Girls who broke your heart thread

Aychamo BanBan

Vatoreus said:
Honestly, neither of us. I decided we needed to split before it happened though. I was honest with her and said I"m not ready for this serious of a relationship, she"s only 20, and wasn"t going to let the unhappiness let me make mistakes I couldn"t take back.
Was she s dirty hippie? Did she cheat on you at an OWS event?

Just kidding.

So what are you going to do now? How do you usually meet girls? I think we all agree here that if you"re aching over this girl, the best way to get past it is to try to bang a few more girls ASAP. I know that sounds gay (as gay as banging a bunch of girls can be), but it really can help.

Aychamo BanBan

Vatoreus said:
For it to progress any further than it already had. 1 year isn"t much in my eyes. I married after dating for 1 year, it only lasted 3.5. Will never preempt a commitment as serious as that until I know for sure that is what I want.
Get out there and get some new pussy. Imagine ass fucking an 18 year old girl with a super tight asshole. It would milk your dick like a shit covered glove. Damn I want some of that.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Vatoreus said:
Ended a year and a month long relationship with probably the coolest, prettiest girls I"ve ever met.

Just a lot of complications (including age and my own need to get my shit together) that couldn"t be resolved with the constant stress of worrying about another person and their own issues.

She"s wrecked, but I know will be fine in the long run of things. I will be good because I don"t give myself a choice in the matter. I will succeed or I will die trying. If her and I cross paths again later in life, then so be it, but I"m not holding my breath for such an occasion to present itself, it"s just easier and more fair to the both of us that way.

Now I just need to man the fuck up, get myself back on track to being a productive, successful member of society and stop wasting my own potential.

Hopefully she does the same.
Not trying to be a dick dude, but I"ve seen the chicks you"ve dated, and honestly, anyone with that much metal in their face that isn"t Wolverine is going to be wrecked, she was wrecked when you started dating. You"re not gonna find one without serious issues.

All I"m saying is that you don"t get to the 4th lip ring because daddy loves you, ya know?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah the number of facial piercings and tattoos is a linear growth to the insanity of the chick
She has 1 piercing, and it"s a Monroe. Anyway, will probably get back on the saddle once I get my apartment and shit. Too much other bs to worry about without adding trying to laid on top of it. I"ve got some reserve bitches I can call if needed, but we"ll see.

I"m 26 by the way, so yes, there is an age gap, but nothing too terrible.

Thanks for comments bros, I"m doing alright.


Blackwing Lair Raider
TheCutlery said:
Not trying to be a dick dude, but I"ve seen the chicks you"ve dated, and honestly, anyone with that much metal in their face that isn"t Wolverine is going to be wrecked, she was wrecked when you started dating. You"re not gonna find one without serious issues.

All I"m saying is that you don"t get to the 4th lip ring because daddy loves you, ya know?
Just when I"m feeling down, I know TheCutlery will make a post to make me laugh with just how stupid he is.


Sutekh said:
Just when I"m feeling down, I know TheCutlery will make a post to make me laugh with just how stupid he is.
Yeah, nothing like a good old post with actual substance to show how stupid someone is.


Dabamf said:
Did I miss the part where the guy is like 40? Or it is somehow immoral in Stratos"s world to date 20 year olds?
the difference between a 20 yr old and a 26 yr old is huge. girls that young might as well be children.

but hey I know you love preaching the Game and going out with multiple women to pet your ego and fill your time with women because you have nothing else to do (or something).

so it"s easy for me to accept that you don"t really factor morals into the date scene. all about improving your own game, building up confidence, etc etc. women are skill-ups, bro.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Stratos said:
the difference between a 20 yr old and a 26 yr old is huge. girls that young might as well be children.

but hey I know you love preaching the Game and going out with multiple women to pet your ego and fill your time with women because you have nothing else to do (or something).

so it"s easy for me to accept that you don"t really factor morals into the date scene. all about improving your own game, building up confidence, etc etc. women are skill-ups, bro.
What the fuck are you even talking about. Grant you I wouldn"t date a 20 year old because they annoy me to no end but it is hardly preying on a weak mind to date one. You sound like the whitest of white knights.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Tenks said:
What the fuck are you even talking about. Grant you I wouldn"t date a 20 year old because they annoy me to no end but it is hardly preying on a weak mind to date one. You sound like the whitest of white knights.
Dude, no one knows what the fuck he is saying.

