Girls who broke your heart thread


Confirmed Male
Heylel Teomim said:
We talked, and by her description I"m some kind of raving madman and she doesn"t know if I"ll hurt her or not. It"s absolutely ridiculous. I"m the one with marks on me, and somehow she"s got it in her head that I"m violent. No one else at the table even saw an altercation happen (because there basically wasn"t one). The only person who even saw us speak was right across from us and didn"t know why she was upset.

I apologized, acknowledged that getting angry was an overreaction, but she absolutely will not come to terms with the fact that in order to have anoverreaction, you have to be reactingtosomething. She just got even angrier when I tried to point out I was reacting to pain.

Meh. I"m crazy about this girl, but I"m starting to think the emphasis is on the crazy.
Sorry bro, I dont really see how you can justify your reaction. My wife has physically made me bleed before, uppercutted me showing me some kind of karate move, and jabbed her finger into my eyeball, blinding me for a good 5 minutes. All I said was "ow, what the hell did you do that for", followed by her apologizing, and me saying "can you be more careful next time".

That usually does the trick...
Dis said:
Sorry bro, I dont really see how you can justify your reaction. My wife has physically made me bleed before, uppercutted me showing me some kind of karate move, and jabbed her finger into my eyeball, blinding me for a good 5 minutes. All I said was "ow, what the hell did you do that for", followed by her apologizing, and me saying "can you be more careful next time".

That usually does the trick...
Intentional vs unintentional?


The Big Mod
Dis said:
Sorry bro, I dont really see how you can justify your reaction. My wife has physically made me bleed before, uppercutted me showing me some kind of karate move, and jabbed her finger into my eyeball, blinding me for a good 5 minutes. All I said was "ow, what the hell did you do that for", followed by her apologizing, and me saying "can you be more careful next time".

That usually does the trick...
yeah i"m with you on this, i think the dude is probably a straight up nut job, and a pussy to boot. not a very good combination.


Confirmed Male
projectoffset said:
Intentional vs unintentional?
The response of "ow what the hell did you do that for" is universal in terms of intentional vs. unintentional.
Dis said:
The response of "ow what the hell did you do that for" is universal in terms of intentional vs. unintentional.
This is a problem with or without his response, whatever it may be. If she does shit like this intentionally then she"s got issues.


Confirmed Male
projectoffset said:
This is a problem with or without his response, whatever it may be. If she does shit like this intentionally then she"s got issues.
I dont know how many women you have been with, but a girl who pinches is perfectly normal in my experience. This includes my wife of 8 years.


Yea, not exactly how a girl "has issues" because of ....a pinch. They do this shit for all sorts of reasons, such as getting our attention, being playful, showing they are annoyed, etc.
Again, pinching is fine, I"ve been with girls who do that. Problem is, none of them have ever actually started bruising me because of this shit. Who would be ok with that? Yeah, manly mans, whatever, not going to QQ about it and slam her face, but that doesn"t mean it"s ok to leave physical marks like that, what the fuck?


The Big Mod
what the fuck sort of healthy young man bruises from a pinch on the arm? the only bruises i can remember having in the last 10 years were from blocking slapshots with my unpadded thighs. dude needs to see a nutritionist or some shit, he"s probably got bigger problems than this.

i had a girlfriend once who loved to bite me and would constantly bite my chest and abs, sometimes not even during sex, kind of like marking her territory i guess. it hurt like hell sometimes but it was pretty hot.

some people these days really have no idea what it means to be a man.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Pinching is just her way of getting your attention, man! Kind of how I like to put my girl in a headlock and bite a piece of her ear off. Just all in good fun!


My guess is she was being a bit immature and trying to get his attention. His reaction probably embarased her and scared her a bit. I personally don"t enjoy being scolded and cursed at, especially when a tone and phrase like he described is involved. That is scary, even coming from someone who is not violent. I"ve been scared like that, too, it really isn"t out of the norm.

It kind of reminds me of being in my younger years where I"d enjoy random tackles. Well, my ex totally took it like his bro was wrestling with him and punched me in my stomach. Then he looked baffled when I started crying (btw, if you haven"t been hit there before, it hurts and knocks the breath out of you). Needless to say, I was pretty upset and then he yelled at me because I started it.

