GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Unelected Mod
If you think Oberyn was black
XXD was pale in the books but was black in the tv show. If they made all the dornish black, it would be fine with me.

I could pretty much give a fuck about having character's appearance match the descriptions in the book, as long as the character is at least similar or equally interesting.


Molten Core Raider
Plus mexican's (theyre supposed to be mexicans right? They always seemed african to me) don't fight with spears, that's just crazy talk.


Registered Hutt
Spanish were famous for the effect design of regiments comprising combined pike and musket called tercio, but I always saw them as pale arabic ala north africa. The free cities of Essos remind me of southern european/arabic and the hordes are obviously central asian/mongol. Dorne was allegedly infused with Rhoynish genetics from Essos in very large amounts just before the time of Aegon the Conqueror.


I think people forget that Catelyn, Lysa and Littlefinger all grew up together in Riverrun as kids/teens. So Catelyn has known Littlefinger for most of her life and knows he is fond of her.


Molten Core Raider
The people of Dorne are arabs, why would anybody think they're influenced by africans?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think people forget that Catelyn, Lysa and Littlefinger all grew up together in Riverrun as kids/teens. So Catelyn has known Littlefinger for most of her life and knows he is fond of her.
Which makes it most annoying that she'd trust him. You know as a kid when he was growing up he'd scheme to get candy all day long.


Which makes it most annoying that she'd trust him. You know as a kid when he was growing up he'd scheme to get candy all day long.
I was under the impression he just schemed to get in Cat's pants all day long. Clearly his game was weak 20 years ago.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't see how anyone saw Dorn as black--for me they smacked of Italians. Their resistance to the Targs (Mafia) and their inability to form a strong central government (Post-Roman provinces) seemed like he was drawing on Italy for inspiration for Dorn. Hell even Dornish wine is described as the more acidic and "hearty" Italian wines, combined with how they eat spices/peppers with everything (Italians eat more peppers than anyone but Indians.) it just seemed to me like he was painting them as very "Godfather" like.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Desert folks, just assumed they were of the darker Middle Eastern variety based on that.

But then, I thought the Dothraki were black.


Unelected Mod
I don't think anyone sees them as black from the books, but I wouldn't mind if they made them black in the tv show. They will definitely want them to have a different ethnicity than the mainly white actors of Westeros.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How does Littlefinger take the news of Cat's death in the books? Is there any shock or outrage out of him? Or has he already moved on to full on Sansa-creeper to care much?


Buzzfeed Editor
You guys are giving Joffrey way too much credit, and I seriously doubt there are any lines in book 4 that imply Joffrey saw anything between Jaime and Cersei. I doubt he even knew it was Tyrion's dagger he was grabbing to give to the assassin, or even that it was Valyrian steel, he just grabbed a dagger out of whichever section of the wagon train had the weapons stored in it. The only way he could have been trying to frame Tyrion was if he assumed that the assassin would fail, or if the assassin had orders to leave the dagger behind. He was just a malicious little fuck who probably thought he was doing the Starks a favor by mercy-killing their crippled son. Or maybe he was just a malicious little fuck who thought he was being a malicious little fuck.

It's still pretty stupid thinking that because it was Tyrion's dagger, Tyrion must have sent the assassin. Why the fuck would you give an assassin an extremely rare Valyrian steel weapon to perform an assassin when any old sharp piece of metal would do? I'm pretty sure you can track every single Valyrian steel weapon that exists in Westeros back to it's owner.
It was Robert's dagger. Littlefinger made the entire Tyrion connection up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I don't think anyone sees them as black from the books, but I wouldn't mind if they made them black in the tv show. They will definitely want them to have a different ethnicity than the mainly white actors of Westeros.
Dude the Summer Islanders are dark as fuck


Millie's Staff Member
Dornish are white, maybe they are southern european whites with olive skin, but they act much more greek or Mediterranean than anything else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just read something saying the Martell's are described as "olive skinned and dark haired" so honestly anything darker than pure honky will be fine=P


Martell's have a lot of Targ in them too remember.

The Rhoynar were a slender people with smooth olive skin, black hair and dark eyes. Their impact on the Dornish gene pool is strongest along the coast, and grows faint farther inland. Dornishmen with more Andal and First Men blood are larger and fairer than those with more Rhoynish.

According to King Daeron I's observations during his wars in Dorne, there are three group of Dornishmen:

Salty Dornishmenlive along the coasts, mainly along the Broken Arm region, where the Red Mountains stretch out into the Sea of Dorne. These Dornishmen are lithe and dark, with smooth olive skin and long black hair. They are fishermen and sailors, hard men who sail the ships of the Dornish fleet.[4]

Sandy Dornishmenlive in the deserts and the long river valleys, faces burned brown by the hot Dornish sun, they are even darker than the salty Dornishmen.[4]

Stony Dornishmenlive in the passes and heights of the Red Mountains. They have the most Andal and First Men blood and mostly resemble the other people of the Seven Kingdoms in look, customs and traditions. They are brown-haired or blond with faces that are freckled or burned by the sun.[4]

Additionally, another, smaller group exists: the Greenblood orphans are pure Rhoynar who ply the Greenblood in poleboats.