Sup, my old job as a personal trainer had me making meal plans for hundreds of people, many of which had strict goals to achieve and chose to spare no expense on the way to said goals. I also have a damn huge family and love to both cook and eat, most of us are foreign so we like to eat weird shit like Sambayon, cow brain and cuttle fish in its ink from time to time. Queue years of discussing organic vs normal and preparing countless thousands of meals while monitoring results. Some guys were walking trash disposals while others, the most finicky, elitist, perfectly-good-food hating cultists I've ever met.
The ONLY things I've consistently found different between organic and GMO;
Radishes and tubers are smaller and more bitter when organic, nutrition yield appeared identical
Organic eggs consistently had shells that were harder to crack, especially brown. Now I've eaten raw eggs my entire life, virtually every day I eat the fuckers. If you held a gun to my head I could not tell the difference between brown/white organic/GMO. However if ANY egg has been sitting in the fridge a while and is toward the end of its shelf life, I may be able to tell you because when eaten raw they lose flavor. Cooked in any way and it's all the same to me.
How I wished it was as simple as "eat this better product" and voila better results. Some people just felt better spending more