Girls who broke your heart thread


Avatar of War Slayer
Well, apparently women dont like poetry, because those 5 are the only responses. I am now 5 of 12.


Trakanon Raider
I ran into a girl I dated over summer on Friday at the bar. We"re still sorta friends, but I wasn"t there with her and didn"t pay much attention other than to joke around. Around an hour into the night I receive a text of "you being an asshole makes me want to make out with you".

I laughed so goddamn hard I nearly cried. It"s like everything I"ve learned about women my whole life all rolled up into a single sentence.


<Prior Amod>
Women reading this thread would do well to pay attention to that last post by Heylel. We aren"t assholes simply because we want to be, we are assholes because you want/need us to be.


Trakanon Raider
Yup, pretty much. This isn"t some crazy girl either. She"s as well adjusted as any 20-something girl I"ve ever met, from a good home, etc. I tried being the nice guy when we were dating and it got me nowhere. You"re a doormat in no time. Now that I don"t give two shits, suddenly I"m desirable again. The fact that I told her flat out that I"m no longer interested in dating her only helped. We had more & better sex on Friday night than in the month and a half we tried dating.


We need a married guy thread.

Because I"m an asshole to my wife every day, and it certainly doesn"t make her want to have anything to do with me.


Trakanon Raider
Well, those were her words. What I was actually doing was just not letting her rule my evening. I sat with my roommate & made her move to us, didn"t let her dominate conversation, and didn"t pull punches if she said something dumb. Basically, just treated her like anyone else.

"Being an assole" can pretty much just mean not putting a girl on a pedestal and being your own man. I fell into that trap despite knowing it was there when she and I dated. I"d been single for a bit and wanted it to work, and it showed. Lesson learned, again.

edit: Actually, I know exactly what did it. I"d offered to come install a fan for her when I visited her new apartment. It"s on my way home from work, and she doesn"t have the tools or skills to complete even that simple a household job. No big deal. Anyway, I"d been on my way home Wednesday and sent her a text asking her to pick me up a chicken sandwich for dinner since I"m doing her a favor. She wouldn"t do it, so I told her no sandwich, no fan. She said fine... and I went home. Later that night I get a phone call about how I stood her up and she can"t believe what an ass I am etc. I called her bluff and it bugged the hell out of her that she couldn"t manipulate me.


Heylel Teomim said:
I"d offered to come install a fan for her when I visited her new apartment. It"s on my way home from work, and she doesn"t have the tools or skills to complete even that simple a household job.

I"ve seen that porno.


Trakanon Raider
Haha. Yeah I hadn"t really considered that, but it really was just an innocent offer. It just needed doing. What pissed me off was asking her for a simple thing like picking up fast food when I was going out of my way to do a favor. If it"s not appreciated that much, then fuck em.

Course things worked out differently, so *shrug*.


Trakanon Raider
Got a call from a hammered drunk Xerxes on Friday night at midnight while I was out of town, saying she was across the street at the wine bar we"d gone to a couple weeks back and I should come down. I had a good chuckle at that, because the last time we hung out was when we"d gone to that bar, and I"d made the move on her afterwards at my place and she shut me down because she was seeing someone. I dunno if it was an authentic booty call or if she was just inviting me as a friend.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
Got a call from a hammered drunk Xerxes on Friday night at midnight while I was out of town, saying she was across the street at the wine bar we"d gone to a couple weeks back and I should come down. I had a good chuckle at that, because the last time we hung out was when we"d gone to that bar, and I"d made the move on her afterwards at my place and she shut me down because she was seeing someone. I dunno if it was an authentic booty call or if she was just inviting me as a friend.
She"s stringing you along.

Do the same to her next weekend, go as close as you can to her place and call her to come down and get drunk, see what happens. $10 says she ain"t coming anywhere near you. If that"s the case, delete her number and forget she existed.

If she does come down, go ride her like a rented mule, then do the above.


So I"ve been relying on being a "pussy monster" for as long as I can remember, especially since I"ve always known that I bust a nut pretty quickly, fapping or coitus. And even though I do come quickly, I"ve also relied on the fact that the second round+ (for me) is a lot better and a lot more spaced out, at least with fapping.

Also, most, if not all girls love when you go down on them. Most of them can easily come that way too.

So after about 5 months of dating this girl, we start banging, actual coitus. We did oral and other stuff before. Lo and behold I"ve hit another wall. I can"t last for shit whilst and it is freaking me out. On top of the fact that I have extreme pregnancy paranoia, after I bust I cannot go hard again or is itextremelydifficult to.

Even though she"s been really cool about it and says that I shouldn"t worry. I can sort of tell shes unsatisfied with our actual banging. Hell, I am!

