Girls who broke your heart thread


Queen Bee
okay, super quick.. Try not to ignore that super hot girl that you can take homenextsaturday night whowilltotally have her hands down your pants, and just pause for a minute and realize that I totally know what I"m talking about. Make a move.. nbd.


Buzzfeed Editor
Tyen said:
God forbid a man approach a woman with confidence..

Is it still white knighting if you are actually getting sex from the girl?

I"m confused how the meme plays out in this case.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Totally white knighting by telling some dude who is lacking self confidence about his bald head to hit on a woman.



Buzzfeed Editor
Tyen said:
Totally white knighting by telling some dude who is lacking self confidence about his bald head to hit on a woman.

You"re white knighting because for the past 3 months the only piece of advice you posted in this thread has been a "lol" when Jerle posted here...But now you"re giving advice that just so happens to support your girl friendsridiculousargument.

kk Lancelot?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
And the only reason you are posting right now is to play the White Knight card, so does that mean you just trollin bro?

Hide them nets son.


Queen Bee
Lithose said:
You"re white knighting because for the past 3 months the only piece of advice you posted in this thread has been a "lol" when Jerle posted here...But now you"re giving advice that just so happens to support your girl friendsridiculousargument.

kk Lancelot?
it"s not his fault i give such great, obviously right, advice


Buzzfeed Editor
Tyen said:
And the only reason you are posting right now is to play the White Knight card, so does that meanyou just trollin bro?
Man, I was genuinely curious if the meme applies. You"re defending her, but you are getting laid, too--I"m thinking that doesn"t count as a white knighting.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
TBH Dabamf is a fucking idiot and always wrong in anything he says about women. He also guzzles the cum of the Bluebie overlords in order to get in Inglorius Bastards (confirmed homosexual EQemu guild).

Being that as it may, informed about said comment, I recon it works both ways.

The FOH gods will have to rule on that one.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Trying to find that David Cross bit about the garbage man hitting on girls as he drives his garbage truck down the street. This garbage man doesn"t care if he has to hit on 100 girls. You can laugh, but he"s just playing the odds. Because 99 girls say no, but maybe that 100th girl likes to fuck on a pile of trash.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
lol @ auto thinking you will fail if you actually talk to a woman you don"t know and offer to buy something that costs $4

Send a private message to 200 women on OKCupid, it"ll probably work out more in your favor.

lololol, look at me white knighting. lololol, lrn2confidence


Queen Bee
I could never pay $4 for some girl"s coffee that I wasn"t 100% sure was going to bang me because that would just prove she is some materialistic whore..and I don"t like dem
I forget.. Why are you pals single?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tyen said:
lol @ auto thinking you will fail if you actually talk to a woman you don"t know and offer to buy something that costs $4

Send a private message to 200 women on OKCupid, it"ll probably work out more in your favor.

lololol, look at me white knighting. lololol, lrn2confidence
Starbucks is a great idea for picking up girls actually. The first couple approaches I ever made were at a borders/starbucks combo when I was living in San Antonio. It was a good introduction to pickup.

Opening with "you are beautiful" and paying for their drink is what the terrible idea is.

But what"s really funny is that:
Yes, sending out 200 messages on OKCupid (in reality it"s been even more) has gotten me laid MUCH more than I ever got laid approaching girls at starbucks.


Queen Bee
Antarius said:
Starbucks is a great idea for picking up girls actually. The first couple approaches I ever made were at a borders/starbucks combo when I was living in San Antonio. It was a good introduction to pickup.

Opening with "you are beautiful" and paying for their drink is what the terrible idea is.

But what"s really funny is that:
Yes, sending out 200 messages on OKCupid (in reality it"s been even more) has gotten me laid MUCH more than I ever got laid approaching girls at starbucks.
were they hookers though?

and you guys are you don"t just blurt out, "you are beautiful." that"s ease into it, you twits.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Trexmussen said:
and you guys are you don"t just blurt out, "you are beautiful." that"s ease into it, you twits.
Here is what you need to do. Get off the internet dating sites, go to Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, Saks.. ANYWHERE! Embarrass a woman a teeny bit.. by telling her she"s beautiful (or something to that effect) while you"re standing behind her and then IMMEDIATELY ask her to join you for dinner. No woman worth anything will give you the time of day if you say the same thing to her 1,000 other guys have before. Put yourself out there and she"ll be flattered and will woe. And if not.. you"ll never see her again and do it to some other equally gorgeous girl.
Stop posting.

You"re retarded.


Walk up to someone and offer to give them 5 dollars to chat with you for after commenting on their appearance.

Not Creepy?

What a girl thinks she wants, what a girl says she wants, and what a girl really wants are at least 6 different things.

Approaching a girl at starbucks, good idea.
Offering to buy her whatever it is she is ordering, bad idea.
Offering to let her buy you whatever it is YOU are ordering for the chance to possibly chat with you afterwords, good idea, if you are confident, creepy if you are not.


I"d just like to comment that I have never, ever bought a woman a coffee or a drink that wasn"t already dating me, with the exception of the first few dates where I"ll buy dinner/movie tix and it"s worked just fine for me.

I"ve also never told a chick she"s beautiful until after she banged me and I"m giving a nice ego stroke to make her think I"m not just trying to bang her, but that I"m a super nice guy who would never have ulterior motives. Doesn"t mean I won"t pay a compliment up front, but something as emphatic as "you"re beautiful" just screams desperation imo. Take notes on this date instead.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I"ve so stolen that "Who says I want to see you again?" line before and laugh every time it works, though I do sometimes worry that I"ll run up on a chick that"s a huge fan of The Departed and calls me on it. The basic point still stands, though. Putting someone on the defensive up front has a huge psychological impact that somehow makes women more likely to bang me.