how beric has a FA is unexplained because there is no explanation suitable without unraveling the entire fucking show.
Also why was cersei never a Baratheon. She's been Cersei Lannister all through books and show. Caitlyn took her married name. Arryns wife too.
its all over the place. there was no FA in the books and in the show Thoros only can light up his sword with wildfire. mel only lit up stannis sword for effect to get people to follow him. i dont think it was a magical sword or something that was inherent in the steel or wielder. so "show" beric with a flaming sword that destroys WWs should not exist. also beric's blood if it can light up swords should make his sword no more special than stannis's.Isn't Beric's flaming sword essentially produced by a form of blood magic as well? Originally he lit it by cutting his hand open as he passed it down the blade though in the last episode they seemed to have dispensed with that.
That's just part of the flame. There's no lightning is this a shoop or was it in the show? i never noticed the lightning bolt shoot out of his wrist.
it's jagged like a lightning bolt. wouldnt a flame be more blueish like a blowtorch or a ball?That's just part of the flame. There's no lightning bolt.
because glass reflects light and fire doesnt jag?People thinking that's lightning but calling Longclaw eye opening a reflection.
Confirmed they are all just lost on Westeros.Does someone have video of that scene at normal speed? Watching something 1000 times in a row will make you see shit that was never intended. This is Lost-level stupidity when you start inspecting shit in slow motion and on loop.
Anyone know what the music is called when the Dragons attack - was in the scene above and also the Beyond the Wall Dragon/NK battle
its why i asked if that was a shoop. because you cant really see it at normal speed but its there if you look for it.Does someone have video of that scene at normal speed? Watching something 1000 times in a row will make you see shit that was never intended. This is Lost-level stupidity when you start inspecting shit in slow motion and on loop.