Girls who broke your heart thread


privileged excrementlord
If we"re starved for breakup stories, I"ll share one, too. It"s not the most exciting, but anyway. The ex I"ve posted numerous pictures of, I dated her for most of my last year of undergrad and first year of grad school. She had just moved into town for school and got hired at the restaurant I worked at. I got to know her and she told me she was seeing someone. She"d only been to one party in town prior - hosted by some faggot with the last name Miller, whose royal decree was that no beer be drank except Miller Lite. I asked her what kind of queers she hangs out with and found out her boyfriend lives 3 hours away in Knoxville. I invited her out to some parties and friends" places, and we start dating shortly afterwards.

She"s not the smartest, could be bitchy at times and her face is maybe a 5 or a 6, but she didn"t seem batshit insane at the time, her body was fantastic, and she was awesome in the sack. She seemed utterly devoted to me and did pretty much anything I asked, so I figured it was a pretty good setup for the foreseeable future, and she moved in with me. She was also the only girl I"d dated that the pill didn"t turn into a fat psychopath, so having a smoking body to blow my load in every night was pretty cool, too. Does make for some scares when your girl has an irregular cycle though.

Anyway, fastforward about a year and she"s dropped out of school and serving full-time. I"m less than thrilled about that but the extra money is nice so I didn"t really put up that big of a fight. She says she"s in love and talking about the possibility of marriage. In retrospect this confuses me, because I was an asshole to her. I never cheated on her or even remotely came close, but I was overboard on the bros before hoes. We"d go out at night with my friends (she never really made any of her own while we were together), drink for a while, and she"d want to go home early if she had work in the morning. So I"d take her back to the house, she"d ask me to stay, I"d say "tomorrow night", fuck her to sleep, then go back out, drink with my friends until daylight, and usually wake her up in the process of drunkenly falling into bed. Just about every night. Eventually I let slip that I"m not really considering marriage as a possibility at the moment. I come home one day and see that she was looking for a new apartment, ask her what"s up, and she wants to break it off. She"s looking for marriage eventually, and if I"m not, then I"m wasting her time, etc. So we end it.

I was pretty bummed about it at first, but within two days she tells me she wants to keep having sex until one of us meets someone else. I say ok, and realize that all I really missed was the sex. She even admitted that"s all that kept her around as long as she did. This lasted maybe a little over a month until she started dating a coworker. They dated for a few months, but that relationship didn"t work out too well apparently since she eventually started to come over to my place a few nights in a row. The guy she was dating drove by my house and found her car there. He didn"t break up with her over it, instead just keeps begging her to stay away from me. She breaks it off with him, we start hooking up again on the regular and entertaining the idea of getting back together.

We give it another shot (stupid, I know), and I catch her lying about some shit. I have no proof she cheated on me, but the lack of trust was enough for me to say fuck it. I"d never be able to trust her. Not to mention she cheated on someone else with me, so I don"t know why that alone didn"t send off red flags. I don"t want herpes.

She ended up going back to the guy from before and within a month offered me $100 to massage (read: fuck) her. I tell her to get a massage from him. She tells me his massages suck. I laughed at that. I declined since I was already dating someone else at the time.

Skip another year and a half and I run into her older sister who was actually smart and level-headed. I asked her how things were and how the ex is doing. Turns out she got knocked up by some other guy, has a kid now, and is engaged to this dude, who"s apparently weird as shit according to the sister.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Trexmussen said:
I"m flattered, but I actually have huge hands. C"est tres embarrassing.
Tebow built you that way so you could grip your massive cock.


Queen Bee
Stratos said:
you two should play an mmo together.

that"s where real bonding occurs.
I beg him all the time. But he refuses to play WoW and says that EQ is "too hard" for me. SMSH! I deliver 4.0s like they"re his babies. I think I can play some dumb game.


Trexmussen said:
I beg him all the time. But he refuses to play WoW and says that EQ is "too hard" for me. SMSH! I deliver 4.0s like they"re his babies. I think I can play some dumb game.

just make sure when he caves that you get to play the tank role and he plays damage dealer (dps).

for the lulz.


This bitch is grabbing at every single post that doesn"t contain frothing hate pointed her direction desperately hoping to have a normal 1-on-1 convo with anyone who will give her the attention, ignoring the fact that it"s a mass conversation and, more importantly, that everyone still hates her more than Oblio hates his molester. And you know when she was making that graph she was thinking, "LOL I"m gonna put dabamf down in the bottom I GOT HIM GOOD!"

P.S. People making fun of you all the time should be a signal to the 1% of your brain that"s actually functioning that you suck at life and should either find a way to be a completely different person than you are (ideal scenario making you the best person in the world) or just become a cheap (because you"re ugly) prostitute with surgically removed vocal cords & legal ban from the internet.


dabamf when you make such a heavy one-sided post of hate like that it makes me want to post that I love trex.

and that makes me feel confused.

i know I don"t. I know she"s ignorant and an attention whore.

but your post....


i love you

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Dabamf said:
This bitch is grabbing at every single post that doesn"t contain frothing hate pointed her direction desperately hoping to have a normal 1-on-1 convo with anyone who will give her the attention, ignoring the fact that it"s a mass conversation and, more importantly, that everyone still hates her more than Oblio hates his molester. And you know when she was making that graph she was thinking, "LOL I"m gonna put dabamf down in the bottom I GOT HIM GOOD!"

P.S. People making fun of you all the time should be a signal to the 1% of your brain that"s actually functioning that you suck at life and should either find a way to be a completely different person than you are (ideal scenario making you the best person in the world) or just become a cheap (because you"re ugly) prostitute with surgically removed vocal cords & legal ban from the internet.
Man, so much hate for the white wimmenz. I"m totes no trex fan, but I bet at least she hasn"t ever discharged #catfood onto anyone"s sheets. Even Tyen isn"t into that.



now this is kinda hypothetical because I don"t want to name names but.

I met this bitch online. she was all "you always contradict me" but we would always make up.

then one day a bitch came between us and she was like it"s her or me.

I said I couldn"t handle the one-sided hate post and so I had to make a love post to the bitch inbetween.

bitch negged me and now we don"t talk.

what should I do guys?


<Gold Donor>
Stratos said:

now this is kinda hypothetical because I don"t want to name names but.

I met this bitch online. she was all "you always contradict me" but we would always make up.

then one day a bitch came between us and she was like it"s her or me.

I said I couldn"t handle the one-sided hate post and so I had to make a love post to the bitch inbetween.

bitch negged me and now we don"t talk.

what should I do guys?
Quit being a Keg #wannabe? Oh and don"t neg him back, two wrongs don"t make a right.