Girls who broke your heart thread


Unless she"s a crazy sociopathic bitch?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
But a girl doesn"t become scared of a dude if all he did was tell her to stop pinching him.
Personally I think it was poor judgement on their parts and I"m sure he cleaned up his version of events, but if all he did was yank her close and spit words at her in anger, I have a hard time considering that as abuse or an assault unless there is a pattern of it (and Heylel failed to mention anything like that).

I"m not saying she wasn"t scared or that Heylel didn"t do something to scare her, it"s just that it seems that it"s pretty much penny ante crap in the larger scheme of things.


Molten Core Raider
Unless she"s a crazy sociopathic bitch?
In which case you dump her and move on. Either he"s a liar or she"s psycho, most likely a little bit of both. In either case I"m wondering where the picture of her tits with the FoH stamp on them is.


Vyemm Raider
projectoffset said:
Unless she"s a crazy sociopathic bitch?
On that note...

I dunno bout all o chu guys, but women scare the crap out of me these days. I am constantly evaluating my surroundings to make sure I am NOT alone with a woman I am not familiar with. I have had too many friends end up in some kind of trouble because some girl claims they felt threatened and there were no witnesses to verify the truth. So based entirely on her statement, he finds himself in a bad situation.

So now I am like fuck it. If a girl needs a ride home and I don"t know her, I tell her to grab a cab. I was driving out of the school at midnight a few weeks back and there was a really cute girl hitchhiking home... at midnight. She may as well have been wearing a RAPE ME sign on her back. So, I stopped, said she was nuts, called her a cab and gave her money for the fare. I however, had no intention of letting her in my car. And no, she wasn"t a hooker. Those all hang out down by the empty strip malls.

Maybe I am a paranoid motherfucker, but as I am starting a new job where I will finally be accruing money rather than debt, I am seeing the world in terms of liabilities and not opportunities. I guess right now I see two choices: Be a nice guy and get fucked in the ass OR be a pseudo douche bag and enjoy not passing blood when I poop.



Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Not that paranoid. The law thesedays is incredibly rigged against the man no matter what.

Look at the Duke rape case and the hell those guys went through. Or the numerous amount of women who make up rape stories (Thankfully, some of them FINALLY are starting to get sent to jail for it). If there is ever a domestic dispute, there is a very large chance the man is going to jail, even if everything was truly her fault. This is why lawyers will tell you if you"re a man and your woman is abusing you in an argument, never call the police on her.

(edit) Erronius above is 100% correct, though it can ALSO happen even if she lays your hands on you first because its your word against hers and most of the time the police will believe her over you. If she slugged you in the face and you pushed her out of the house in self defense and left a little bitty scratch on her, you"re ass is going to be thrown in jail and you"re going to get to spend thousands on bail and legal fees.

The system will always destroy the mans life well before he"s actually put on trial to prove his innocence and his reputation and the like is likely ruined for life, even if he did nothing wrong. It is incredibly unfair, and extremely discriminatory against the man.

It"s disgusting.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
My brother dated a girl last summer who turned out to be a total psycho. They break up so her and her friends show up at our house, take a netflix disc and some other mail out of our mailbox, throws it in the woods, and then eggs/ketchups our mailbox.

Her dad showed up the next day extremely apologetic. We find out later from family friends who have a daughter that went to the same high school as this girl, that she had a criminal record, because the summer before she screamed rape at a party, and the cops showed up, busted like 20 kids for drugs and alcohol.

Bitches be crazy.


One day in college my friend was super wasted and lost his key card for the dorm building. Another guy who lived in the building but was a stranger came up and opened the door for him, and as my friend entered he yelled, "I RAPED A BITCH!" The guy chased him down the hallway but my friend got away.

True story.

(he didn"t actually rape the bitch in question)


Pancreas said:
On that note...

I dunno bout all o chu guys, but women scare the crap out of me these days. I am constantly evaluating my surroundings to make sure I am NOT alone with a woman I am not familiar with. I have had too many friends end up in some kind of trouble because some girl claims they felt threatened and there were no witnesses to verify the truth. So based entirely on her statement, he finds himself in a bad situation.

So now I am like fuck it. If a girl needs a ride home and I don"t know her, I tell her to grab a cab. I was driving out of the school at midnight a few weeks back and there was a really cute girl hitchhiking home... at midnight. She may as well have been wearing a RAPE ME sign on her back. So, I stopped, said she was nuts, called her a cab and gave her money for the fare. I however, had no intention of letting her in my car. And no, she wasn"t a hooker. Those all hang out down by the empty strip malls.

Maybe I am a paranoid motherfucker, but as I am starting a new job where I will finally be accruing money rather than debt, I am seeing the world in terms of liabilities and not opportunities. I guess right now I see two choices: Be a nice guy and get fucked in the ass OR be a pseudo douche bag and enjoy not passing blood when I poop.

I"m extremely paranoid like my father. I now have a pen that can record in audio and video. At first I only used it for recording lectures but if I"m ever in an incriminating situation I will casually turn it on; if I"m questioned by police or a woman, I will automatically turn it on. I always wanted to get a hidden camera in my car incase a cop would ever try to fuck with me but this spy pen does the trick just fine.

