Phoenix said:
critical thinking101;
It isnt the fact that he did/does meth, its the fact he ened up getting someone else addicted to it then pissed off when they didnt share their prostitution monies with him.
but its pretty lulzy you defend a drug addict yet attack trex lol
Wow, and what is it that ruined your brain? Lol at your concept of critical thinking.
You have yet to address a single point of mine, and you can"t even get the facts straight despite the multiple people having correctly repeated them several times.
I"m just going to assume you are trying really hard to pretend you aren"t trying to make sense at all, anything else would make me lose my faith in humanity. Are you all butt hurt about the last comment I made about your quote of no intelligent beautiful women being interested in you?
Not sure why buuut I"m going to explain this *again*. I was pissed off because she didn"t share her money with me yes, because she constantly would complain about being broke, never would contribute financially, and would constantly mooch from me leading to me supporting her as much as I possibly could when infact she was secretly way better off than me financially. You really don"t think it is reasonable to be pissed off at someone who was supposed to be an equal and serious partner who was cheating on you, lying to your face even when asked directly questioned on the subject, and misleading you to manipulate you for their own personal financial gain?
Despite all of those facts, I do forgive her. I understand she bit off more than she could chew and never would have willfully done those things if she was in her right mind. I do intend to do my best to help her out of the situation she has put herself in and support her in rebuilding a "normal" life. But I will do it from a distance as a source of motivation and guidance- not as a monogamous partner.
Other than that, she isn"t as stupid as you are, she is a big girl; she knew what she was getting into when she tried it with me. It"s pathetic you find someone being a drug addict to be a source of contempt. I am sure there have been plenty of famous people with addictions who have accomplished more positive things than you in every way. Who cares what habits a person has that only effect themselves?
Guessing phoenix is someone most people have on ignore?
Dabamf, just curious, why was it a particularily bad decision? It served every purpose I was hoping it would, with the only negative side effect (besides possibly taking some weeks whatever off my life) being the shitty relationship bullshit. Aside from your "lol I think something is bad therefore in any situation ever it must have been a bad thing to do" rhetoric, at least you have a somewhat rational view point of things. Kudos to you. Oh and a slight clarification but, I didn"t "introduce" her to it, we both tried it for the first time together. Only difference is I seemed to have more of an actual practical use, a better expectation of what was to come, and more will power. I did coke daily for about 12 months or so 5 years ago, quit cold turkey, never been tempted to use since. Sure it was enjoyable and an awesome high for the first 10 months or so, at some point it started being more a source of pain rather than pleasure, I continued using it a while out of habit but eventually decided it was time to quit. That was just one of many different phases I intend to go through in my life. Being stagnant is boring. Just so happens I am now reaching my "work on developing a stable legally self sustained life and building a solid career" phase. After that I"m sure it will be my "use my wealth to explore other cultures" phase. Who knows what lies beyond that.
Stratos: I agree with you.