Only white walkers get dusted after being touched with Valy steel or dragon glass. Regular wights are just normal undead and you either have to cut them to fucking bits or burn them to stop their reanimation - we've seen arms cut off and still move (presentation to Cersei). Dragon glass does nothing crazy to them, and they have been hacked by valyrian steel by jon and its just normal cuts to them. At Hardhome it was only a white walker who got dusted when jon's sword swung through him.
but yeah I agree the writing was terrible with the white walkers last episode, they all just hang out in the back doing fuck all and then squad up as some sort of weird honor guard to the night king as he strolls into the gods wood, after doing his dumbass "lol fuck your dragon fire" move and really late reanimation in front of Jon. Its just all really terrible pacing wise, there were a million ways the same story beats could have been done in a far more interesting and better way with more white walker action and the Night King being a bit more protective of his ass, cuz you know, if he dies HIS ENTIRE ARMY DIES.
It would have been dumb as fuck but hilarious if arya stabs the night king and he just takes off his mask and its Syrio or Jaqen and he simply kills Arya as he says "What do we say to the God of Death?"
Then why does Wun Wun crumble to little Mormont? Or the wraiths Jon tags in Hearthholm that dust to one swing? I'm not questioning your fact, I'm saying that they fuck it up time and again for screen purposes.
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