Tad"s posts are informative but 100000000% off base.
No matter how expensive your car is, no matter how nice your clothes are, no matter how good looking you are, no matter how "perfect" you are for the chick if you lack confidence you havenothing.
What is itevery singlesays they find attractive in a man? Yep, confidence and humor. If you have those two you"ve got it all. Why do you think they respond so well to ballsy emails like what Aych sends? Its probably not the profile and not even the pictures of his herpies infected cock ... nope its the fact that you have the balls to just tell her what you"re thinking and be funny about it.
Seriously all these guys who say "Oh if only I had better style" or "If only I worked out more" will result in an actual real relationship piss me off. You maybe able to get pussy from it but you won"t keep the relationship around. Its cliche but if you can"t love yourself how do you expect someone else to love you?