Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aamina said:
Yes, because I don"t want to participate in sexwith another manthat means I need a sex change operation.
Start fucking her and when she brings up the idea again shrug it off, if she makes a fuss about it end it. No big deal you don"t have to worry about crossing swords and you probably get to fuck her a few times.


French Madman
Just got back home a bit drunk and wanted to bitch.

Some nights (as tonight), I end up hanging out with an old friend of mine, and his girlfriend, which is one of my ex. They started dating two years ago, soon after her and I broke up (couldn"t work between us back then, different expectations. I took it worse than her, but in the end I considered it was a good thing).

Well, now, whenever I see her, I can"t help but feel fucking attracted to her. We both changed a lot in two years, and I keep thinking that if she was single right now it could really work between us now.

We always have fun together, bringing up anecdotes of when we were together and so on. Always a lot of fun.

Anyway, she is now settled with my friend, and I"m happy for them, but sometimes I really can"t help but feeling frustrated about it.

Especially because when we dated, the thing that make us break up was that she couldn"t commit, and here we are, two years later and she"s totally committed to him.

Anyway, sorry guys, but just needed to vent. Kinda what this thread was meant for in the first place.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Malkav said:
Especially because when we dated, the thing that make us break up was that she couldn"t commit, and here we are, two years later and she"s totally committed to him.
This will make it a little clearer for you.

She couldn"t you.


French Madman
TheCutlery said:
This will make it a little clearer for you.

She couldn"t you.
I"m aware of that. Back then I was pushing way too hard toward commitment. And as she was afraid of it, it didn"t go well.

Thank god, I"ve grown since then and I"m no longer jumping straight to "we have to commit to each other" at the beginning of a relationship.

In the end, I learned a lot from my time with her, and it"s a good thing for me.

It"s just embarrassing now to feel like I"ve a crush on a girl I thought I was over.

The Ancient_sl

Malkav said:
Just got back home a bit drunk and wanted to bitch.

Some nights (as tonight), I end up hanging out with an old friend of mine, and his girlfriend, which is one of my ex. They started dating two years ago, soon after her and I broke up (couldn"t work between us back then, different expectations. I took it worse than her, but in the end I considered it was a good thing).

Well, now, whenever I see her, I can"t help but feel fucking attracted to her. We both changed a lot in two years, and I keep thinking that if she was single right now it could really work between us now.

We always have fun together, bringing up anecdotes of when we were together and so on. Always a lot of fun.

Anyway, she is now settled with my friend, and I"m happy for them, but sometimes I really can"t help but feeling frustrated about it.

Especially because when we dated, the thing that make us break up was that she couldn"t commit, and here we are, two years later and she"s totally committed to him.

Anyway, sorry guys, but just needed to vent. Kinda what this thread was meant for in the first place.
Don"t you dare start talking to this girl one on one. BRO CODE.

Focus your energy on finding a different girl. Once you get a good one, your friend"s girlfriend won"t be on your mind as much.


French Madman
The Ancient said:
Don"t you dare start talking to this girl one on one. BRO CODE.

Focus your energy on finding a different girl. Once you get a good one, your friend"s girlfriend won"t be on your mind as much.
Haha, funny you"re mentioning the BROCODE here. Fact of the matter, they started dating just a few week after we broke up, and I was not over it yet. I"d always considered him a very good friend, and someone i could trust. Well, when they started dating, I kinda took it like he broke the brocode, and didn"t talk to them for months.

Well, in the end, I got over it, and started talking with them again after meeting them at a party. Funny thing is, they admitted that my reaction to them dating was like a major roadblock in their relationship at the time, and it only went away after I started talking with them again and telling them that it was ok.

Anyway, it"s not like I"d try to get her back now. Perish the thought. It"s just that sometimes when I see her, I have that odd "crush" feeling. But it"s more like regretting things I missed because I was way too stupid, needy and pushy back when I was dating her.
I don"t know if your familiar with the feeling, but it"s just that plain old "what if?" feeling when you end up seeing an old ex years later.

Was just feeling weird about it when I posted saturday because I was pretty drunk, and needed to vent about it hehe. It"s not like I could talk about it to my other friends, would be weird.

Anyway, she"s organizing a big party that"ll last the whole weekend in a few days, and she said she"ll bring some single girls. May try to find someone interesting there. hehe


Malkav said:
Haha, funny you"re mentioning the BROCODE here. Fact of the matter, they started dating just a few week after we broke up, and I was not over it yet. I"d always considered him a very good friend, and someone i could trust. Well, when they started dating, I kinda took it like he broke the brocode, and didn"t talk to them for months.