Kinda wish he would start posting in his original language so I can google translate it to English and see if it makes more sense at that point.


Tenks said:
You sound like the whitest of white knights.
yeah you may be right. I may have overreacted. I do agree that yeah he did the right thing now by ending it.

but it took a whole fuckingyear? he told her shit like "it"s me babe, not you"? really? seems a bit much to just pat him on the back, sorry it didnt work, get back into the game, bud.


Stratos said:
the difference between a 20 yr old and a 26 yr old is huge. girls that young might as well be children.

but hey I know you love preaching the Game and going out with multiple women to pet your ego and fill your time with women because you have nothing else to do (or something).

so it"s easy for me to accept that you don"t really factor morals into the date scene. all about improving your own game, building up confidence, etc etc. women are skill-ups, bro.
What the fuck is this bull about The Game? I"ve never (never being loose here, I may have touted the claim that getting laid makes separating from someone easier) been one to wholly profess the benefits of going out and fucking a shit load of random broads. And honestly, it really doesn"t have much to do with her in the way of her personality. I just can"t focus on taking care of my own shit while simultaneously being with someone dealing with theirs. Not right now anyway. I was more just sharing to share, not looking for pats on the back, or well wishes of good luck nailing more broads, I don"t really need it to get by. I appreciate the kind words and all, don"t get me wrong. I was just trying to put out an experience I had that shows that this is actually the most successful and healthy separations I"ve ever had. It shows a lot of growth in myself more than anything and I"m proud of that. I"m glad to know that I can be strong and stick to my convictions for once in my life.

And it took a "whole year" because for a long ass time we were happy. We enjoyed being around and with each other. The stress has changed that, but we"re still friends, we still talk. It"s only been a few days, but the fact that we can acknowledge that the relationship is over, and it"s time for the both of us to move on from here, and not let ourselves get caught up in each others" bullshit says a lot I think. It"s not about "increasing my score" or any inane crap like that, it"s about growing and changing as a human being. We can only grow through experience and that"s what this was. We both learned a lot about ourselves through one another and I wouldn"t go back and change that for anything.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
This thread has been pretty dry of drama lately, so I"ll post an update on my situation. Fast forward for TLDR version.

Full version:
Last night she wanted me to have sex without a condom, and I explained to her that while I love her, I don"t think either of us is ready to risk involving a kid (especially since she is anti abortion, although I didn"t say that to her). She got incredibly angry about this and I tried to just let it slide like some people advised here, but her anger kept building and building, until it exploded into a full blown crying fit/panic attack. I ended up comforting her until about 5 in the morning to keep her from getting to the point where an ambulance was needed, and got a total of an hour and a half of sleep before work.

After she left for work I got on the pc and bought a one-way ticket back to the States, and wrote a long, detailed letter that basically reiterates everything she and I talked about the past 2 months, and explains why I just can"t stay in such an unhealthy environment. I also left her a nice chunk of cash to help with rent and (hopefully) a train ticket back to her family"s city, as I think that would be best for her.

She sent me a text message earlier today saying she was in the hospital. I think it was meant to make me feel guilty, but all I could think was that It"s your own fault you got so upset over something so stupid that you had a panic attack. I"m not to blame at all. I"m actually glad she was in the hospital, and hope she is still there, because at least there I know she"ll be safe from herself and taken care of.

Anyway, I can"t take this roller coaster ride anymore, so here I am in the airport (free wifi, cool) waiting for my flight.

TLDR: I should have left earlier, but I"m getting out now without any permanent damage and valuable lessons learned.