Cross posting because it"s more relevant here:
How do you figure? Because I haven"t married someone or stayed in relationships that weren"t going to work out long term suddenly I"m failing at interpersonal relationships? Fuck that, I can interpersonal the shit out of most people, I"m well liked and have a large circle of friends, whether or not you get married or are continually in long term relationships is only a small part of someone"s "interpersonal relationships."
And as someone pointed out, you"re the fucknut who went through a divorce with a woman that you hated by the end of your marriage, then went and got someone else pregnant before the papers were even signed. If I recall correctly.
Not to mention your snowballing habit. /rimshot
And that"s the funny thing about women. Because roughly translated, that still meant something along the lines of "if you buy me shinies I"ll be very happy (and possibly do things dirtier than normal)." She just doesn"t know it until she opens the box.
As it turns out I"m probably not gonna be in town on the actual day, which alone takes pressure off. We"ll probably do something on the usual Monday, if she"s around. It"s a holiday that day as well, maybe go skating and cook at my place. To be honest I"ll probably get her to cook, since I"m mediocre at best and she enjoys cooking anyway. Cooking for someone as a guy is something you do for a girlfriend, not someone you"re just starting to date. In my opinion. But girls will cook for the sake of it.