So maybe you can get some kind of secret video/ audio device to protect yourself incase anything bad happens.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Pancreas said:
I guess right now I see two choices: Be a nice guy and get fucked in the ass OR be a pseudo douche bag and enjoy not passing blood when I poop.

I dunno. When I try to think of any instances where women have done this, it"s been while dating or in a relationship that I"ve seen, and not a random woman on the street corner or in a bar or something. I"d have to say that in my own experience it"s either revenge or a trump card the times that women might do something to that, and they probably wouldn"t do it to strangers, but who knows?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Pancreas said:
I guess right now I see two choices: Be a nice guy and get fucked in the ass OR be a pseudo douche bag and enjoy not passing blood when I poop.
You need to stop living your relationship vicariously through your girlfriend and learn that everything she does/says is pretty much irrelevant in all circumstances.

If you let it all be about how you are to her, than you are soft and easily manipulated through a woman. You will be cured by realizing that what women do are void of logic.


Trakanon Raider
Pancreas said:
You"re a paranoid motherfucker, or you really need to re-evaluate the kind of people you hang out with, the places you do it in and the things you do there. Seriously. Yes, false accusations happen from time to time, but if it"s happening to you or your friends as often as you seem to indicate, something else is at play. I do not know of a single incident amongst my group of friends, and we haven"t exactly been wallflowers in our lives.


Jesus Christ, where the hell are you paranoid guys finding these people? I"ve met my fair share of crazy men and women, but goddamn.


Ravvenn said:
Jesus Christ, where the hell are you paranoid guys finding these people? I"ve met my fair share of crazy men and women, but goddamn.
Much like serial killers and pedophiles the crazies have always been out there doing this kind of thing. It"s only the mass information we get these days that educate people about what crazy people might choose to do to them. Men and women both be crazy. True story.


<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Now, I know bitches be crazy. I"ve met enough and dealt with enough crazy chicks in the last year let alone my life to this point to know that if a girls mouth is open she"s lying and blah blah blah. But a girl doesn"t become scared of a dude if all he did was tell her to stop pinching him.
In general that"s true, but you never can tell. Relevant long-winded cool story bro example follows.

I met this girl on EQ years ago, we became good friends, talked on the phone, met at a guild get together, all that shit. While there was some initial attraction (at least on my part), it got past that point and she got married and we were still good friends, I thought the guy she married was a great guy, etc.

So I go out to visit them one time (not the first time), and it"s fucking Fabled month on EQ. Ever since they introduced it she"s literally fucking obsessed with Fabled loot. She"s made alts left and right throughout our EQ careers (do all chicks do this or what??), and this Fabled loot would be for like alts #4 and beyond. So I"m there visiting and she makes me log in on one of their computers so we can go kill some bullshit Fabled mob. I don"t want to, but I do it because it"s their house, and what am I going to do, leave? I"m 1000 miles from home, so not likely. I make it known, however, that I don"t intend to spend my time there playing fucking EQ. And I said this before I even flew out there as well.

Fabled mobs have a million fucking hps and with our reduced numbers it takes awhile, but finally we"re done. And then she decides to port over and check to see if another one is up, while I"m telling her it doesn"t matter, I"m not doing it, and besides her husband is about to go to class so it would be even slower without him helping. She thinks it"s cute that I am being pissy about it, and finds out the other mob is up. I tell her nope, I"m not doing it, and I"m going to log out. She literally tells me that if I log out, I might as well just change my flight going home to tonight. At first I"m shocked, like really, all you give a fuck about is that I won"t kill this fucking Fabled mob for loot for your fucking alts? So I tell her fine, I"ll fucking kill this fucking mob. I don"t move from the chair, I don"t call her a name, I don"t raise my hand, nothing. But it"s quite obvious that I"m beyond pissed.

Suddenly she logs out and leaves the room, and I"m like wtf? Then I hear her telling her husband (who heard the entire discussion) that she doesn"t want him to go to class, because she doesn"t want to be alone with me. I"m completely boggled now, and I ask wtf she"s talking about. She refuses to speak to me, but the gist of it is that she felt that I might hit her. I"ve never hit her, I"ve only even been physically in her presence for a couple of weeks total, and I"ve never even told her stories of hitting someone, being violent, whatever. It takes hours of course (with her husband being late to class no less) before she decides to tell me that her dad hit her when she was younger, and before he did he"d sound like I sounded.

Now, I know from what she"s told me previously that we"re talking slapping her in the face, probably spankings when she was younger, and only a couple of times, so it"s not like he got out the belt and whipped her bloody every night. I"m also not saying he should have done it (or perhaps he should have done it more?), but we"re not talking molestation or excessive beatings either. Yet here I am, keeping my anger in and *not* doing any of those things, and because I sounded like he did, now she"s afraid to be alone with me. How was I to know that she"d have a "Nam flashback and freak out on me, when I didn"t even do anything? And just as importantly, why can"t I be the one to freak out over not wanting to spend my time visiting them playing EQ? Why was that wrong of me, but her reaction was ok?

TLDR: Sometimes it just doesn"t fucking matter what you do, bitches be crazy and you won"t find out until you cross some line in their head that you"re totally unaware even exists. Perhaps in Heylel"s situation, being "grabbed" like that is one of them. Most women, from my experience, don"t like that at all, regardless of how innocent you felt it was.