Girls who broke your heart thread

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
God damn, the General is just itching to wade in here and light this bitch up.

Fucking Tuco is gonna come save her and boot me off the forums for 90 days though, FUCK.


Queen Bee
Tuco said:
Dating a guy who is only an inch taller than you is a huge relief for women because it excuses them from having to wear heels.
Wtf? False. Who told you this?


The Big Mod
General Antony said:
God damn, the General is just itching to wade in here and light this bitch up.

Fucking Tuco is gonna come save her and boot me off the forums for 90 days though, FUCK.
don"t re-Kang in 2012


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
General Antony said:
God damn, the General is just itching to wade in here and light this bitch up.

Fucking Tuco is gonna come save her and boot me off the forums for 90 days though, FUCK.
Talking in third person? Check.
Threatening some internet badassery? Check.
Preemptive "The man is going to keep me down!"? Check.


Trakanon Raider
Tuco said:
Dating a guy who is only an inch taller than you is a huge relief for women because it excuses them from having to wear heels.
lol, I think that"s totally dependent on the girl. Many like wearing heels, which means that in their mind they can"t date anyone that"s not 6 inches taller than them. I have no idea what the proportion would be, but I"d be surprised if the majority of women in their 20"s and 30"s didn"t feel that way about height/heels.

Makes no sense to me either, but that"s par for the course when it comes to women and my understanding of them. Although I guess if there was some socially acceptable way for guys to roll around pretending they were 4" taller than they really were, it wouldn"t surprise me if the majority of dudes took up the habit too.


I"ve seen a lot of profiles where the women say they are looking for a man at least 3" taller than themselves, "because they like to wear heels when they go out." Honestly, I would kind of like to date a woman as tall as myself (or taller), but I"m 6 ft, so that opportunity doesn"t present itself very often.


Eh, I"m short. So I stick to chicks that are shorter than me, because women silently judge you if you"re not taller than them even if they say they"re fine with it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pretty much all women prefer a taller guy. Not freakish tall but they want better than average. Any guy who tells himself otherwise I"m also claims that sex is all about the motion and not the size.

Shit just look at online dating. If you are under 5"6" or something you better just lie on your profile or you"ll get instantly filtered out. I think OKC said that a man"s height was the #1 searched criteria by females.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Zarniwoop said:
I"ve seen a lot of profiles where the women say they are looking for a man at least 3" taller than themselves, "because they like to wear heels when they go out." Honestly, I would kind of like to date a woman as tall as myself (or taller), but I"m 6 ft, so that opportunity doesn"t present itself very often.
Well, I"ve seen profiles where women don"t want men 5 years older than they are, where they specify weight, all kinds of bizarre fucking shit. For their sake I hope that those women find someone quickly, because they are going to find out that they can"t be quite as picky when they pass 30 themselves. What, now your tits are starting to sag more, you"ve got stretch marks for days, have gained 10-20 and you look 45 at 30? Good fucking luck lol.

I haven"t bothered with online dating in a while, but I remember sending a message to one chick where I was 2-3 years above her"maximum age limit". I actually got some bitchy message back about how if I can"t read then I shouldn"t expect a positive response. FFS.
Tenks said:
Pretty much all women prefer a taller guy. Not freakish tall but they want better than average. Any guy who tells himself otherwise I"m also claims that sex is all about the motion and not the size.

Shit just look at online dating. If you are under 5"6" or something you better just lie on your profile or you"ll get instantly filtered out. I think OKC said that a man"s height was the #1 searched criteria by females.
I"ve been told (usually playfully) that I am too tall (/boggle), but then again I somehow manage to date women who are much shorter than I am as well. Also, those filters are fucking bullshit. I got filtered out for a fuckton of reasons, particularly age. Eventually I gave up and haven"t gone back in several years, may try another time in the future but /shrug.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
9/10 (yay for made up stats) a woman would prefer a guy too-tall to a guy too-short. Also stop being an old creeper on OKC #sneakupongirlsatstarbucks


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
LOL, who was it that was talking about doing that? I can"t remember.
Probably some hipster, vapid bitch.

You fixed it into something that doesn"t make sense?

I think you"re trying to insult me but your execution sucks.
Basically, women judge you on just about everything and do the whole "No, it"s fine!" thing so they can lord it over you later.


Kirun said:
Basically, women judge you on just about everything and do the whole "No, it"s fine!" thing so they can lord it over you later.
Fair enough, and true. I just didn"t get that from the way you "fixed" it.


met my current gf online, and she said she almost filtered me out. She is 5"10" and I am only an inch taller, she says her minimum height limit was 6 feet for precisely the reason given earlier: she loves wearing heels. good thing I am hot as fuck, otherwise i would have missed out!