Girls who broke your heart thread


Well I think she went back to the guy because she is lonely and had nobody else and he was about to leave. The problem for her though is that I don"t think she realized he was going to give her shit about being friends with me and when she was trying to figure out how to handle it and blocked me on facebook I found out and overreacted making it impossible for her to be friends with both of us. As long as he is "in" her life, even though they aren"t dating right now, she can"t have me as a friend or he will stop talking to her. She"s already committed down that path to him so she can"t change it right now because if she took me back as a friend he would kick her out. What sucks for her is that it affected her social life quite a bit because the guy involved doesn"t even live here anymore so she can"t hang out with him and she normally hung out with my group of friends which she can"t do anymore. She doesn"t have a lot of friends so and it"s hard for her to open up to new people so she is kind of screwed because she likes going out but a lot of nights now she can"t because I"m with the group she hung out with.

I"m sure she is blaming me for whatever hit her social life took but she did start this so I don"t think it is right for her to hang out with the group I"m with and ignore me in the process. I also shouldn"t have to talk to my friends and say don"t let her in your house which is fucking retarded for everyone involved because she did used to hang out with us but if she wants to hold a grudge against me for a situation SHE CREATED then I don"t think it"s right for her to come and hang out and make me uncomfortable. She should have to deal with the consequences of her actions too, I lost a friend, but she lost the group she hangs out with and right now it"s HER DECISION to drag this out which I"m sure she will even if it"s smarter to "forgive" me and start hanging out with everyone again because if she takes me back she loses the other guy. So the choice for her is basically a social hit or the other guy but I don"t exactly feel bad she is caught in the middle because she created this entire situation. She never should"ve tried to make the boyfriend jealous and told him I insulted him, she should"ve dealt with me directly about that and not involved him and now it backfired on her so I"m not exactly going to feel sorry for her shitty situation because she caused it and made the situation equally shitty for me.


DMK said:
P.S You definitely shouldn"t have messaged the BF thats straight up disrespect. In saying that the problem wasn"t you or the BF, it was her. I"m pretty sure you and the BF would have hated each other and blamed each other when it"s her that you both should have hated.
I agree with this and regret that I messaged him but I"ve admitted fault on that and moved on and she did not take ANY responsibility for starting the whole problem that led to me messaging him. She is equally as wrong in this regardless of whether the boyfriend was involved. She knew what she did was going to bother me a lot and really piss me off so she had no right to do it. If she simply didn"t want to be friends anymore she could have done it in a far more respectable manner but I don"t think that was the case.

She"s also still friends with the guy and it did not affect their relationship in any way whether that matters at all. You"re also exactly right I have no reason to hate him as it is her that caused all of this on both sides. She caused the situation from the beginning so I don"t exactly feel bad for her when she got caught in the middle and had to make a shitty choice.


Ravvenn said:
Well, at least you"re honest.

What does Mika look like? Maybe take her for a spin?!
Girls are wonderful at understanding other girls. They just happen to give advice on how they WANT the world to be, rather than how the world is. Its the same thing that makes women say they want the good guy but end up dating the bad boy every time (until marriage).

As for Mika. She is a married colleague of mine. I am not heading down that path!


Here"s a question. I"m in a professional school for the next four years. There"s a girl in my class that I"m interested in, but I"m hesitant to make a move for fear of it getting weird if we break up but are still in the same classes for 6 hours a day. Any thoughts or suggestions?

P.S. I"m somewhat sure she"s attracted to me as well.


Trakanon Raider
Hate to be a combo breaker, but I feel obligated to provide Anne updates when they arise. Out of the blue tonight I get a text from her:

"Had a weird dream last night that you and I went out for dinner in Disneyland. How are you?"

Smilies. Bitches love smilies.


Eomer said:
Hate to be a combo breaker, but I feel obligated to provide Anne updates when they arise. Out of the blue tonight I get a text from her:

"Had a weird dream last night that you and I went out for dinner in Disneyland. How are you?"

Smilies. Bitches love smilies.
You were the one sent the smiley

Edit: I"m new to the thread, after reading the first page it seemed like this is where you post nudes of your ex"s, did I miss the boat or did it morph into something else?


God is dead
Felonius said:
You were the one sent the smiley

Edit: I"m new to the thread, after reading the first page it seemed like this is where you post nudes of your ex"s, did I miss the boat or did it morph into something else?
It morphed into the I am male and have no fucking idea what is going on in mine or my whack-job females head thread.


Loki, its only awkward if you make it awkward.

If shes interested in you (if you think she is, she probably isn"t) proceed. I would ask another girl about what you think she is indicating to you. You may be misreading a signal for " I need a study partner/good shoulder to cry on when my real boyfriend breaks my heart over and over "


I propose a new policy: because we can"t actually get rid of Mippo, everyone should neg anyone who responds to him.