Now, I am not gonna jump the gun and start popping pills like some people do, even though I have considered it... But I was wondering if any of you have run into this situation. We"re both pretty inexperienced but knowledgeable so it could be just nerves, proper relaxation and breathing techniques.

Personally, I am 23, slim and fit, but a very anxious and stressful person (with no real reason to be). Recently, I"ve become very bored with the everyday, even school. The only thing I look forward to is seeing my girl and thats turning out to be a partial sour point. I consider myself a pretty positive and realistic person, but maybe I could be just stressed, anxious and depressed. I"ve also stopped exercising, been wanting to start up again, but we usually end up getting all hot and bothered, and end up banging (we go to the gym together).

Lastly, I have been getting the impression that she doesn"t believe she can come and that she doesn"t like finger stimulation.

So, what do you all think?


Trakanon Raider
I dunno, there"s the usual tricks like thinking of something else, different positions that stimulate her more than you, and my buddy swears by dipping his balls in scalding hot water (I have no idea). Personally I find particular positions will either make it impossible for me to last, or spooge, depending on what you"re looking for. Then again, Diane the three or four times we had sex pretty much made me come in about 5 minutes with a different position each time, but she"s a goddamn sexual predator.


Throw on another condom or get some of that numbing gel. Premature Ejaculation, that"s what it"s called, btw. Tons of remedies, but I"d start with the thicker condoms, or some of those numbing gels. Or a condom that has the gel in it!

Some girls, also, cannot/will not orgasm. It"s often a mental block, but can by physiological. If fingering/licking her clit isn"t getting her there, and penetration doesn"t either, I"d inquire about any abuse issues. If there"s none, you might just have to try more things, as her nerve endings might not be as close to the surface as some other women.


<Prior Amod>
Eomer said:
my buddy swears by dipping his balls in scalding hot water (I have no idea)..
I would just rather not have sex at all then do that...fuck.

Honestly, no shame to getting some pills/gel or whatever to get you to last, I"d just go that route.


Trakanon Raider
Zeste is right in that some women can"t come. Or rather, haven"t in their lifetime. It"s a bummer, and it"s really not all that fun if you can"t get a girl off (what movie is it that says fucking girls who can"t come is like asking questions in a letter?). Sometimes you just need to hit your stride though. I never feel like I"m very good the first time I"m with a girl, but after a week or two you start figuring one another"s signals out.

Have her try a toy if she has one, or if it"s the kind of relationship where she"d be cool going to a shop with you make it an adventurous outing. If she can"t get off with a jackrabbit, her cunt"s broke and there"s nothing you can do about it.

A lot of what you"re describing can be attributed to stress btw. You"re getting performance anxiety and it"s becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. The same thing can happen the other direction, btw. I"ve had times where things went great the first round, but as I get older it takes a little longer for ol" sparky to stand back up and I get self conscious about it. Especially if the girl in question is insatiable. That"s when its time to let her break out the battery operated boyfriend so you can get some sleep.


Molten Core Raider
Vim said:
...I have extreme pregnancy paranoia....
I"d look into this man. I was banging a girl for a while bareback (yeah I know), she also wasn"t on anything and it fucked with me hard every single month. My problem was completely different though, i couldn"t bust a nut... we"re talking 60 minutes +. I also had some issues with the little guy being ready for more action.

I hate rubbers just as much as the next guy, but you gotta cover yourself, get her on something and you"ll feel much better.


Getting a girl to orgasm can be really difficult. 80% of women can"t cum from penetration alone (that number varies quite a bit depending on how "penetration" is defined. Some earlier studies counted the fact that penetration often stimulates the internal part of the clitoris, it isn"t just that little nub, in fact it is kind of shaped like a wishbone). On the other hand, women who have that problem have orgasmed just from thinking about orgasming with no physical stimulation at all, according to the study by Barry Komisaruk who is a professor at Rutgers.

Some tips: Women who are nervous about orgasming can be very goal-oriented. If they don"t cum, they feel like it is their fault, so theyhave toget to that point. Problem is being goal-oriented during sex skips a lot of the pleasurable stimulation that actually leads to orgasms.

Short: The female orgasm is almost entirely in their heads. A more attractive man who is a bad lover will get more women to orgasm then an unattractive man who is a good lover, because it is easier for the woman to think sheshouldbe achieving orgasm. Working on increasing how attractive women perceive you to be is going to get you a lot further then working on techniques/positions/etc., unless those things are part of some personal fantasy of the a specific woman.

The book "She Cums First" has a lot of helpful advice in this area based on a lot of the more recent studies.