GMO, Monsanto, organic dreadlocked nonsense?


Trakanon Raider
I have nothing to add here but...

Oh damn all I have to say is I cannot go back to your mass produced supermarket eggs. I do not eat eggs much but I will pay the extra bucks for a dozen for farm fresh eggs. The color, the taste oh man. Awesome.


Musty Nester
Yeah, nice warm eggs straight out of the chickens ass.

I ain't kidding. Egglands best are crap.


Sparkletot Monger
I mean I dont care about the label. Some foods labeled organic mean they are local and fresh, some don't. I have said over and over in this thread that you have to be an educated consumer, simply trusting the arbitrary FDA label is as simple minded as eating a hot pocket or a cinnabon. And my point was never "automatically buy stuff labeled organic at the supermarket.". My point has consistently been "buy local and buy fresh, avoid industrial food"

You guys are raging against the organic aisle in the local stop and shop. Great. I dont see organic that way. I see it is non-industrial food, but obviously that label can be manipulated. Can someone tell me the downside from buying from local farmers? Especially since its cost neutral buying from stands and famers markets.


Avatar of War Slayer
I mean I dont care about the label. Some foods labeled organic mean they are local and fresh, some don't. I have said over and over in this thread that you have to be an educated consumer, simply trusting the arbitrary FDA label is as simple minded as eating a hot pocket or a cinnabon. And my point was never "automatically buy stuff labeled organic at the supermarket.". My point has consistently been "buy local and buy fresh, avoid industrial food"

You guys are raging against the organic aisle in the local stop and shop. Great. I dont see organic that way. I see it is non-industrial food, but obviously that label can be manipulated. Can someone tell me the downside from buying from local farmers? Especially since its cost neutral buying from stands and famers markets.
if there is contamination in a local farm, you will only know after you are sick. Organic fertilizer is also not as safe as synthetic, either for produce.

But otherwise, people are calling you stupid, because you are being stupid. changing the meaning of words to try and justify, your moving goalposts. "well organic to me, means what I say it does".
you don't care about organic, you care about local and fresh, you said it yourself.
You don't give a shit about merit being used. you don't give a shit about synthetic fertilizers.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Yesterday was a bit cranky from travel so I'll try this again without name calling.

So I work at a place that sells lots of organic foods, yet I do agree that there is questionable benefits to it compared to non organic foods. I believe the episode of Penn and Teller's Bullshit does a decent outline along with a conclusion about it.

That said though, I and other coworkers are supported by organic food, along with non-organic. Whether it be stupid Fukushima links or how GMOs are causing world cancer, I think all rational people are equally irritated by the fear mongering bullshit. Yet I don't feel that warrants lumping all people into some category as some people who are just willing to spend a little more on food. It's just simply vote by economics.


I mean I dont care about the label. Some foods labeled organic mean they are local and fresh, some don't. I have said over and over in this thread that you have to be an educated consumer, simply trusting the arbitrary FDA label is as simple minded as eating a hot pocket or a cinnabon. And my point was never "automatically buy stuff labeled organic at the supermarket.". My point has consistently been "buy local and buy fresh, avoid industrial food"

You guys are raging against the organic aisle in the local stop and shop. Great. I dont see organic that way. I see it is non-industrial food, but obviously that label can be manipulated. Can someone tell me the downside from buying from local farmers? Especially since its cost neutral buying from stands and famers markets.
I don't care about GMO's, organic or farming practices, only that food is local and fresh, but I'm going to post in a thread about GMO's HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR.

Local farmers are some ultra altruistic beings. Sorry, there is no garuentee what they areselling is "organic", pesticide free or anything else. Especially when they aren't being greatly regulated, but hey only corporations and giant industrial farms are capable of lying. As another said, you won't know if you buy contaminated produce from a farmers market until you get lysteria. Anyway the whole thing is useless since you just are going to apply your nebulous definition of "organic" to things opposed to using the definition set forth by the USDA. Even if it is flawed, it gives a baseline for everyone to refer to, unlike you or definition which I'm sure it will change the moment someone shows it to be flawed.


Sparkletot Monger
I posted links which better articulated the definition as I understand it. My goalposts haven't moved. I'm not trying to score any points. I have no agenda. This is how I spend my money and why. You can have a love fest with factory food, great.


<Gold Donor>
Im all for some organic shit, but I live in a city (suburb), so getting it aside the organic labled shit in my grocery store for 300% markup is basically impossible without driving out to the boonies and getting some farm fresh shit. And even then, how am I supposed to know that the farm fresh shit was grown organically? Even I use fertilizers in my own veggie garden and use starter plants that are for sure genetically modified in some way.


Im all for some organic shit, but I live in a city (suburb), so getting it aside the organic labled shit in my grocery store for 300% markup is basically impossible without driving out to the boonies and getting some farm fresh shit. And even then, how am I supposed to know that the farm fresh shit was grown organically? Even I use fertilizers in my own veggie garden and use starter plants that are for sure genetically modified in some way.
You can make it organic by making up your own definition of organic just like llaerfaggot. Change the meaning of words to fit your own personal needs.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Meat! Where the majority of the products are non-organic. (because of silly laws pertaining to cross-contamination, which actually helps to show how it is almost a non-religious based faith belief considering the only other customers I need to watch out for that are religious)

Also there are no baggers at WF, it's all a department where they do different things among bagging. Why such hate for having a job, though? There is nothing bullshit about work, am I wrong or taking crazy pills.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
There is a deep contempt for the working class among pseudo intellectuals