Mind you, I"m 5"2 and about 105lbs clothed and wet. If I yell ROAR and tackle you, it"s not much different than the wind blowing.

Anyway, I have since then never initiated a playful wrestling match.


The Big Mod
Ravvenn said:
My guess is she was being a bit immature and trying to get his attention. His reaction probably embarased her and scared her a bit. I personally don"t enjoy being scolded and cursed at, especially when a tone and phrase like he described is involved. That is scary, even coming from someone who is not violent. I"ve been scared like that, too, it really isn"t out of the norm.

It kind of reminds me of being in my younger years where I"d enjoy random tackles. Well, my ex totally took it like his bro was wrestling with him and punched me in my stomach. Then he looked baffled when I started crying (btw, if you haven"t been hit there before, it hurts and knocks the breath out of you). Needless to say, I was pretty upset and then he yelled at me because I started it.

Mind you, I"m 5"2 and about 105lbs clothed and wet. If I yell ROAR and tackle you, it"s not much different than the wind blowing.

Anyway, I have since then never initiated a playful wrestling match.
pics of you clothed and wet

If the responses here are any indication then I guess he should consider himself lucky to have a table full of witnesses. Certainly we should all be sad that Ravvenn"s cutest roar got stuffed by some douchebag"s falcon punch but can you imagine how this game of telephone would now continue to play out in the world? Without witnesses this turn would move Heylel significantly closer to a cop boner surprise ending.


Molten Core Raider
I"m just trying to get this straight. He goes out with a girl he"s known for a few months. She"s relatively young still so she likes to play around, do things to get his attention, typical girl bullshit. She pinches him, he goes psycho mode grabbing her shoulder forcefully and reprimanding her like she"s a 5 year old that"s into sadism.

He later apologies with "I"m sorry baby I didn"t mean to hurt you just sometimes you make me so mad."

Yeah, not exactly sympathizing with him here. If it were the girl posting here about some dude that assaulted her after she got too playful while out in public we"d be warning her to get the fuck away.


Zehn - Vhex said:
I"m just trying to get this straight. He goes out with a girl he"s known for a few months. She"s relatively young still so she likes to play around, do things to get his attention, typical girl bullshit. She pinches him, he goes psycho mode grabbing her shoulder forcefully and reprimanding her like she"s a 5 year old that"s into sadism.

He later apologies with "I"m sorry baby I didn"t mean to hurt you just sometimes you make me so mad."

Yeah, not exactly sympathizing with him here. If it were the girl posting here about some dude that assaulted her after she got too playful while out in public we"d be warning her to get the fuck away.
Men have forgotten the art of the judiciously applied back hand.


Ravvenn said:
My guess is she was being a bit immature and trying to get his attention. His reaction probably embarased her and scared her a bit. I personally don"t enjoy being scolded and cursed at, especially when a tone and phrase like he described is involved. That is scary, even coming from someone who is not violent. I"ve been scared like that, too, it really isn"t out of the norm.

It kind of reminds me of being in my younger years where I"d enjoy random tackles. Well, my ex totally took it like his bro was wrestling with him and punched me in my stomach. Then he looked baffled when I started crying (btw, if you haven"t been hit there before, it hurts and knocks the breath out of you). Needless to say, I was pretty upset and then he yelled at me because I started it.

Mind you, I"m 5"2 and about 105lbs clothed and wet. If I yell ROAR and tackle you, it"s not much different than the wind blowing.

Anyway, I have since then never initiated a playful wrestling match.
I bet there was ticking involved though. Tickling requires a swift counter-offensive.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
There was nothing violent about it. I put an arm around her shoulder and leaned into her ear, that"s it. I could have just as easily been leaning in to kiss her had I not been upset.
Zehn - Vhex said:
he goes psycho mode grabbing her shoulder forcefully and reprimanding her like she"s a 5 year old that"s into sadism.
Zehn - Vhex said:
If it were the girl posting here about some dude that assaulted her after she got too playful while out in public we"d be warning her to get the fuck away.
You know, if I hadn"t read what he wrote and simply read people"s reactions, I"d be thinking that his GF kept tripping and falling on doorknobs or something. Even with having read what he wrote prior, there seemed to be a big enough disconnect between what he said he did and people"s reactions that I felt compelled to go back and read it again.


