Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
He didn"t have to say it, it"s what he was thinking. And the girl picked up on it. Actions speak WAAAY louder than words.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I"m not saying I do everything right... but there are definitely things you CAN recover from, and things you can"t, that one is SO far in the can"t recover category that it isn"t even funny.

To any of the white knights that congratulated you following that post for not "raping her", you guys seriously don"t understand women at all.

And now for something a bit lighter hearted.

Something you can recover from.

Late night date... 5 drinks or so over 2 hours, enough to be "buzzed" but not "drunk". Probably over the legal limit, but w/e sue me.

Get home. Mess around on the couch for an hour. Have marathon sex session (3 hours). Lay around cuddling for another 15 minutes... get up to take a shower together. Shower is super hot and steams up the bathroom. Start having sex again in the shower. Say you have to stop because you feel dizzy.... step out of the shower, throw up in the toilet, and then lay on the bathroom floor for 5 minutes while you recover while naked girl worriedly asks if you are all right.

If you can recover from that shit (we dated another 5-6 weeks)... then you know that when I tell you something isn"t recoverable, you should just believe me.


Antarius said:
marathon sex session (3 hours).
I spent a minute or so trying to figure out how to say this is not neccesarily a good thing in the eyes of a well-adjusted woman. Everything will be misconstrued and I will leave it to that, and ask you which you think this short-term lady friend would"ve preferred in the long run: Watching a Lord of the Rings movie or having you plow her for that long. Hint: Balrogs are probably more exciting.


The Big Mod
what do you mean by marathon sex session? that for three hours straight you guys were humping with no break in the action? that seems ridiculous to me. i"m all for all night sessions but it usually goes something like fuck for ~30 minutes, cool off with some water/booze/whatever, fuck again, watch some DBZ, fuck again while imagining i"m fucking android 18, and so on.


Antarius said:
But when a girl asks you to fuck her. You do it. If you don"t have a condom, you fucked up. So you either risk std, or you break the relationship.

There is NO recovery from... "yes, I"d like to fuck you, but I think you are a dirty whore or trying to trick me into a marriage with kids, and I don"t have a condom on me, so hold on while I leave to go get one."
Years ago, I refused to fuck a girl without a condom (we forgot we were out). Ran to the gas station, got a 3-pack, was back in 5 minutes and banged the hell out of her. We were both rebounding and casually boning; neither one of us would have been happy if I had done put a bun in the oven. Did I kill the mood a little? Yes. That is preferable to getting a girl whom I had no intentions on maintaining a long term relationship with pregnant.

All"s well that ends well...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Bronyaur said:
Years ago, I refused to fuck a girl without a condom (we forgot we were out). Ran to the gas station, got a 3-pack, was back in 5 minutes and banged the hell out of her. We were both rebounding and casually boning; neither one of us would have been happy if I had done put a bun in the oven. Did I kill the mood a little? Yes. That is preferable to getting a girl whom I had no intentions on maintaining a long term relationship with pregnant.

All"s well that ends well...
The difference is that you banged her after you got the condom. Not... cuddled up next to her and fell asleep.

And right, it wasn"t 3 hours of straight banging, it was a lot of fuck for 20 minutes, use a toy on her for a while, get sucked off for a while, use fingers on her for a while, fuck again etc etc etc... Yea, we were both sweaty and tired afterwards, hence the shower.

Exactly like kegkilla described.... minus the breaks.... and the DBZ


Antarius said:
Exactly like kegkilla described.... minus the breaks.... and the DBZ
That just seems excessive. I need a break every so often when I"m sexin". Going and going and going just sort of does not appeal even a bit. D:

Although you do have the lack of DBZ going for you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
JerleMinara said:
That just seems excessive. I need a break every so often when I"m sexin".
Well, I do too, evidently.

I like how everyone latched on to the fact that I can"t always get off right away (some girls I"ve been with have had a problem with it, some not). And I don"t normally go for more than an hour, but w/e that"s not pertinent to the story....

The true moral of the story, is that you can go from fucking a girl, to puking 30 seconds later, and she"ll still want to fuck you in the following days/weeks, but if you turn down sex with her when she throws herself at you, you"ll ruin your chance of a relationship with her forever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Kinda pointless isn"t it?

A) wear a condom to prevent stds
B) wear a condom to prevent kids

If A) isn"t a factor, then make the chick get on birth control.

Major surgery... versus a shot once every 3 months... hmmmm.


The Big Mod
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Antarius said:
This isn"t advice to you, you are beyond hope, but for anyone else reading the thread.

But when a girl asks you to fuck her. You do it. If you don"t have a condom, you fucked up. So you either risk std, or you break the relationship.

