Girls who broke your heart thread

Don"t know if it"s been mentioned in here before or not, but read a book called "The Lie" by Chad Kultgen. It"s fucking good and horrible at the same time. Horrible in its hauntingly realistic portrayal of a horrible breakup.


Trakanon Raider
Seethe said:
I fully expect you to defend your actions, which is cool. It"s kind of your shtick in this thread. But until you acknowledge your current approach is not going to net you the kind of girl you really should be pursuing (read, not hot, young nubiles who don"t yet have the sense God gave a goose), you"re destined to a lifetime of "Chucks."
Actually I didn"t end up doing anything about it. Call it thinking out loud or whatever, it certainly helps me to write my thoughts out both so I can evaluate for myself and also see what people have to say. The consensus of course is that I"d be wasting my time and effort.

And no, I haven"t looked up her friends to ask, nor am I friends on Facebook with her or anything like that. We haven"t texted since the last time we hung out. Barring running in to her or drunk texting, it"s a dead issue.

James said:
I"ve got a giant blanket nailed over my windows.
Strange, I always figured you for a Confederate Flag in the windows and the back of your pickup.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So anyways, my GF of almost a year dumped me earlier this year. The reason she gave was "I don"t want to be in a relationship with anyone and I want to be alone". She also gave some disjointed reasons that made completely no sense, like something I had done on our second date ever which I never did again since then. So of course I"m fucked up emotionally and can"t think straight, so I couldn"t call her on anything. We talked briefly a couple times since that point and she stuck with the same story.

So long story short, a mutual friend recently lets slip by accident that she is seeing this other guy she knew in college who lives about roughly a hour and a half from where she lives (some Emo looking shmuck). Advise: Do I let her know I know and ask why she lied to me and ask her the real reason why she dumped me? Of course, that begs the question, if she couldn"t tell the damned truth to begin with, what makes me think she would suddenly play is straight now?

I know the stock response is "let it go",etc...but at the sametime, I feel like if I was doing things (or not doing things) that made the relationship not work, I"d like to know so I can improve myself, otherwise I might repeat the same things over again without knowing it and thus unwittingly sabotaging future relationships.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I read this thread from time to time and just shake my head. Some of you guys are so fucking smart from other posts on this board, and just fall flat on your face dealing with dating/relationships.

Stop thinking so much about this stuff. I mean, it seems like most of the posts here are finding ways of being someone different than who you really are.

Check this out -- Just be yourself. Be honest. Don"t lie, tell it like it is. If the woman doesn"t like that then move on. Too many of you are trying to over-analyze shit to be someone your not in order to impress a girl or whatever.

Now, if you just wanna get a good fuck and toss her to the side the next day, thats a different issue -- but an actual, bonafied relationship is pretty fucking easy to do once you find the right girl or the right girl finds you. You just be yourself, the rest will work itself out over time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It"s not so much wanting to be someone different, it"s just wanting to know what ended up being a game breaker.

Personally I like who I am, but I want to improve on certain facets of myself. For instance, I want to get engaged in different activities, but sometimes I just don"t know how and I get anxious. I want to know if my inability to effectively think of different activities to do, for instance, counted heavily against me.

The relationship I was in was going great (from my perspective), then within the span of a month it seemed to crash and burn suddenly with very little warning. I remember her having alot more private conversations with her good friends just beforehand, which no doubt was concerning me while I blissfully went about my business unaware of what was going to ultimately come.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If you really don"t think you did anything, then it could very much be a possibility you didn"t. Even if you ask and confront her, assuming she isn"t a cold bitch, she"ll probably give you the old "It wasn"t you, it"s me." And often that"s the plain truth. People get bored, find interest in someone else, just want to be alone, etc. Shit sometimes just ends without anyone really doinganythingof note to end it.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Entertained the thought that it didn"t have anything to do with you and she doesn"t know what she wants or wasn"t straight with you about something?

You aren"t always going to get answers, and even when you do they aren"t necessarily going to make any sense. Like you said, "let it go". And like Aladain said, "be yourself, honest, and straightforward". You only control you.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Cybsled said:
It"s not so much wanting to be someone different, it"s just wanting to know what ended up being a game breaker.

Personally I like who I am, but I want to improve on certain facets of myself. For instance, I want to get engaged in different activities, but sometimes I just don"t know how and I get anxious. I want to know if my inability to effectively think of different activities to do, for instance, counted heavily against me.

The relationship I was in was going great (from my perspective), then within the span of a month it seemed to crash and burn suddenly with very little warning. I remember her having alot more private conversations with her good friends just beforehand, which no doubt was concerning me while I blissfully went about my business unaware of what was going to ultimately come.
Why bother to learn what was a game breaker for her? Every woman is different and what made this woman want to leave you for emo boy might make another woman fall in love with you.

Be honest with yourself friend. It matters a lot less why she did it to you than the fact that she did it. You"re in the "What"s he got that I don"t got" phase.

Just let it go and find a bitch who"s hotter than her. Nothing heals a heart faster than new pussy.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
My post wasn"t directed at you directly Cybsled, fyi.

Cybsled said:
It"s not so much wanting to be someone different, it"s just wanting to know what ended up being a game breaker.
Why is this important? So you can use what you learned in that relationship to do or not do in the next whom is going to be a completely different girl alltogether and those things may or may not make things better or worse. Knowing what ended up being a game breaker isn"t important. It"s pretty obvious she wants to be with someone else and not you. Thats really all there is to it.

Personally I like who I am, but I want to improve on certain facets of myself. For instance, I want to get engaged in different activities, but sometimes I just don"t know how and I get anxious. I want to know if my inability to effectively think of different activities to do, for instance, counted heavily against me.
Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. It would probably count against you with some girls and for you with others, all depends on your ex-GF. Again does it really matter? And you already recognized you DONT like some of who you are -- you use the word "improve". "Improve" based on whom? You"re using the word "improve" as a way to mask/cover up who you really are. If you really want to be more extroverted and go out, then you would do that. Obviously, whatever is holding you back from doing that (games, etc) is more important to you. This is ok. But its who you are.

The relationship I was in was going great (from my perspective), then within the span of a month it seemed to crash and burn suddenly with very little warning. I remember her having alot more private conversations with her good friends just beforehand, which no doubt was concerning me while I blissfully went about my business unaware of what was going to ultimately come.
YEah, unstable girl, she just got uninterested in you it seems and now wants to get another dick wet. It happens. Sucks, but it does. Really doubt anyone on this board can tell you exactly what caused it, but honestly it could all be irrelevant. Bottom line is that it happened before you got married and before you had any kids with her.. and that in and of itself is a bonus.


Cybsled said:
It"s not so much wanting to be someone different, it"s just wanting to know what ended up being a game breaker.

Personally I like who I am, but I want to improve on certain facets of myself. For instance, I want to get engaged in different activities, but sometimes I just don"t know how and I get anxious. I want to know if my inability to effectively think of different activities to do, for instance, counted heavily against me.

The relationship I was in was going great (from my perspective), then within the span of a month it seemed to crash and burn suddenly with very little warning. I remember her having alot more private conversations with her good friends just beforehand, which no doubt was concerning me while I blissfully went about my business unaware of what was going to ultimately come.
To be honest it sounds like she was playing you all along. This is just my opinion but id assume she has done shit behind your back and you haven"t found out about it. She feels guilty but not guilty enough to tell you and look like the bad guy in the relationship, therefore ends it. She feels a bit better inside and doesn"t look like the bad guy while you still want her. She wins in her eyes. I could be wrong but thats probably what I"d think.