Eomer, if there"s EVER a time to say "never again," this is it. Hopefully that cemented in your mind that shit is never fucking gonna work out with this girl.
You will know the answer why she was acting like she is. Don"t contact her ever again, see other women, and move on with your life. In a year when you are slightly more mature (I"m not sayin you"re immature, you"re older than me, just saying a year from now you will be more than you are now) and have moved on from her, I"d put a lot of money on you being able to look back and know EXACTLY where you went wrong. This has happened with me for every chick I fucked up. Months or a year later I look back and the answer is clear as day.
You will know the answer why she was acting like she is. Don"t contact her ever again, see other women, and move on with your life. In a year when you are slightly more mature (I"m not sayin you"re immature, you"re older than me, just saying a year from now you will be more than you are now) and have moved on from her, I"d put a lot of money on you being able to look back and know EXACTLY where you went wrong. This has happened with me for every chick I fucked up. Months or a year later I look back and the answer is clear as day.
I still don"t think keeping it this early is a good idea, but I like this post. This thread is stupid as hell with naysayers about everything.Tarrant220 said:People are so cynical about shit, our first reaction is to foresee failure and we wonder why society as a whole is so fucked up, we wonder why relationships are so fucked up. 90% of this thread is cynical people posting negative things with low expectations of how everything and anything will turn out poorly.