(I'm not seriously considering Tyrion/Sansa at the end).
But I am confident that 1.) Jon kills Dany. and 2.) Jon won't want the throne.
Show ends with three major things happening.
Jamie kills his sister
Hound and Mountain kill each other
Jamie puts a long golden wig on Brienne and humps her
To what end? Night King never stuck me as someone who talks. Did you want him to say, hi? Like what were we looking for here?He could've at least said something sarcastic?
Dude I fucking called it. Holy fucking shit!Not sure how I feel about it yet, need to let marinate what happened. Too fucking dark for one, I could barely see what was happening. Ughh, my initial reaction is disappointment and I am not fully certain why yet. Whooooole lot of fan service.
Also,Noodleface confirmed sucking someone's dick at HBO.
I still don't understand why anyone thought Bran could or was going to be able to do anything against the Night King.
We grew up watching GI Joe, Thunder cats, and saved by the bell and ya'll motherfuckers bitching about this TV show that is on par with most block busters.
You really going to dis Tormund Giantsbane like that? If anything him and Jaime get to double team that shit.
Bran gave her the dagger.Oh yeah did Arya kill the NK with littlefingers dagger? Couldn't tell but it did look like it.
I posted in this theaad that Arya would come from the tree and do an airborne killDid you call Arya killing him too? My wife threw a pillow at me because I was right and she wasn't with regards to that as well. lol
Bran gave her the dagger.
Which was given to him by Littlefinger.
To what end? Night King never stuck me as someone who talks. Did you want him to say, hi? Like what were we looking for here?
Yeah he knew what was going to happen and just decided to amuse himself with his phone.
Mind you no one South of Winterfell will have any idea that the whole ice army of the dead was real. Cersei of course does, but everyone else is just gonna think nothing of it. So much for the nasty expected winter...