Incognitogamer said:
Here"s my problem: 90+% of the women"s profiles I look at just don"t seem like someone I would enjoy talking to in the first place.
If you"re saying I should send them out "en masse" without even looking at the profile or some sort of forethought then that"s just as retarded as asking out every single girl I see in a given day - Sure some of them might say yes, but I"ll prolly reach the "Oh" moment pretty fucking fast.
I want to at least think that this has a modicum of potential before initiating a full-on conversation.
I"ve probably sent the message to about 75 girls now. Of those, I"ve probably had 25 responses, 20 long conversations, 10 phone numbers, have met 3 so far, and fucked 2 of them. That"s actually pretty sad. I have plans to meet three more of them, but I may have found a girl worth dating, the one I posted about last night, myspace girl #3. I think I will like her.
For me bro, it seems the profiles the girls write are complete shit. They just write shit and it never reflects who they are.
I do think you should send the message "en masse." Just see if you are physically attracted to the girl and then send it. Don"t even bother reading her profile. Only read her profile *after* she gives you a nice reply to the divorce-opener. I think it"s quicker to just send the message instead of reading all the boring shit she probably wrote about her self. The only relevant shit in her profile is if she has kids or not.
I think it"s too easy to think you (not you, I mean a generic "you" as in any random person) don"t have anything in common with girls when reading their profile. What I look for now, is I see that they enjoy something like 4 wheeler riding in the mud. Well, I don"t do that. But that means they enjoy getting dirty and having fun. That"s cool, I like that too! That"s the kind of girl that would enjoy being brought to a shooting range for a first date (I brought a girl yesterday to shoot a Glock 17 at the shooting range, it was both of our first times basically shooting a pistol, and the guy just gives us the guns and bullets. I also got a blowjob and two fucks because it was such an awesome idea for a "date.")
Also I think that girls really don"t know who they are sometimes. I think they have almost no idea what they want. Some girls want to have the bad girl image, but in reality they are the sweetest little things on earth. And sometimes it"s vice-versa. Like they said above, get to know the girl by talking with her in messages and on the phone, don"t trust her profile.
Also, I think that most girls suck. Their personalities suck, their general attitude towards life sucks, they are dumb, whatever. I find it extremely difficult to find a girl that I could stand to be with. I try to meet around 5 women per week, and I find that I seem to find one girl I like every six months. That means that I"m meeting hundreds of women, screening them, and deciding that I could not be with them. The one thing I"ve noticed is that I will end up liking a girl who I never ever ever ever ever in a million years would have imagined even existed, much less that I would like her! Ie, the last girl I gave a shit about (the reason I created this thread), was a divorced Muslim with a kid. If you would have told me ahead of time I"d e attracted to that, I would have laughed in your face! So, you never know what kind of girl you will like. If you"re attracted to her physically, give her a shot mentally. The worst that happens is you have an awkward date and you end up with a new friend (or never talk again.)
Eomer said:
*shrug* I"m a single guy in my mid to late 20"s who likes going away for weekends or travelling and in general having a good time. I"m not a bar star anymore, but I do still drink on a fairly regular basis.
It"s awesome that you guys enjoy having children, but it"s something that I"m totally unprepared for at this point and not really interested in dealing with. Like it or not, kids do get in the way of a lot of stuff.
I mean fuck, I won"t even get a dog or cat because that shit is too much responsibility.
I"m in basically the same boat you are bro. I"m honestly, honestly looking for a wife too. But if I"m not meeting her, I will be serially fucking in the mean time. I"m a horn dog dude, I love sex and I love the chase of getting pussy from a new girl. I love the fact that a beautiful girl who most guys would kill themselves to smell her panties is sucking on my dick. That said, honestly, I would kill to find my Ms. Right and have a happy relationship for the rest of my life. I have zero problems with monogamy.
Like you, I really don"t like the idea of my girl having kids. But if it"s one of the girls I"m strangely attracted to I can deal with it, but it is a weird thing. And to be honest (I"m sorry if this offends anyone, Vat, I love you man), they do get in the way like you said. I was hooking up with one girl and her kids in the next room crying. It was so odd. Plus I don"t know if I"m capable of loving the little kid of someone else. I guess I could be. I don"t know. It"s just a weird thing, and to me I have to be really, really attracted to the girl to deal with that. And like someone else said, you always have to deal with the dad of the kid, and it"s always going to be strange.
I just totally agree with you.
By the way I"m off today and I"m drunk, so forgive spelling errors, holes in logic, leaps of stupidity, etc.