This is about to become the best thread on the forum.Unless you want to get hodj'ed, I would refrain to use Jesus' life story to make historical points about... anything really.
Holy shit has anyone here ever taken a fucking history class? Judaism is a religion, not a race. The people of the Bible were Israelites, and were from the Middle East, thousands of years ago, so they were obviously not fucking white. The origin of the word Jew comes from Jacob's fourth son, Judah (Yehudah in Hebrew) and was originally only used in reference to descendants of his tribe, which was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.Current Egyptians are Arabs right? From... Arabia...
Jesus was white (most Jews are white) and went into hiding in Egypt and nobody called out his different skin colour right?
Jews are Durkas?Holy shit has anyone here ever taken a fucking history class? Judaism is a religion, not a race. The people of the Bible were Israelites, and were from the Middle East, thousands of years ago, so they were obviously not fucking white. The origin of the word Jew comes from Jacob's fourth son, Judah (Yehudah in Hebrew) and was originally only used in reference to descendants of his tribe, which was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.