Will you be in town for Saturday? Aim for saturday, and get her a small box of chocolates. Doing something the day after the holiday is about as good as forgetting about it (or avoiding it). Not to mention that she might want to be with her family ON FAMILY DAY.Eomer said:As it turns out I"m probably not gonna be in town on the actual day, which alone takes pressure off. We"ll probably do something on the usual Monday, if she"s around. It"s a holiday that day as well, maybe go skating and cook at my place. To be honest I"ll probably get her to cook, since I"m mediocre at best and she enjoys cooking anyway. Cooking for someone as a guy is something you do for a girlfriend, not someone you"re just starting to date. In my opinion. But girls will cook for the sake of it.
You"ve had a bunch of dates with her; certainly more than enough to not ignore the holiday. Don"t blow it.
edit: Also, don"t GET her to cook. Maybe invite her to HELP you cook which will inevitably lead to her doing most of the cooking and you helping out. But at least make it seem like you genuinely wanted to do most of the work.