It's a practical effect. Watch the making of behind the scenes for that episode and you can see how its done.
Oh sorry, Jorah said it not the hound :-D
still... where these fools getting fire swords. I want one
The show doesn't have time to deal with that stuff. Some is better for it.The books leave it kind of ambiguous as to whether the fire magic is the power of the Lord of Light, or just a mummer's trick (as they mention Thoros doing and ruining his swords). The theme though is that magic is getting stronger as the books progress, but it is unclear whether it is the Lord of Light, magic returning because dragons are back in the world, or something else entirely - you see it with Thoros going from drunk charlatan to having the power of resurrection (without really understanding how), Melisandre mentions how she was pretty much just a trickster and half-fraud until her shit started to work for real, and Stannis' sword starts out as something like Thoros' fake shit in CoK, but starts turning really magical by the end of Dance - glowing, giving off heat, etc.
The show though is pretty much just straight up 'this is the power of the Lord of Light' and doesn't much delve into the other ambiguities. The strong faithful magically set their swords on fire and that is that.
There is still a possibility of a great finale. They better have a spectacular payoff for that Wight capture adventure. If that turns out to just be a means to an end (Dany losing a dragon to NK) I will be very disappoint.
I'm thinking Cersei dies this last episode, or something VERY unexpected happens. This has to be a fantastic episode or s7 will easily be the worse season.
Given the length, something major will have to happen...but I'd imagine it'll be more about setting up next season than a lot of conclusions just yet.
There is still a possibility of a great finale. They better have a spectacular payoff for that Wight capture adventure. If that turns out to just be a means to an end (Dany losing a dragon to NK) I will be very disappoint.
I'm thinking Cersei dies this last episode, or something VERY unexpected happens. This has to be a fantastic episode or s7 will easily be the worse season.
Are you serious? It's the season finale. Of course some big shit is going to happen
Friend of mine is betting on the VERY unexpected. Dany dies (poisoned by Qyburn under Cersei's orders, or somesuch).I'm thinking Cersei dies this last episode, or something VERY unexpected happens. This has to be a fantastic episode or s7 will easily be the worse season.
Nobody has a plot armor thick enough to withstand GRRM.If you guys think Dany is going to die Sunday you should put down the crack pipe.
Cersei is unlikely but Dany? Mine as well predict everyone dies and they just say fuck season 8 all together.
Jon is Ice. Dany is Fire. NK is Ice. Bevis is Fire. Nights Watch is Ice. Cersei is Fire. Winter is Ice. Summer WAS Fire. Sober Tyrion is Ice. Drunk Tyrion is Fire. Vanilla is Ice. Pitbull is Fire. It all makes sense now to me. I see everything. I remember what it was like being me, but I am not Olebass anymore.This story is about Jon. One thing I can predict for sure is Jon finally learns his true parentage. It might be waved away as lolBran but then somehow Sam's Intel is going to confirm one way or the other. This itself will have huge consequences.
One reason I believe this is Jons sudden warmth for Dany, deciding to go ahead and bend the knee for no apparent reason, when his point was just proven about the undead army, he is a king he could of proposed marriage or at least an alliance oath at the very least. But to go ahead and yield after everything he stood for it just doesn't feel organic.
The way they held hands, the obvious clues to his parentage and the sexual tension is all leading to the obvious conclusion of his parentage being revealed to throw a wrench in him bending the knee, as then SHE should have to bend the fucking knee.
So that is going to happen. Something else has to happen with Euron. He isn't the big bad, the show has established that's the NK, so he is a plot mover, he HAS to have an impact one way or the other before this season concludes. What that impact is we will find out, bit I have a feeling he is going to betray Cersei and sweep her off the board and then take the Iron Throne as Jamie escapes, vowing revenge and joining Dany. If not that he is going to die, his character arc isn't flourishing into next season I just don't think he is a high level player that is going to hang around until the end.
Whut? Jon bends the knee because of what Tormund said. Don't be prideful at the expense of your people (i.e. like Mance)This story is about Jon. One thing I can predict for sure is Jon finally learns his true parentage. It might be waved away as lolBran but then somehow Sam's Intel is going to confirm one way or the other. This itself will have huge consequences.
One reason I believe this is Jons sudden warmth for Dany, deciding to go ahead and bend the knee for no apparent reason, when his point was just proven about the undead army, he is a king he could of proposed marriage or at least an alliance oath at the very least. But to go ahead and yield after everything he stood for it just doesn't feel organic.
The way they held hands, the obvious clues to his parentage and the sexual tension is all leading to the obvious conclusion of his parentage being revealed to throw a wrench in him bending the knee, as then SHE should have to bend the fucking knee.
So that is going to happen. Something else has to happen with Euron. He isn't the big bad, the show has established that's the NK, so he is a plot mover, he HAS to have an impact one way or the other before this season concludes. What that impact is we will find out, bit I have a feeling he is going to betray Cersei and sweep her off the board and then take the Iron Throne as Jamie escapes, vowing revenge and joining Dany. If not that he is going to die, his character arc isn't flourishing into next season I just don't think he is a high level player that is going to hang around until the end.
Retard half-breed. Jon bends the knee because he is a leader who cares about his people. Everything he does is for the greater good, which he realizes bending the knee is at this point.But....he ...didnt need to? She obviously wants to fuck him. She agreed to help him. Why bend the knee and not just join up? Like she would really fucking burn him and his people if he didnt bend the knee but decided to be an ally for her cause instead? lol
The Jon parentage reveal is going to happen, so he probably doesnt bend the knee anyway.