Girls who broke your heart thread


<Prior Amod>
Sutekh said:
Really? Because it seems like you"re angry and posting about it.
Either way, it"s a thread where people come for advice, and you"re probably the worst suited person in the thread to give advice on the ritual and rotation of dating extremely attractive women, you post just shows that even further, you assume because a woman is beautiful she has no personality. Like it"s some sort of qualification where if you are very good looking you have to be completely void of anything enjoyable other than your body.

"No matter how hot the check it eventually just becomes pussy after awhile"

Hmm, nope I"m pretty sure even if the girl is hot you can still have an excellent relationship and became very close with, even... (now before I enlighten you to this I want you to sit down. I really care about you and don"t wish you to get hurt.) become friends. It"s possible, I"ve seen the promised land and it is good.

HERP DERP someone makes a post I don"t agree with, MUST BE TROLLIN

The statement wasn"t anything to do with personality, on top of it I said it was true to an extent. The whole statement was meant to reflect that no matter how hot a woman is at some point the initial excitement and feeling of achievement that you feel for bagging it when you first get with it will eventually go away. At some point be it 5 months, 5 years or 15 years it eventually just becomes pussy, as in those first feelings are dwindled or gone. I"m not even sure why you brought me up really (though it was amusing) as I was just trying to convey what TC was trying to get across and why I don"t know why he gets so upset at others practices. As far as my life goes, I"m happy with it and have no need to defend any portion of it with you, I have a great family and live well.

Troll harder kid, please.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tarrant220 said:

The statement wasn"t anything to do with personality, on top of it I said it was true to an extent. The whole statement was meant to reflect that no matter how hot a woman is at some point the initial excitement and feeling of achievement that you feel for bagging it when you first get with it will eventually go away. At some point be it 5 months, 5 years or 15 years it eventually just becomes pussy, as in those first feelings are dwindled or gone. I"m not even sure why you brought me up really (though it was amusing) as I was just trying to convey what TC was trying to get across and why I don"t know why he gets so upset at others practices.

Troll harder kid, please.
So basically what you"re saying is eventually you get sick of the women you"re with so you assume everyone in the world"s going to? Are you sure you"re not the one trying to troll?
at least I"m not nearly as arrogant to assume everyone in the world thinks just like I do.
PS. Because I"m not old, fat, and balding like you doesn"t mean I"m a kid. Old man :p


<Prior Amod>
Sutekh said:
So basically what you"re saying is eventually you get sick of the women you"re with so you assume everyone in the world"s going to? Are you sure you"re not the one trying to troll?
at least I"m not nearly as arrogant to assume everyone in the world thinks just like I do.
PS. Because I"m not old, fat, and balding like you doesn"t mean I"m a kid. Old man :p
You love to put words that aren"t there in peoples mouths. No where did I say bored, I just said to an extent those thrills and frills will lessen over time.

Also I"m neither old or fat.

..............I am bald though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So if it isn"t talking from experience... Then what are you basing your opinions on? It can"t possibly be from the stories in this thread, because there"s stories of failure as well as stories of success. Do you just sit on your computer with the lights off reading depressing stories of men getting sick of their spouses and settling, assuming that if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, you"ve got to get an ugly girl and make her your wife (now that"s stuck in my head god damnit.) Either way, 99% of the shit TheCutlery says is full on retard, so anyone who agrees with him deserves to be badgered.

and the lions suck fuck you.


<Prior Amod>
Sutekh said:
So if it isn"t talking from experience... Then what are you basing your opinions on? It can"t possibly be from the stories in this thread, because there"s stories of failure as well as stories of success. Do you just sit on your computer with the lights off reading depressing stories of men getting sick of their spouses and settling, assuming that if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, you"ve got to get an ugly girl and make her your wife (now that"s stuck in my head god damnit.) Either way, 99% of the shit TheCutlery says is full on retard, so anyone who agrees with him deserves to be badgered.

and the lions suck fuck you.
Some of what you"ve said and inferred from what I said , though you have a confrontational way of saying it, is true in part.

Many here are into bagging and tagging, they move on from woman to woman with no real wants in looking for a long lasting relationship that will result in years together or marriage. (You can say otherwise if you wish, but with the choice few, many say just that) When this is the goal, unless something really unplanned for happens then eventually it"s just pussy over time. Hell point proven a few posts ago when someone said "Thats the last time I talk myself into staying with someone just because they"re hot." I"m not sure there"s a better example of what I said then that.

As for a few like myself, TC is seems and from what you say, yourself there is more to chicks then that warm moist spot between their legs. (They have a mouth too amirite?) Personally my wife is pretty hot, I get told by friends that I outkicked my coverage so to speak. Every time I get with her it"s exciting to me still but probably wouldn"t be if we didn"t connect on a different level on top of it. I"ve been with hot chicks before and without the right combination of everything else then just become pussy after a given amount of time. I"ve seen it time and time again from friends and people I have networked with over the years as well, not from reading the computer in the dark, I"ll have you know I have a lamp on this very second.

And man you can say what you want about me but you leave the fucking Lions out of this.


