Eomer said:
lol, I knew full well when I sent her that "essay" that it would probably come across as creepy. But for whatever reason I still wanted to get it off my chest and felt better for having done it. We"ll see if it blows up in my face or not.
Thanks for the date ideas.
Why do you think nervous guys calls a girl 10 times in one day after a cancelled date? To make himself feel better because he"s freaking out that she isn"t in to him anyone. He"s doing something in desperation in order to gain back control. That"s what your essay did, and you would have saved time to just called her 10 times in a row and freak her out that way.
Not tryin to come down on you, but I know your state of mind, I used to get it all the time, now I still get it if I"m really into a girl, but I"m wise enough to recognize it and prevent it from showing through too much. When you find yourself freaking out that you did xyz wrong, stop and pretend that you are a truly confident man, think what that sort of man would do, and act that out. In this case, lets say that man recognized that he was kind of an ass the day before, he probably wouldn"t say anything because he"s proud, but he might be a little more sensitive the next time. This also serves as a little hot/cold when one interaction she kinda feels rejected then you come back and make it all better.
I modeled a lot of my beginning behavior with girls around what I saw the alpha guys around me do. One of the biggest things I realized was they feel guilty about things, get down on themselves, etc just like anyone else, they just don"t express it openly even though they may subconsciously compensate for it; they are too proud. The sensitive guy personality NEVER works unless your game is ultra-tight and you are 100% perfectly happy with everything about yourself. If not (almost no one is) you appear to be too much like your average pussy-whipped guy and she starts to lump you in that category, whether you really are that guy or not.
Aych is right on the basic simple advice, stop thinking about shit so much. When you start to think about her, block it out and only allow the simple yes/no question of "do I want to see her today? and if so what do **I** want to do with her." You can then use your head ONLY to double-check and make sure you aren"t being too eager (ie we"ve hung out 3 days in a row, tomorrow I want to see her, nope can"t do that). When you base actions on "what will make her like me more," sometimes you will get lucky, but you are almost always going to make her like you less due to the incongruence between action and your personality, and the supplication that is really hard to hide.