Well, in the end, I got over it, and started talking with them again after meeting them at a party. Funny thing is, they admitted that my reaction to them dating was like a major roadblock in their relationship at the time, and it only went away after I started talking with them again and telling them that it was ok.

Anyway, it"s not like I"d try to get her back now. Perish the thought. It"s just that sometimes when I see her, I have that odd "crush" feeling. But it"s more like regretting things I missed because I was way too stupid, needy and pushy back when I was dating her.
I don"t know if your familiar with the feeling, but it"s just that plain old "what if?" feeling when you end up seeing an old ex years later.

Was just feeling weird about it when I posted saturday because I was pretty drunk, and needed to vent about it hehe. It"s not like I could talk about it to my other friends, would be weird.

Anyway, she"s organizing a big party that"ll last the whole weekend in a few days, and she said she"ll bring some single girls. May try to find someone interesting there. hehe
I say fuck both of them.

Unless your in your teens that is, cause friends will always try to get your ex"s.

He is not a friend I would want. Because he should respect the fact that you may still have feelings, and what if she then has feelings for you again?

To me, its a fucked up situation to be in and I feel for you. But to me, I would get rid of both of them in my life.

I don"t need that static in my life.

The Ancient_sl

Nah, I realize your boy broke the code by dating her that soon after you broke up. That"s not anything to forget and if you ever feel like reminding that you"ve been up in his pussy, you can do so without compunction. Just trying to reinforce that entering into that "we"re friends but attracted to eachother" quagmire with your friend"s girl who you"ve also already slept with is a bad bad thing to do.


French Madman
Bah, not in my intentions to go this way with her. In the end, I don"t think it"s anything more than my mind playing tricks on me after being single for too long.

Hell, I may have been single for a long time now, but I don"t even feel the need to get a girl right now. Far too many shit to get in order in my life before that. Sure, there is always the few moments of "god, would feel nice to have a girlfriend" sometimes, but nothing overly dramatic.

About the only thing bothering me a bit, is that when I"m a bit drunk, I end up acting like a 6 year old pulling the hairs of the girl he likes haha. I enjoy teasing her far too much I guess. Oh well, I"ll pass.

And for what happened in the past...Well, it"s in the past. I"m not one to bear grudges for long. I enjoy hanging out with them now, so all is well.

In the end, looking back, it"s my break-up with her that made me changed for the better over the last two years. After getting over the grief, I realized how bad I acted in relationships. No self respect for myself, always needy and pushy, damn afraid of being single, and it made all my relationships rotten.

So after that break-up, I worked on these things, and I think I"m a far better person now thanks to that. In the end, I feel thankful to her for breaking-up with me.
Malkav said:
It"s just that sometimes when I see her, I have that odd "crush" feeling.
As always the best way to get rid of such feelings is to whore around.

It is like the universal cure to most problems -- beside aids or other terminal disease.


i once went though a phase where i was pretty bored with the whole dating thing, and so i decided i wanted to try something a little more wild. i jumped on lavalife and started looking for the "couples looking for a man" thing.

unfortunately for me, most of those involve the guy being Bi or curious, so that severely narrowed down my options. i was looking more for a "i want to watch my wife fuck another guy" type thing.

i did get a couple of bites, but never actually went through with it. the closest i got was this one couple, who invited me over for beers to get to know them to decide whether or not we were compatible.

i go over, its a nice older couple (i was 25 or so at the time, they were probably 35-37), both fit, she was a definite MILF. we hung out, and started talking about what we were all looking for in this arrangement. i basically said that i just like to fuck, and this seemed like fun. to be honest, i couldnt have cared less about the other dude or what he was doing, i just wanted to bang this chick.

basically their reason: the wife wanted to try DP. i said good evening and left. im a pretty liberal guy, seeing a guys junk or o-face isnt gonna cross my eyes, but thats a little much for me. ive seen enough DP porn to know that the whole "its only gay if the balls touch" rule is gettin broken.

i think MMF would be fine for me, but its gotta be rotisserie style or nothing.


Kyp said:
basically their reason: the wife wanted to try DP. i said good evening and left. im a pretty liberal guy, seeing a guys junk or o-face isnt gonna cross my eyes, but thats a little much for me. ive seen enough DP porn to know that the whole "its only gay if the balls touch" rule is gettin broken.
You should have told the guy to buy a strap-on and do it himself.