Tarrant, I"ll just say that if you"re not used to the situation, you REALLY gotta keep up the hard-to-get routine or she"ll lose interest quick. And it"s not surprising you said the girl is more attractive than you"ve ever gone out with. Being unobtainable is a million times more effective with gorgeous women because most guys would do anything to get a girl like that, so they"re extra used to being pursued like crazy. In some ways its easier to get a gorgeous woman than a 7-8.
Where I always go wrong is I drop the "don"t care" attitude right when I start liking her a little and the girl starts showing more interest in me, and it usually goes bad then. The biggets problem with getting women to chase you is that they can get bored quick if they aren"t discovering anything that interesting or if you suddenly start showing that you like them. Qualification here is HUUGE. You can"t just start showing more interest gradually without obvious cause. You absolutely have to qualify her hardcore before you show interest. "Oh you read a lot? I think that"s awesome, hardly anyone reads these days." Criteria laid out, positive evaluation, and make her feel special/better than other people.
Random update on me. DG and I plateaued, as I expected. We hit a point where I really can"t find out anything else about her due to the language restriction. She knows more about me because her English comprehension is better than my Korean, but it"s still limited. I really enjoy her company, and we get along great, but most days with her are pretty much the same. It doesn"t help that our dates are predictable and mundane since we don"t have time to go anywhere different due to her working 70 hours a week. It"s a shame, because I see hints of characteristics that I always look for in girls, but can"t really explore more deeply. It"s what I expected though so I"m not really bummed about it. I still enjoy her company and we"ll still hang out for the time being.