Molten Core Raider
Sutekh and I are very happy and I don"t think the excitement of our relationship will ever die down. As we"ve grown to know each other it"s only gotten better and better. A long distance relationship is tough some times but a bro"s gotta rape what a bro sows.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You"re right, attacking the Lions was wrong of me, they"ve had enough of hardships in their times.

There really is nothing wrong with banging a bunch of hot chicks, because eventually you"re going to find one that interests you and want to get back with them. Love is a funny thing and it will always find a way to work its shit in to your plans, even when you REALLY don"t wan it to. So go on be that dude that"s looking for exotic chicks to bang or beautiful women, shit sleep with them once or twice and never call them again. Like you said, unplanned shit happens. Be it kids (lol) or falling in love with the chick... or completely losing interest in them.

Mine as well "BRAG AND TAG" girls while you"re in your 20"s still. Because you sure as hell aren"t going to be able to do it when you"re in your 30+ years. Like I had said before, you don"t have to be looking for a relation to have one happen. IMO the ones where you"re not looking and they actually come to be just happen to be the best ones.

and I"m the guy sitting at the table with my glass of scotch while everyone"s dancing. You can be a fucking princess when you"re wearing my pearl necklace.


Molten Core Raider
Sutekh said:
and I"m the guy sitting at the table with my glass of scotch while everyone"s dancing. You can be a fucking princess when you"re wearing my pearl necklace.
See what I mean? So dreamy.



Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tarrant220 said:
No matter how hot the check it eventually just becomes pussy after awhile. I think that"s what TC is going for, which to an extent is true.

Why he takes so much offense to you guys baggin and taggin as much pussy as possible as often as possible though I have no idea. I"m married, I see no issue with it, to each their own. I"m happy being married, some others aren"t or wouldn"t be. Cool, why not move on?
I don"t take offense to it so much as it is an interesting study on why certain people"s relationships keep failing, and then to correlate it on their views of what long term relationships must be. Nowhere in my original post to Dabamf was I condescending (at least I wasn"t trying to be), I just thought it was pretty interesting. I know he thinks my life is boring because I"ve been fucking the same chick for over 12 years now. He also can"t find interacting with a woman who has anything in common with him to be interesting, which means he quite literally has zero expectations going into a relationship scenario other than to fuck them and dump them and move on to the next one. When you don"t value a woman for anything more than what she can do for you in the bedroom (or the kitchen, or the car, etc), then you end up in this cycle of either using or being used and never truly having a bond with someone.

It"s pretty fascinating to me. As will be the change in several years when all the bro"s start settling down as they find the "one." I look forward to it.


Christ. I"m typing 1- and 2-liners and we"re gettin all analytical up in here. I"m lamenting in a not-so-serious way.

Besides, you have to go after the Korean girls because white women in Korea say things like, "I have a blog to write about my experiences traveling."


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf said:
Christ. I"m typing 1- and 2-liners and we"re gettin all analytical up in hear. I"m lamenting in a not-so-serious way.

Besides, you have to go after the Korean girls because white women in Korea say things like, "I have a blog to write about my experiences traveling."
If you were in the states, they would have a blog to talk about whatever mundane thing they like right now. It"s a no win, son!


Because she was literally clingy as hell when I worked she cleaned the house... I have a roommate, and when I wasn"t working she was with me.

She was good looking - I tried to make her a better human being. No more projects... lol.

I"m 26.. have a great job, im still young and like I said past 3 weeks have been phenomenal. Why get bent over a chick who peaces over BS?


I have a question: I broke up with my girlfriend last week. I"m a writer and my career depends on my ability to productively create, but I haven"t been able to write a single word about anything since it happened. This has never happened to me before and I"m a little worried. I sit down, open up my documents, begin typing and then... nothing. Writing has turned from an enjoyable, albeit difficult experience into torture. I feel like I"m dragging myself through a hall of broken glass.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before and what, if anything, can I do to make it go away?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Whyme said:
I have a question: I broke up with my girlfriend last week. I"m a writer and my career depends on my ability to productively create, but I haven"t been able to write a single word about anything since it happened. This has never happened to me before and I"m a little worried. I sit down, open up my documents, begin typing and then... nothing. Writing has turned from an enjoyable, albeit difficult experience into torture. I feel like I"m dragging myself through a hall of broken glass.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before and what, if anything, can I do to make it go away?
Cut off your ear and mail it to her. If it works for artists, it should work for authors.

If you"re too big a pussy to cut off an ear, I suggest booze and hookers.
Rune said:
It"s funny TheCutlery is so focused on class warfare he totally missed the point of Dabamf"s comment.

The time honored tradition of chasing exotic tail.
Nah that"s just straight misogyny. There is something wrong with you if you feel this way.


Whyme said:
I have a question: I broke up with my girlfriend last week. I"m a writer and my career depends on my ability to productively create, but I haven"t been able to write a single word about anything since it happened. This has never happened to me before and I"m a little worried. I sit down, open up my documents, begin typing and then... nothing. Writing has turned from an enjoyable, albeit difficult experience into torture. I feel like I"m dragging myself through a hall of broken glass.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before and what, if anything, can I do to make it go away?
Time. That"s the only thing that will make it go away.