What the fuck more is there to say? You got another person addicted to HEROIN you stupid fuck. Then you go and act surprised and get pissed off when she starts acting like a typical fucking heroin addict because of your actions.Hooby said:I love the way this thread turned out.
And phoenix, way to stick to your strategy of using generic insults and not replying to any specific threads of conversation. You got me buddy, you win.
Easy there, Scruff McGruffPhoenix said:What the fuck more is there to say? You got another person addicted to HEROIN you stupid fuck. Then you go and act surprised and get pissed off when she starts acting like a typical fucking heroin addict because of your actions.
The fact that you went down a path and defend it shows you are fucking scum.
Nice trainspotting reference bro.Silence said:I went forward in time and copied Hooby"s very last post on this forums.
Pasting here for ya"ll to enjoy:
So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers, all false. The truth is that I"m a bad person, but that"s going to change, I"m going to change. This is the last of this sort of thing. I"m cleaning up and I"m moving on, going straight and choosing life. I"m looking forward to it already. I"m going to be just like you: the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking ahead, to the day you die.
People think that you are a horrible human being not becauseyouuse drugs but thatyou( as your post claims) got someone else into drugs (the inference being that you got her hooked on heroin). Back pedalling from your previous claims seems revisionist.Hooby said:I love the way this thread turned out.
And phoenix, way to stick to your strategy of using generic insults and not replying to any specific threads of conversation. You got me buddy, you win.
Lmao. Congrats on having worse reading comprehension than a druggie. You are so oblivious, I"m not sure whether I should pity you or envy you. Pretty impressive how you are able to focus in on one fact with lazer like intensity and completely block out several other relevant facts. If you try hard enough maybe you will be able to figure out what I am talking about- probably not, though.Zyth said:I don"t care that you used drugs, I care that you"re still an addict who hasn"t been in recovery and you"re trying to say that using drugs was a good idea. I also care that you ruined other peoples lives over it and don"t seem to feel guilty about it, nor recognize you are about to do it to another young girl.
MOAR I like the real stuff unlike the phantom shit Dabamf been dealing for yearsJabberwhacky said:Korean Pussy
I also found it ironic.Stratos said:the "you got her into drugs and I hate you" posts are really shitty, posted by shitty people with no moral compass when it comes to those who they feel have no moral compass.
it"s hypocritical and retarded.
so you repress your nerd rage until you find someone you can conclude is scum and then you go off on them?
because that makes you a good person.
fucking lol