Girls who broke your heart thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Needless said:
related to my previous post, I"m trying to find something to do during the evenings, i"m currently considering a 2nd job as one of my higher options as it"ll give me more money and i"ll meet some new people.. i haven"t really reconnected to anybody since i moved back to this city, either that or possibly take some later classes. Any suggestions on some indoors evening/night time hobbies though? My only real hobby is photography, i consider gaming to be a filler now adays which is far too frequent and less appealing lately.

I currently do web development from home, so my social interaction is next to nothing, which is why a more social possible retail job or something during the evenings maybe a good idea?
Habitat for Humanity Int"l

They wouldn"t let me volunteer in August, but come September my ass is gonna be out on a rooftop nailing shit in, if you catch my meaning.


Zehn - Vhex said:
Lost is my anti-drug.

Lost, I"m not even gonna attempt that one. Girls that young are all over the map, YOU"RE all over the map, and you"re all doing drugs on a regular basis so who knows what behavior is real or from drugs.

Not even worth thinking about, even for you. Just do what you wanna do.


<Bronze Donator>
Eh, 22. Yeah you"re right, just wanted to see if anyone had be in that situation and had some reasoning. I only smoke and maybe once or twice a week.

But you"re right, thats what I"m saying, hard to tell what behavior was sober or not.

I am going to just leave it, stopping all contact on my end, if she wants to pick it up thats her choice. I dont want to date her anyway, but refuse to be some gay guy friend.

I edited it all out, dont like writing all that on public forum and leaving it for long (drug related), but in reality probably was silly to ask about all that.

It did blow my mind about being all over me then 2 days later wanting to be friends tho


Blood for the blood god. The Internet does not forget and neither should you
posted for posterity

So I had a DIFFERENT ex hit me up on fb and ask to hang out, took her out a week ago to see Expendables..

Told her it"d be a date, paid for everything, and during movie she goes, well i left my jacket in my car, can you put your arm around me?

Start cuddling, she"s holding my hand with one hand while she rubs up and down my arm with the other, why she frequently leans her head back in my lap to talk to me (thinking what im thinking?) so I eventually feel like taking the bait and kissing her on the .. fourth lean back?

After that, the gummie bears I bought her she kept putting into her mouth so I could take them out, and she never stopped rubbing up my arm..

Movie ended and soon as we get up, she grabs my hand and holds it, and walks out with me, says how my shirt looked good etc etc.. we go pick up some green and get blazed.

She passes out in my lap at the park in her neighborhood where we smoked, took her home and kissed her goodnight.

So, anyway theres multiple points I want to ask about, but continuing on.. I"m on my way home and this is a 40 minute drive home, I swear every 5 minutes I would either ask myself where am I or how far on this road until I have to turn, like constantly forgetting where I was while driving (i only smoked).

Friend thinks she might have laced the joint we smoked.. she is prescribed blues.

Okay so thats one thing I wanted to ask about, what do you guys think (about forgetting while driving?)

Also, we ended up talking a few days later because I felt like I was always starting the conversations, waited about 2 days after I dropped her off to see if she"d bite and start up a convo with me first, but eventually gave in and started talking..

She suddenly just wants to be friends and doesnt know "what got into her" at the movie date.. I told her straight up not happening, but I had told her I"d take her to register for her classes and ended up doing that the next day.. after that she takes me to Moes as reward for taking her to register and somewhere in the convo asks me "well am I gonna see u again? are we really done like you said after today?" (I had told her we"d stop hanging after registering since she wanted to be friends and I didnt)

I thought that might have been a hint that she is going to accept me wanting to be more than friends (but not be exclusive - we both said dont want to date), fast forward we go to one of my friends house gatherings (gathering cuz its small) and end up doing some absinthe and other recreational things.. Nothing happened, she had to go to work early and we left early before could get into things..

Half way through the night she said she was on her period so I figured that was a good reason why nothing happened.. except fact we got to talking about girls with hair on their nipples and she whips her top off and says look i dont have that.. to which i slowly get closer and almost start sucking on her nipple before she whips her top back on to stop me.

Yeah. Just told her tonight we should probably slow down on hanging out, perhaps stop it all together.

So what do you guys think about all this, why was she all over me at the movies then suddenly not? I mean full on tongue kisses and all that.

I also wondered about why she kept rubbing my arm, literally the whole movie, made me wonder if she was on something due to her "not knowing what got into her at the movie" etc

And yeah.. that weed and forgetting? hmm.

It"s weird because I used to hook up with this girl all the time a few years ago, sometimes during other relationships we cheated with each other, so i cant imagine going back to being friends, we never were friends to begin with, straight into dating n banging. She was just asking the other night who did I have sex with more, my most recent ex I posted about, or her, and who was better etc..

It"s hard to know how she is I guess cause I feel like she blows a blue every couple hours I"m with her.. crazy, and yeah I should avoid that shit anyway.


Avatar of War Slayer
Everything I read (minus the weed smoking) sounds like EXACTLY what my ex did. Short and simple- She wants you around until someone else better comes around. She is comfortable with you, so its easy on her. Dont do it man. I swear, she is going to fuck you over.

