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He got the Hedberg reference. You got half of it.Grayson Carlyle said:Are you guys retarded? "Head shit" is not Mitch, "Cranium Accessories" is. Try to follow along.
-edit- Alright, let me explain... I was making fun of Salshun for missing the Hedberg reference... you two goofs were doing what exactly? Contemplating your navels?
The whole joke is saying Cranium Accessories and then after the audience laughs saying they"re a smart audience, because for some crowd"s he has to dumb it down to "head shit"
All the fail is on your part.
Edit: This is the actual Hedberg bit in question
I was at a bar once, and no one was talking to me "cuz I just did a show, and I ran into a guy, and instead of saying "excuse me" he said "get the hell out of my way,", so I said "Go to hell", and I ran away. He caught up to me, he had on a hat, a nose ring, an eybrow ring, a goatee, a tongue ring, and 3-earings. He said "Hey man, you have a lot of nerve," and then I said "Hey man, you have a lot of cranium accessories." (crowd laughs) You guys are a smart crowd, when I do the dumber crowds, I have to say "Hey man, you have a lot of shit on your head!"