<Prior Amod>
Lets hope, I"ve never done anything like that before. Yesterday I texted her, asked how she was feeling, she said not so hot, we texted for a bit then she asked if I had any IM"s, I gave her my yahoo and chatted with her for a few on there, told her I had to go. (girl was coming over)Dabamf said:Well done tarrant. Ballsy move on the canceling chick but it worked and now she"s in the palm of your hand.
Nodrama-ex came over, we watched some football, I told her I had a Fantasy Basketball draft to deal with in the early evening, she said that was fine. We hung out, we teamed up together in the kitchen and made dinner. (I love cooking and she knows it something I enjoy doing with her) It was a nice evening all in all I think she wanted to bring up "us" but she backed out of it a few times. She asked me if I was seeing anyone else, If I thought this time was any different then last time.
I told her I wasn"t tied down to anyone else I wouldn"t have had her over, (I dropped that subject quickly) and that I really liked the fact that even though we had busy schedules that we were both able to balance things out and it"s a shame it didn"t happen sooner. She seemed content with those answers so I let it go. I think that conversation is going to come up soon though so I need to figure out whats going on with everything else before I figure out which I"m the most compatible with.
After she left I hopped on the computer and the girl who canceled on my IM"ed me strait away asking if I had a nice afternoon/evening. We chatted a bit, she seems to be the one coming to me more often then not so that"s a nice change of pace. It still blows my mind how that"s turning out so far.
Anyways, now begins the long work week, doubtful I"ll see any of them till the weekend.