I know from experience and it was from someone that used to love me with all her heart.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
Everything I read (minus the weed smoking) sounds like EXACTLY what my ex did. Short and simple- She wants you around until someone else better comes around. She is comfortable with you, so its easy on her. Dont do it man. I swear, she is going to fuck you over.

I know from experience and it was from someone that used to love me with all her heart.
Well, you won"t see this often, but Brad is right. If you can"t take control of her completely then don"t bother even speaking to her if you weren"t friends with her before hand.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Zakas said:
I can"t remember if there was discussion on this but is okcupid or plenty of fish better?
Try both see which one has better girls in your area.


Zakas said:
I can"t remember if there was discussion on this but is okcupid or plenty of fish better?
my experience says PoF is fatties/girls with kids but more DTF, OKC is mostly trendier girls who are looking for dating.


<Prior Amod>
So not sure if anyone remembers this far back....but crazy ex (the one I was with for awhile and for awhile was interested in "winning back" before I said fuck it and took the new and improved me out on the market to have some fun)....has been texting me.

Her life hasn"t been the same, no one has treated her like I did and she now realizes how much she loves me (yes, loves me) and misses me. If anything she would like to get together and talk and if I"m still committed to my current path she would at least like to have one massive fuck fest before I"m married as a send off before I fully commit to someone and get married.

I couldn"t make this shit up if I tried.


Tarrant220 said:
So not sure if anyone remembers this far back....but crazy ex (the one I was with for awhile and for awhile was interested in "winning back" before I said fuck it and took the new and improved me out on the market to have some fun....has been texting me.

Her life hasn"t been the same, no one has treated her like I did and she now realizes how much she loves me (yes, loves me) and misses me. If anything she would like to get together and talk and if I"m still committed to my current path she would at least like to have one massive fuck fest before I"m married as a send off before I fully commit to someone and get married.

I couldn"t make this shit up if I tried.
I remember that! She probably just got dumped. Clearly if she"s serious about winning you back you can get her to put FoHSS on her tits. You"ll never know when you need currency like that.

The Ancient_sl

Aulirophile said:
I remember that! She probably just got dumped. Clearly if she"s serious about winning you back you can get her to put FoHSS on her tits. You"ll never know when you need currency like that.
This man speaks the truth.


<Bronze Donator>
Brad2770 said:
Everything I read (minus the weed smoking) sounds like EXACTLY what my ex did. Short and simple- She wants you around until someone else better comes around. She is comfortable with you, so its easy on her. Dont do it man. I swear, she is going to fuck you over.

I know from experience and it was from someone that used to love me with all her heart.
Thanks, yeah shes more the independent type of girl from what I"ve seen and remember from before but there were ways to get control of her. Just blew my mind about her being alllll over me at movies then suddenly doesnt know what got into her, think she blew a few too many blues.

Maybe she just liked the fact that I said it was a date so she figured she had to be all over me.. lmao, just making up stuff now.

Anyway yeah told her we need to stop hanging out, she was like yeah obviously ur intentions arent good for u, i was like yep okay cya. She obviously isnt trying to hard to keep me around, what you"re saying sounds more like my previous ex which I finally got rid of. This one is more independent and made it clear she doesnt want to date (and I said I didnt either). She"s workin 50 hours a week and taking school so yeah, dont think she"s bothered by not having me around. Time will tell.

I start work today anyway, should be good for my mind. That ex was really only occupying my mind against my previous, ironically these girls come to me.


Toe Sucker
Needless said:
not heartbroken, however i have a question for some people, perhaps melia specifically.

Any of you familiar with a INFJ personality? 8 months later my girlfriend finally tells me why she withdraws once in awhile and links me this article. Keep in mind when she "withdrawls" apparently she just wants time for herself, she doesnt do anything shady behind my back or anything, which i wouldnt expect anyway

In the past when shes done this, i"ve taken it personally.. no word why or an extreme lack of communication tends to make you guess whats going on right? especially when it goes from lovey dovey one day to nadda half an hour later for the next couple days or so. This sort of thing gives me an understanding to why she acts this way.. but would it still be considered a "red flag"?.
I"ve been reading more into this "introvert" personality, i"ve also been taking into consideration of all the additional red flags that i"d get when a woman just seems to be losing interest in you... and all of them are there, not just wanting alone time. much less frequent communication in general, a lot more planning just herself in the near future with "you might be there, but nobody can predict the future" in her long term goals, direct quote. has little reliancy on me very unresponsive to any deep conversations about us.

On the other hand, she still does make plans for us, still supports me in trying to get more independent myself and still shows affection, not everything is grim by any means, but its just such a drastic 180 degree turn since she got back from her 3 week trip to China.

I may be over thinking it but I really don"t think I am when i realize that all of these kind of things are pretty evident and being "Introverted" doesn"t seem like its the reason for it all right?


Toe Sucker
heh yeah probably, just kinda noticed last night on the phone she brought up how its important that we have "our own lives outside of each other incase we aren"t together in the future"

she just used it as a realistic example but it still kind of odd to point out


Toe Sucker
nah, i"m not that kind of person. I think im just having a lot of trouble adapting to this, i"m a very cynical person, and its hard to see anything past that.