Godzilla (2014)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Both myself and my wife enjoyed it. It's a freaking Godzilla movie, I can't believe the nitpicking going on with it, go back and watch the old ones and I'm sure there would be even more nitpicking lol. As a Godzilla movie I think it was fine, I would've liked a little more personality with Godzilla as he had in the Japanese movies. I guess they were going for that with the moment he had with Lt. EoD. I will agree that guy who played the LT. was very bland and boring.

I loved when Godzilla baby bird fed his fire down the things throat at the end, he was pretty badass.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hope you guys liked the movie, because the director was just handed one of the 3 spin-off Star Wars movies that will be playing in-between the new trilogy. And yes, I'm serious.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Hope you guys liked the movie, because the director was just handed one of the 3 spin-off Star Wars movies that will be playing in-between the new trilogy. And yes, I'm serious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I thought the visuals were well done. The actors did well. The story was not very good. I felt like the whole last 30 minutes was done just so the humans would be involved and they could show cool views. I felt there was not enough of the actual fighting between Godzilla and the MUTOs. And they cut away to quickly when they were fighting. Overall, I enjoyed it, but it was not anything must see. I would give it an 7.5/10.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just saw it again but this time in Imax and man the audio in this movie is fucking awesome to go along with the great visuals!


Vyemm Raider
Are you really surprised? I went and saw it first to judge for my kids, and decided we'd go see Maleficient or whatever it is instead. It's not a kids movie at all.
Eh my kid sis loved it, but shes 16 and has never seen anything Godzilla related before. I thought it was pretty badass, easily one of my favorite movies this year so far behind Capt America and DoFP and ahead of Spiderman by quite a bit.


Tranny Chaser
I did find myself wanting to yell "STOP KISSING YOUR SISTER YOU MUTANT PERVERT!"

I liked that they had semi-sensible motivation for the monsters although I do question the role of an alpha predator that doesnt actually eat his prey...


Log Wizard
I did find myself wanting to yell "STOP KISSING YOUR SISTER YOU MUTANT PERVERT!"

I liked that they had semi-sensible motivation for the monsters although I do question the role of an alpha predator that doesnt actually eat his prey...
Some animals do 'bonus killing' where they just kill shit to basically hone their skills at killing shit. Foxes and cats do this. Also I believe they said they were parasites, so maybe it would be more akin to Godzilla swatting some major fucking flies.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member

Yeah they were some kind of parasite, Because I think at the start, in the mine in Malaysia, they were found in some cocooned state, inside the body of that bigger creature - well it was little more than a skeleton. So it's probable that they killed it from within.

So they might be a creature that gets inside the body of a host as a larvae stage, eat and eat, killing the creature and then once that's happened go into a cocoon to metamorphis into their final form.

edit:I realised after posting that in the movie we do see the Muto's eggs and there are little Muto in each one. So they don't do a larvae stage like an insect which is a big fat grub. But anyway they do it I think it looked like the Muto were in a type of cocoon inside the underground body, so they are something along those lines. a feeding parasite.


<Gold Donor>
Finally saw this, and I have to say I'm fairly disappointed. I was prepared for it to not have a lot of monsters in it, and for the human element to be pretty dumb, so that stuff didn't bother me too much. I mean, Kick-Ass guy was pretty lame and worthless, and Elizabeth Olsen and their kid could have been cut out of the movie entirely and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference, but I realize there have to be some people that we're supposed to connect with a little bit. I didn't, not even a little (after Bryan Cranston that is), but still, I get it.

But I was totally let down by the fact that when the monsters were finally on screen, it wasn't what I needed at all. Come up with all the excuses about "this is like an old-school Godzilla movie" you want, but go back and watch one of them and then tell me this isn't missing the most important element that all those have. When Godzilla finally shows up at the end of a movie, they fucking brawl, and it goes on for awhile. They don't cut away and let us only see glimpses of the battle on TV, he fights, he gets the shit kicked out of him for awhile (always, that's literally like a rule of Godzilla movies I think), he rallies like Hulk Hogan, and then he takes care of business.

For a movie with hardly any fight scenes at all, when they finally happened they were way too short. Yeah, the finishing move was awesome (both of them I guess), and there were certainly some cool scenes and elements, but lumped together there was what, maybe 5 minutes of actual fighting? That's nowhere near enough if your human element sucks fucking balls and no one gives a shit about anything except those fight scenes.

Godzilla himself was awesome. The MUTOs were pretty cool. When they did fight, again it was pretty cool. But I didn't need a two hour movie for *maybe* 10 minutes of action total. There needed to be a good 30 minutes or so of brutal fight scenes for me to not care that the rest of the movie was pretty bland. They could have split those fight scenes up throughout the movie even, it didn't have to be end-loaded.

Oh, and I laughed out loud when they were checking the nuclear waste storage. Are you fucking serious? That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Who thought that was a great, suspenseful scene when they wrote it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It was a good summer pop corn flick. The only real problem was the soldier guy they pegged as the main character. He was sleep walking through the whole movie. The role needed some energy and charisma, and he was so slow and underwhelming. He would have been better cast as a zombie on The Walking Dead. They should have toned down Cranston's crazy and just made him the main character throughout the film.

I thought the scene with the skydiver's streaming red smoke was the films best scene. The calm before the storm. Beautifully shot (rendered).


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Pretty much agree with Fight on this. As a Godzilla movie, it was the best one in the last decade or so. It was certainly better than Pacific Rim Job, but having an actor with real teeth in the main role would have helped it a lot. At least they avoided the campiness of the last attempt.


Millie's Staff Member
this was a big disappointment, this was a movie by a director who doesnt "get" the concept of godzilla films and what they are supposed to be like. del toro got it, thats why pacific rim was far superior to this. im not gonna say this was a bad movie. 98 godzilla was really bad and because i do love me some godzilla even a chubby godzilla, i will say this was ok. my biggest gripes, they killed cranston off and the other, the movie was played way too fucking seriously. oh and every fucking monster scene was at night. wtf.