Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
Rav has posted pictures herself and you are talking about the rocks?

You should see her grass, I could mow the shit out of her grass.

Rav, repost the picture of your tight grass.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Vvoid said:
This is Ravvenn (the blonde). I know there was a picture or two of Alcestis from at least the neck down somewhere (and she looked damn fine to me), and I want to say it was in a thread where Tenks was defending skinny jeans, but I could be wrong. As far as Zehn, no idea if his pics have been posted.
Posted Zehn"s pic a page back.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
this thread has become beautiful
I...I..I don"t know if..I can take move more...embarrassing...thread...


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Was that the pool/patio that dumped water into the house on a rainy day?

Did that mess get figured out?


Hah, yeah, that"s it. It will take jack-hammering it out and redoing it, or adding a lip of sorts to redirect. Basically will end up in a lawsuit I"m sure. Thankfully the rain hasn"t been an issue since then, but it"s still bullshit that it wasn"t done properly the first goddamn time.

If you want, Grumpus, I can find out the grass manufacturer and find out which one it was. That way you can have amazing grass, too!


Ravvenn said:
Hah, yeah, that"s it. It will take jack-hammering it out and redoing it, or adding a lip of sorts to redirect. Basically will end up in a lawsuit I"m sure. Thankfully the rain hasn"t been an issue since then, but it"s still bullshit that it wasn"t done properly the first goddamn time.

If you want, Grumpus, I can find out the grass manufacturer and find out which one it was. That way you can have amazing grass, too!
Can we be friends so I can use you for your pool? I think that may be the last missing piece in my life is a friend whom I can mooch pool time off of.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Erronius said:
Beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.

There simply aren"t enough words to describe that swimming pool and backyard. I"m at a loss for words here. That had to have taken a lot of time and effort; is there a lounge area with a grill somewhere that I cant see?
I can"t take my eyes off the well groomed bush


Ravvenn said:
If you want, Grumpus, I can find out the grass manufacturer and find out which one it was. That way you can have amazing grass, too!
If you have the time, tilling your own yard(s) and spreading the seed yourself is pretty awesome. It"s only an annoyance to keep the stuff watered/the ground moist until it begins to really set in and grow. Lowe"s etc have bags tailored to specific climates and shit as well.

Don"t go with the fake stuff man!


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
Everyone decided to let shit go
The end
That"s pretty much the gist of it. Had some misplaced anger for a long time. Finally got the better of me. I apologized to everyone I wronged, friendships were renewed. Fin.

As for pictures I have a few in my gallery and our wedding pictures are online somewhere but I"m too lazy right now to go find them.

Yutnopash said:
Lol it never gets old seeing that mirror...
Not my proudest moment yeah. I had a few other half finished art projects that ended up in a fire afterwards. I"ve tried selling the mirror on craigslist a couple times.

The Ancient said:
So Zehn drove Alcestis off the forums? That"s a black mark man, she was a pretty cool poster.
She was, part of what attracted me to her in the first place. It honestly didn"t start off that way either as my previous attempt at a LD relationship had failed pretty hard. I just asked her for a invite and a month later we"re calling eachother and it spiraled from there.

She lied to me pretty hardcore for several months. Trying to spare my feelings is one thing, yeah, it happens. But hiding shit from me about how she was still in a relationship with her ex? If she just came to me and said, "I"m sorry I did that to you, I was scared/confused/whatever. Please forgive me, now apologize to me for being a dick" I would, no homo. I knew the situation she was in.

It ultimately doesn"t matter either way though. Lori is right about where I need to focus my energy. Speaking of which, lunch is ready. <3



Ravvenn said:
What in the world crawled up your vagina and bit your cervix?
this seems to have been passed up and might be forgotten, but never fear for I am here.

please dont hate on dabamf too much. his heart is in the right place. it"s an incredibly common phenomenon for girls online to be bombarded with niceties and offers of support from guys online who think a "gamer" or "tech" girl is special.

the lines that come out of such guys" mouths are almost always disgusting and seem fake as fuck to any observing guy who doesn"t feel the same automatic adoration for online women.

it"s like their eyes glaze over when they perceive there to be an online girl, and they get it in their heads that women online are pioneers and they must be treated delicately and with love (an unsettling kind of love) in order to keep them online and perhaps lure more.

in a way, dabamf is fighting for the equality of women. however it"s a tough fight because a large number of the women who come online are ones that come online for the attention (and don"t get it offline). in the end when someone like dabamf tries to publicly chastize a man for devolving into such disgusting behavior he only manages to spark an argument over the relevant girl. (and the girl loooves being the center of an argument amongst men, even if they are nearly anonymous nerdy men)

then the girl can then call dabamf a big meanie, complain why dabamf doesnt like her, and whiteknights will rush to put down dabamf so as to diminish the weight of his opinions while simultaneously spamming the girl with niceties and support.

it seems to me you aren"t this kind of pathetic attention seeking girl, which can make it all the more lame when you"re perceived to receive auto-matic-girl-adoration type praise rather than any praise you might actually be due.

why is it annoying to an observer? not exactly sure. at the very least, people like dabamf (which includes me) just feel sick (literally it"s disgusting) reading those lines, so we"re going to try and reduce the number of those lines. I personally gave up that crusade a long time ago, but I relate to dabamf. Hell, there are countless MMO guilds out there with girls who are flattered incessantly, ran through instances, etc, all because she giggles and needs help. whatever makes those involved happy I guess.

he quoted Cam. and it"s true cam revealed that he knows you so his soppy love is cool. but look at who cam quoted. to the outside observer, it doesnt seem like that dude knows you, and his post disgusts me. it"s like asking a rhetorical question of :how is this girl so perfect? while within a few feet of her. yet you"re online, have had no real interaction with this girl, have no real knowledge of this girl, and you say that? it means the man is pretty pathetic.

and these kinds of guys are like weeds. they"re unfortunately everywhere.