;dr: Your frame sucks and is ruining your ability to get women. Take Magic Bullets and skip immediately to the "frame" section. Then go to that attractionforums and read all the "frame control" stuff you can find in the classic writings section. Make sure to read all of Cajun"s posts, a lot of his posts essentially just boil down to frame control.
Tarrant: stop kissing goodnight noncrazyex or whatever her name is, man up and make a move DURING the date. There is not a single woman on earth who doesn"t love a strongly sexual man (as long as he is in control of it).