There is NO recovery from... "yes, I"d like to fuck you, but I think you are a dirty whore or trying to trick me into a marriage with kids, and I don"t have a condom on me, so hold on while I leave to go get one."

The girl has every right to feel humiliated and ashamed after you denied her in such a way. If I was her, I would have just pretended to fall asleep after you left, so that I wouldn"t have to deal with you any more. I know that empathy isn"t a highly valued commodity these days, but imagine a girl, probably been with an average of less than 1 guy per year, finally gets up enough social courage from years of conditioning that she needed to be a "good girl" (drinking to provide the excuse), only to have a guy not turned on after seeing her naked enough to want to have sex.
Sorry, but please ignore the entirety of this post. Not having unsafe sex is an insult? uh......................................

I don"t have any stories yet. I just reupped on KC 2 days ago. It should take at least a week with even good success to line something up. I"m really pressed on time with only 1 1/2 months left here, so don"t expect much from me, but maybe the pressure will help me rise to the occasion.

Finally, I have another rant. The next one of you fucking faggots that quotes Jerle, responds to Jerle, or even alludes to the existence of Jerle, I"m going to rape you and your cunt mother. Shut the fuck up about him. Tranny questions and trolls should be directed . This thread is exclusively for failed relationships, stories involving naked girls, ski trip hookups and hotel wrecks, cat food, forehead kisses, and making fun of Etoille"s weight.

(due to inability to rape, neg bombs should commence)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dabamf said:
Sorry, but please ignore the entirety of this post. Not having unsafe sex is an insult? uh......................................
Careful, you"re trying to use logic to figure out how a woman feels.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Antarius said:
There is NO recovery from... "yes, I"d like to fuck you, but I think you are a dirty whore or trying to trick me into a marriage with kids, and I don"t have a condom on me, so hold on while I leave to go get one."
Mood killer...yes. Sex dealbreaker...fuck no. If a girl wants to bang, she"ll wait for you to get the domes.

I"ve never been with anyone who put up a fuss (beyond a sexually frustrated pout) over having to get condoms. I mean, maybe if she was pre-2008 Bristol Palin she"d be pissed...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I"ve had to run for condoms on a few occasions. It"s NEVER been a cockblock. Do chicks REALLY break the deal on you pals if you say you need to grab protection, or are people here just speculating? I can"t imagine, aside from being a complete tool about how you say it, a chick getting pissed to the point of going from yes to no on sex because you wanna go grab some rubbers.

I mean shit guys, if a chick ever gets that pissed at you just for wanting to grab condoms, she"s probably a dirty slut and you needed protection anyway!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Adebisi the Onion Knight said:
Mood killer...yes. Sex dealbreaker...fuck no. If a girl wants to bang, she"ll wait for you to get the domes.

I"ve never been with anyone who put up a fuss (beyond a sexually frustrated pout) over having to get condoms. I mean, maybe if she was pre-2008 Bristol Palin she"d be pissed...
Back when I first met my girlfriend the first time we were going to bone I was a rookie and didn"t come prepared. It was like 2:30 A.M. on a sunday as well. So I was literally driving from seedy gas station to seedy gas station checking every bathroom for those crappy little machines. Eventually found one and all they had were banana flavored condoms, but I bought like 7 of them. It still wasn"t enough and I reaked of bananas for days.


Antarius said:
Kinda pointless isn"t it?

A) wear a condom to prevent stds
B) wear a condom to prevent kids

If A) isn"t a factor, then make the chick get on birth control.

Major surgery... versus a shot once every 3 months... hmmmm.
Major surgery?

30 minute REVERSIBLE outpatient procedure that your PRIMARY can provide AT the office is a MAJOR SURGERY?


In my personal experience being caught condomless has never stopped the sex from occuring after condoms were purchased.

On one occasion while living in Hollywood, I ended up having to drive to the Chevron on La Brea avenue with a hardon I couldnt tuck into waistband or hide under shirt and just happened to have two cops chilling at the gas mart... when they saw what I was purchasing they laughed ...

As for it "not being rape" when she is drunk as a skunk...

Again from personal experience... its still rape broseph. Invited a girl to go out to fancy clubbing at some invite only events in Hollywood, we get shitty drunk, taxi cab back, we do the stumbling drunk freaky together. Repeat again in the morning and send her back to UCLA. About three or four days later, I get a registered letter and a phone call from UCLA Housing about being placed on the Dorm Exclusion List (girl was an RA at UCLA or something) and that there would be an investigation about the incident. I start sweating, call up my friend who just became a police officer and explain the situation including the saucy texts she sent me afterwords talking about doing it all again and having a great time and not to tell her boyfriend. He informs me that it turns into a he said she said but with the texts that unless she takes it to court and I get shitty judge that it would get thrown out. He then proceeds to ask me how she was (as he also knew her from college).

She was just so so.