Crell said:
Since this seems to be the relationship help thread, I guess I should post this since I really need some help.
About 4 and a half years ago I met this girl. She lived about 2 hours from me, but we got together. I spent every weekend driving down to stay with her, etc etc. Things were fine. She moved up with me after a year and we lived together for 3 and a half years. Things were great. We were going to get married, start a family, etc.
This is what I need help on. I am really just praying SOMEONE out there has some experience with this who can give me advice.
She died last month on 9-3-09. I woke up, said goodbye, went to work, came home and there she was. Laying in bed dead. I did CPR of course (which was horrible since her eyes were half open, almost like she was staring at me the whole time), saw her get taken away in a body bag, and of course the open casket. I have yet to see her grave. We still do not know the cause of death. But like everyone has said, for a 23yr. old to simply die like that isn"t normal.
So my issue now is, I have come to a emotional wall. I was getting progressively better the last month, but all of a sudden I just can"t feel anymore. Almost like a train ran over my head mentally.
I have seen a doctor for insomnia. And I will be seeing a grief counselor. But really, WTF am I supposed to do?
I dont post much, but I figured there would be someone out there who has either been through something like this or knows someone who has. I need advice.
ps. Forgive the crappy grammar. Its late.
I feel you, dude. My 18-year old kid sister got killed in a car accident (by a speeding police officer w/o his lights on, mind you). It"s going to take a long time to get to the point where life feels normal again, but it will happen.
The thing that used to happen to me is I would go through bouts of insomnia where 5-6 nights a week I would wake up about 20 minutes after I initially fell asleep and start freaking out, thinking about how even after she died, I could hear her computer fan blasting, smell the lingering perfume near her door at my parents house, all that kind of shit. Flashbacks of the scene, dealing with lying cops and such. I completely mentally freaked out, thought there"s no point in living if it all just ends in blackness and a bloody handbag near a thrashed SUV.
The one thing that helped me out was thinking about the future, in the long term. Every time I would freak out, I would feel an incredible sense of urgency, like my life was going to end in the next year, and what have I done with my time?
It was about 8 or 9 months for me where I thought there was no point in doing anything on this earth, whatsoever. Everything felt absolutely pointless, and even though everyone told me "dude, life is worth living," I couldn"t bring myself to agree. The thing I eventually realized is its not that life is worth living or the planet or society is anything special, but rather that I myself am worth pursuing and developing. Just focus on your talents, what you can do that makes you unique, and realize that even though it literally does feel like gravity tripled and you can barely walk, in the long term, you"re going to be happy. It"ll happen for you.
Get together with some friends and drink a few beers or some wine, don"t get drunk, just hang out, and you"ll realize that your friends love you, you can make people laugh, your life is worth pursuing. It sounds very self-centered, but I don"t mean this to take the focus off of your gf. It"s not that it helps you forget about her, but it strengthens your ability to accept what has happened if you feel good about your own self.
1 - get a haircut - seriously, I remember very distinctly the first haircut I got after my sister died and how much more I felt ready to take on living. Sounds silly but it made me feel better, at least temporarily.
2 - don"t go fucking a bunch of girls thinking it"s going to help. it"s just going to make you more miserable.
3 - don"t drink yourself into a hole. if you"re miserable and miss your gf like I miss my sister, stay alert of your feelings and don"t try to escape them.. days are gonna come even years down the line where you just break down into tears at the most inopportune time. just let that happen...
I never saw a grief counselor, but my mother and sister did. I can"t say that I would recommend it, seeing what happened with them - maybe the counselor wasn"t doing the best job but it seemed like they weakened as human beings, conceded their own willpower and started blaming all their mistakes on the grief. It made them (especially my mother) unwilling to acknowledge any sort of self-respect. At least that"s how I saw it.
Hope this helps, man. I know exactly how you feel...
Don"t look to other people to try to make you feel better about it. God dammit if the most annoying thing in the history of humanity isn"t when people tell you "she"s in a better place now." Just say sorry, and move on. Talking about it with other people doesn"t help anyone unless you have something you need to say.
Now would also be a good time to re-evaluate things in your life you"d been tolerating and just remove them. Consider moving, getting a new job, all that kind of stuff. When my sister died, for a few months I kept dating this girl I had been seeing since before her death. When I finally looked at the situation I was in, I realized "life is too fucking short," and kicked that bitch to the curb.
See your friends as often as possible. Realize your own value - it"ll help you deal with the extreme emotional and mental cacophony you"re experiencing.