We must stop this terrorist any way we can, so kill the good-intentioned that allow him to continue his crimes against humanity (posting).
Dabamf said:
I propose a new policy: because we can"t actually get rid of Mippo, everyone should neg anyone who responds to him.

We must stop this terrorist any way we can, so kill the good-intentioned that allow him to continue his crimes against humanity (posting).
Deal. His problem is solved anyway. (Stay away from crazy bitch)

Loki said:
Here"s a question. I"m in a professional school for the next four years. There"s a girl in my class that I"m interested in, but I"m hesitant to make a move for fear of it getting weird if we break up but are still in the same classes for 6 hours a day. Any thoughts or suggestions?

P.S. I"m somewhat sure she"s attracted to me as well.
Any thoughts or suggestions? What are you, 14? Hit it and dont use a stick. You can worry about problems like that afterwards.
Loki said:
Here"s a question. I"m in a professional school for the next four years. There"s a girl in my class that I"m interested in, but I"m hesitant to make a move for fear of it getting weird if we break up but are still in the same classes for 6 hours a day. Any thoughts or suggestions?

P.S. I"m somewhat sure she"s attracted to me as well.
Never hesitate.


Divinefactor said:
Girls are wonderful at understanding other girls. They just happen to give advice on how they WANT the world to be, rather than how the world is. Its the same thing that makes women say they want the good guy but end up dating the bad boy every time (until marriage).

As for Mika. She is a married colleague of mine. I am not heading down that path!
You"re not exactly being fair, now are ya"? That"s like me saying all men are pigs.

Anyway, I had a 4th addition. She"s testing you. You kissing the other girl could have made her jealous, and she"s shoving her in your face to see if you"ll take the bait.

Here"s an example (a good way to show you the "other side" ((no sugar coating)) of how women may sometimes work)... Betty notices Sally who works with her significant other is flirtatious with him and/or other men. Betty will find some way to bring up Sally in a conversation that may appear innocent, but is fully loaded with motives. Betty wants to know what her S.O. thinks about Sally. Will he mention how she dresses, acts, etc.? God forbid he compliment her (which Betty will immediately try to one-up and/or downplay)! In your case, it was making out instead of a compliment.

On the flip-side, she could be throwing the other one at you, so this behavior could mean nothing except her playing matchmaker.

It"s a tough call, and I think we need more infoz. You need to go out with them again, even better with her (alone).

Have you asked her out? If not, shoot her a text, "Hey, I"m doing some holiday shopping tomorrow, wanna grab coffee or something while I"m out?" Why shopping? Because bitches always "need" something, she might ask where you"re going (say the mall), and invite herself for the whole day instead of a quick drink.

Loki said:
Here"s a question. I"m in a professional school for the next four years. There"s a girl in my class that I"m interested in, but I"m hesitant to make a move for fear of it getting weird if we break up but are still in the same classes for 6 hours a day. Any thoughts or suggestions?

P.S. I"m somewhat sure she"s attracted to me as well.
I"d like to humor the idea that two people in a professional school could be, well, professional. Break-ups are only nasty when you allow them to be. Stop being such a goddamn baby and man up.


Most men are pigs.

I will definitely be getting together with them again. I think we are planning on going to sing karaoke at some point...

As for the coffee shopping thing, if I was in a bigger city it would be very doable as its a small city uhh... well we will see how it goes.


Yes I understand I need to stay away from the crazy bitch but the problem isn"t solved if she is showing up to parties at my friends house. The problem is how I approach the fact that I don"t want her there. I"m going to have a chat with her friend but she isn"t going to like it because her friend likes my friend but my friend never invites her out so the way she gets to see him is going downtown and texting him when he is drunk and in order for her to go downtown she needs someone to go with (hence she invites out crazy girl). If she can"t come around me when she is with crazy girl it is going to affect her chances of seeing my friend that she likes which I"m sure is going to be a problem and an upcoming argument.


How old are you that you have stupid drama like this? Just turned 21?

Anyway, I am naming your friends for you so that the people that arent ignoring you can at least somewhat understand the his friend friends friend shit.
Amber - crazy bitch
Cameron - crazy bitch"s friend
Mippo(Greg) - you
Chase - crazy bitch"s boyfriend
Wilson - your friend that Cameron wants to bone

Now whenever you tell the stories we can pretend its just a really stupid episode of house!

Anyway bite the bullet and man up and be the go between Cameron and Wilson.

then when they get into a relationship, wait one year, then drop the bomb that you totally have fallen for Cameron and start the cycle over again.
Divinefactor said:
According to this totally legit facebook test I have an exceptionally high IQ rivaled only by my friend Lumie, who strangely has twice my score.
According to your profile, you have lost internets for breaking the thread rules.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Divinefactor said:
Glad I turned them back on for this thread.

I think Dabamf just posted a proposal for a change of policy, I am not aware it has gone into effect yet!
Regardless of recent rule changes, you compared a beloved television character to the resident douche-in-a-gi, and that is unacceptable. You should be ashamed of yourself.