Ok, first I said Cream Pie"ing as a joke and left it... But I came back in, ninja edited and added that what i was saying WAS a joke... Then I informed you that I over looked where you said you pulled out.Tarrant220 said:Brad are you really this retarded? I had a condom on, said condom tore, on the side, as in had a fucking hole in the side where I don"t know if it was too thin in that place or what because if the whole damn thing had just broke I would have known. (condom I used were trojan ecstasy)
Shit leaked out obviously. It doesn"t take much.
When I came, I pulled out.
There wasn"t anything else that could have been done, I"ve been nice and patient with your posts (even apologizing when I may have been a bit rude) but now you"re going out of your way to just be a jack hole.
O Rly? Please show me the list youre reading from.TheCutlery said:And honestly man, if you think the only thing you"re fucking up on is being obsessed for your ex, you"re not reading far enough down the list. Cut him some slack.
It"s true it "doesn"t take much" but you might want to get a paternity test.Tarrant220 said:Brad are you really this retarded? I had a condom on, said condom tore, on the side, as in had a fucking hole in the side where I don"t know if it was too thin in that place or what because if the whole damn thing had just broke I would have known. (condom I used were trojan ecstasy)
Shit leaked out obviously. It doesn"t take much.
When I came, I pulled out.
There wasn"t anything else that could have been done, I"ve been nice and patient with your posts (even apologizing when I may have been a bit rude) but now you"re going out of your way to just be a jack hole.
Because we know that statistically 1/10 to 1/5 children in committed relationships are not the children of the father who thinks they are, despite "always being around" each other, "love", or any other reason.Tarrant220 said:That would insinuate I wouldn"t trust her, and we"re pretty much always around one another. I"m about the most paranoid guy in the world when it comes to that (I had to get my first born tested to make sure he was mine) and even if I had the feeling of her cheating I honestly don"t know when it could have happened.
Again, not sure why everyone on here always assumes the worst in a siatuation, I would hate to live my life that way though.
While it"s certainly possible that you had a kid as a result of 1 of 2 minor condom breaks it seems very possible also that she had sex with another dude.Tarrant220 said:I have no reason to believe she was cheating, assuming she did for no reason is beyond retarded. I"ve no reason to not trust her.
And if you were in a committed relationship and every time (assuming you had more then one kid) and you demanded a test each time....holy shit I feel sorry for whoever would be willing to stick around for that kind of insult time and time again.
i think theres a disconnect here. i think personally theyre overreacting but again while i understand the need for positivity for your own sake i do think youre refusing to understand (or communicate as such) the legitimacy of the sentiment behind their overreaction. and thats why theyre reacting that way.Tarrant220 said:LoL Alright, you guys are right, I should obviously live in paranoia and fear, I mean all the cool kids are doin it right?
My last post in this thread. Peace Out.
Etoille said:i think the calls for a paternity test are a little premature no pun intended.
he cant do one now at this stage and asking for one would serve no purpose other than to cause stress which isnt good for anyone and if it is his he"ll regret for a lifetime.