Godzilla (2014)


Millie's Staff Member
I thought that was Rodan.
at first i thought it was godzilla's body and neck, but after looking at those images over and over, yes it looks like rodan sitting there with his wings draped around him and his long neck and beak peaking out. i guess they got him caged up and godzilla is the one that appears fucking up shit causing tsunamis and maybe they either release rodan to fight godzilla or he accidently escapes due to godzilla damage or rodan breaks out on his own.


Molten Core Raider
Guys, this isn't Rodan. It's a whole new monster. Rumors say that it's man made, and we lost control of it. It's called Muto. It does fly, though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guys, this isn't Rodan. It's a whole new monster. Rumors say that it's man made, and we lost control of it. It's called Muto. It does fly, though.
Yeah, my impression too, though it seriously does look more Rodan like, and the Muto walking clip in that leaked vid that got pulled made it hard to picture Muto stowing away that sort of wingspan.

Yeah my impression was Rodan gets out and starts wrecking shit and Godzilla shows up to sit his ass down. Classic 'Zilla.
Same, seemed like the "bad" monster was government work and it got loose. I figured the Asian guy knew how to release the hibernating Godzilla, notice he says "I believe something can" in response to "Can you kill it?". Of course that could still mean Godzilla is also under government wraps but I assumed he meant that he knew of this other monster that they could unleash but with risk for even more collateral damage.

So anyway, the trailers are nowreallygiving a theme of Godzilla as the hero/focus, which is great if its not a blatant lie. Movie looks like it has serious potential, but I'm still worried they won't let Godzilla win this outright and insert some retarded story where man comes up with an idea to save the day in the end.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Godzilla was probably created by accident or just exists and, either way, is slumbering. They study him and create Muto in hopes of having an ultimate weapon. It goes crazy so our boy 'zilla is woken up to wreck shit. Military just attacks both because they are stupid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hopefully the trailers also aren't misleading in terms of how its shot. Looking so far like it won't be shaky cam style close-up spastic bullshit like Transformers (I only saw the first one but the robot fights sucked IMO).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hopefully the trailers also aren't misleading in terms of how its shot. Looking so far like it won't be shaky cam style close-up spastic bullshit like Transformers (I only saw the first one but the robot fights sucked IMO).
They became better as the series went on but still used a solid amount of shaky.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got to admit, I am exciting for Godzilla. I remember watching them growing up. I had that toy where it was about 2 and a half feet tall that you pulled the red handle and his tongue spit out which looked like fire. His hand was also spring loaded and fired like a rocket. I used to pit him vs GI joes in my lego city.


Millie's Staff Member
I got to admit, I am exciting for Godzilla. I remember watching them growing up. I had that toy where it was about 2 and a half feet tall that you pulled the red handle and his tongue spit out which looked like fire. His hand was also spring loaded and fired like a rocket. I used to pit him vs GI joes in my lego city.
i had that exact toy and rodan. i have a picture of me hugging it on the christmas morning i recieved it.


Log Wizard
I'm not going to lie. If Gamera popped up and tag-teamed TechnoZilla with Godzilla I'd probably shed a few tears.


Is it Godzilla + bug monster and flappy monster? Are the buggy monster and flappy monster the same? They don't look it.


privileged excrementlord
some review said there won't be much Godzilla in the film until the final scene/battle.


SO like every good classic Godzilla movie then? Sounds to me they are redoing a classic Godzilla movie where they build up to it slowly throughout the film then boom awesome. I don't see the problem.

I think people are too used to bad monster movies over the years where they just bash you over the head with the main event and you get worn out. Pacific Rim dodged this because it was done seriously and without cynicism. From what I understand this is done seriously as well but not so seriously where you cant have fun like the aforementioned film, hopefully it will have the same effect.