At worst, it sounds like he may have yanked her to him too forceably, which in reality is nothing like people are making it sound like. Psycho mode? Assaulted? I must have missed the part where he put a bar of soap in a sock and went to town on her ribs.

Heylel Teomim said:
We talked, and by her description I"m some kind of raving madman and she doesn"t know if I"ll hurt her or not.
Heylel Teomim said:
She just got even angrier when I tried to point out I was reacting to pain.
It doesn"t matter. You touched her, you used force, the ball is in her court. It doesn"t matter one iota if she pinched you hard enough to draw blood or stabbed you with a fork, short of her stabbing you in the aorta with an icepick or going after you with a crowbar like you were a headcrab, any time you lose your cool with a woman and touch her (even if you grab her wrists in self defense as she"s trying to punch you in the eye) you are automatically wrong. And while I"m sure fear might play a part (often it does, and men don"t always realize how they look or sound), her refusing to listen to any reason and holding this over you sounds more like she had her feelings hurt and is now going to rake you over the coals.

Heylel Teomim said:
I"m pretty sure half the problem is that Idon"tever get mad.She pushes buttons and I just deal with it.I finally just sorta hit my limit.
Welp, there is your problem, you came right out and said it. She pushes your buttons and you finally lost your cool. You"re a fool if she has a pattern of aggravating you and you stay with it without either trying to get her to change, or leaving the relationship completely. You could have the patience of a saint and if your GF constantly pushes your buttons, eventually it"s likely you"ll lose your temper, and by then everyone loses. Get her to change her behavior, or GTFO. /shrug

That or stay with her, and when you lose your temper and lash out in a split second of angry, poor decision making, you can come back and tell us how staying with her worked out for you. Are you the problem, is she the problem, or is it both of you?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
Well, my ex totally took it like his bro was wrestling with him and punched me in my stomach. Then he looked baffled when I started crying (btw, if you haven"t been hit there before, it hurts and knocks the breath out of you). Needless to say, I was pretty upset and then he yelled at me because I started it.

Mind you, I"m 5"2 and about 105lbs clothed and wet. If I yell ROAR and tackle you, it"s not much different than the wind blowing.
That just sounds wierd. I would have expected him throwing you over his shoulder and spinning in place until you begged him to stop for fear of puking, lol, or something similar. Falcon punch?

Throwing punches at women, whether serious or in fun, is just asking for trouble lol. I had a female friend slap boxing me once, daring me to fight back; I spent several minutes rolling my eyes but eventually I got tired of getting slapped around the head. She was standing there daring me to try to hit her, so all I did was throw a half-hearted punch at her shoulder with the intention of satisfying her (she was a tomboy, and it was DEF a buddy-punch, even less than that, like what a 10yo boy might throw). Instead I ended up just kind of hitting her in the boob as she tried to dodge (which according to her hurts rather badly lol) and while she was both laughing and going "ow!" at the same time, I ended up having to buy her drinks all night long out of guilt. Plus she kicked my ass at pool all night long too. And this was a girl who I"d seen kick guy"s asses before so I didn"t think much of just a little gentle play-punch, but I felt bad (for her boobie) all night long.

I jokingly asked her later if I could check for bruising and she said no.


Molten Core Raider
Original post Erronious.

...I got mad enough to lose my temper. I reached around to her shoulder and pulled her to me so I could keep my voice low and avoid a scene while I told her to knock it the fuck off...
If he"s later apologizing for over-reacting I"m willing to bet he did more then just lean into her tenderly and whispered to her gently that what she did really hurt and that he"d like her to not do that again.

Now, I know bitches be crazy. I"ve met enough and dealt with enough crazy chicks in the last year let alone my life to this point to know that if a girls mouth is open she"s lying and blah blah blah. But a girl doesn"t become scared of a dude if all he did was tell her to stop pinching him.

I could, of course, be completely wrong and he is no way embellishing the tale or leaving out critical elements that would color him in sour light.