Maybe Richard Dormer is actually able to summon lightning flames in real life? That seems like the most obvious answer.
This is going to sound strange, but I believe the fire sword was a practical effect, as opposed to CGI. If it were practical, then the sleeve was made from a flame retardant material. However, by pulling his hand up the sword, the sleeve "cupped" some of the vapors of whatever made the sword have fire. It's probably a gas line, similar to a tiki torch. Anyway, the "lightning" look was the gasses that had been cupped by the sleeve actually burning off. Not a big deal.
It seems less likely than Chuk just being a fucking retard as always.
That's not real lightning though. It appears the CGI team may have added that in to distract us from the fact he really has both eyes.
That is true and she also kept practicing what Syrio had taught her from s2 till she arrived inEdit: As to Syrio, no it doesn't mean he was a Faceless Man. Yes, she received some training from him, but I think time-wise and skill-wise she probably learned a lot more from her fighting with the Waif.
It will be good. Calm your tits.I predict every scene for the next 7 episodes ends with a dragon in it. The writers know without source material they are shit so they are just going to throw in a dragon as they have been all season so people will say man this was a shit episode, but mah dragons!
BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND—Discussing the hit HBO fantasy drama with reporters ahead of this weekend’s season finale, Game Of Thrones producers revealed Thursday that the series had moved beyond the show’s written script halfway through the current season. “Over the first six and a half seasons, we had been following closely along with the meticulous, rich details provided in our show’s scripts, but once we got to the ‘Spoils Of War’ episode this season, we ran out of all written dialogue and plot and just pushed forward in a new direction from there,” said series co-creator and executive producer David Benioff, noting that the action on-screen during the past three episodes had not been based on any of the existing books, any of the scripts penned by the show’s writing staff, or any material at all that had been preconceived and written down anywhere. “At this point, the show has completely diverged from scripted narrative and character arcs, and I think it’s adding a new and exciting element for our fans. Viewers can rest assured knowing that the final season will answer all their questions about who in Westeros will sit on the Iron Throne, even if we don’t have any scenes or storyline whatsoever to work from.” Benioff then refused to respond to swirling rumors that Sunday’s episode would feature each of the show’s characters silently meandering around an open field for 80 minutes.
CGI these days is awe inspiring.
Frame 14. "lightning bolt" is just a flame vortex from his shirt/wrist.