GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Cat is the fucking idiot that was dense enough to believe that Tyrion would send an assassin after her son with a knife that had "Property of Tyrion Lannister, Imp" stenciled on it. Taking it upon herself to arrest the Imp was the point of no return that kicked off the war.

(speaking of the dagger - did Joff do that to get back at Tyrion for slapping him, or was it just a coincidence that Petyr pinned it on Tyrion and Joff is just a fucking idiot?)
Uhm, no. Catelyn came back from kings landing, and was told by littlefinger it was tyrions who would not trust an old friend?

Then she accidentally bumped into tyrion at the inn on her way back to winterfell, tyrion came back from pissing down the edge of the wall, i still believe the part he pissed on caused it to break away when the wildlings climbed the wall, anyhoo....

He was a lone lannister accused of attempted murder in the middle of stark loyalists, even if he kept denying they would always believe Cat's accusation.

Ned stark took the blame and nothing major happened until Ned started poking around in the books looking for proof of Joffrey's lineage, his letter to stannis and robert dying caused the war to happen, imprisoning Ned and eventually killing them brought Robb to mix into the war.

As for littlefinger placing the blame on tyrion, tyrion is smart and not easily manipulated, littlefinger sees him as a too smart competition, joffrey, not that smart is controllable. So there was no easier way to take tyrion out of the picture and not get your own hands dirty.


Vyemm Raider
The point was, even if it was Tyrion's blade, why would she believe he'd give it to some dope to kill her kid with when it would be a giant sign that said TYRION DID THIS.

Sure, she could think that was the whole point - but again, pretty thin evidence to go and start a goddamn war.

She quickly starts to doubt the evidence herself but does nothing.

Fuck Cat.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The point was, even if it was Tyrion's blade, why would she believe he'd give it to some dope to kill her kid with when it would be a giant sign that said TYRION DID THIS.
Do people think folks in Westeros all just hang out together and know personally how all the other nobles act and are? He's 100's of miles away and all she knows is Ned hates Lannisters and that someone she(stupidly) trusts told her it was Tyrion. They're not getting together at seasonal mixers where she can take his measure and knows he's not that sloppy or ruthless.


The point was, even if it was Tyrion's blade, why would she believe he'd give it to some dope to kill her kid with when it would be a giant sign that said TYRION DID THIS.

Sure, she could think that was the whole point - but again, pretty thin evidence to go and start a goddamn war.

She quickly starts to doubt the evidence herself but does nothing.

Fuck Cat.
Why wouldn't she believe it could be as simple as it's Tyrion's blade? She wasn't supposed to come out alive from this. It's not like they were going to kill Bran and then leave the blade there, and even if they did, my take was that Geoffrey uses that blade (with Littlefinger's advice behind his decision) in order to incriminate Tyrion. It may be little evidence, but it was an amount of evidence versus not having anything else.


Potato del Grande
Skipped a few pages but are you guys retarded?

It's been called the Purple Wedding because purple is the royal colour (because it was a hard colour to dye in the olden days?), Royalty often wear purple. Not because of amethyst coloured poison or choking cheek colouring which I'm not convinced was how they were described in the book (I though it was black?).

Not that I paticularily agree with the name, I would have thought Golden Wedding - another kingly colour and assosiated with Lannisters and Tyrells.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one is confused why fags call it the Purple Wedding. They call their boyfriends daddy too, doesn't make it any less gay and awful.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What's implied actually imo is that Joffrey always knew exactly who his parents were. That's why more than any other reason he was so fucked up and his brother and sister are fairly normal. Before we find out that he was the one who sent the assassin he drops about 50 lines between book 1-4 that he knows or saw Jaime nailing his mom.

At least that was my take on it.
Why wouldn't she believe it could be as simple as it's Tyrion's blade? She wasn't supposed to come out alive from this. It's not like they were going to kill Bran and then leave the blade there, and even if they did, my take was that Geoffrey uses that blade (with Littlefinger's advice behind his decision) in order to incriminate Tyrion. It may be little evidence, but it was an amount of evidence versus not having anything else.
You guys are giving Joffrey way too much credit, and I seriously doubt there are any lines in book 4 that imply Joffrey saw anything between Jaime and Cersei. I doubt he even knew it was Tyrion's dagger he was grabbing to give to the assassin, or even that it was Valyrian steel, he just grabbed a dagger out of whichever section of the wagon train had the weapons stored in it. The only way he could have been trying to frame Tyrion was if he assumed that the assassin would fail, or if the assassin had orders to leave the dagger behind. He was just a malicious little fuck who probably thought he was doing the Starks a favor by mercy-killing their crippled son. Or maybe he was just a malicious little fuck who thought he was being a malicious little fuck.

It's still pretty stupid thinking that because it was Tyrion's dagger, Tyrion must have sent the assassin. Why the fuck would you give an assassin an extremely rare Valyrian steel weapon to perform an assassin when any old sharp piece of metal would do? I'm pretty sure you can track every single Valyrian steel weapon that exists in Westeros back to it's owner.


Same trailer, different park
I need to post on Facebook.

Haha, I think 95% of people I know had this same thought.


The point was, even if it was Tyrion's blade, why would she believe he'd give it to some dope to kill her kid with when it would be a giant sign that said TYRION DID THIS.

Sure, she could think that was the whole point - but again, pretty thin evidence to go and start a goddamn war.

She quickly starts to doubt the evidence herself but does nothing.

Fuck Cat.
*tap tap* this thing on?

Cat did not start the war of 5 kings......Cat caused some hatred that was already there between starks and lannisters...Robert Baratheon interfered. she pissed off Jamie lannister enough to just need that one little excuse to wound Ned Stark...

Robert dying and Ned stark causing shit with joffreys daddy issues caused the big war. Not Catelyn...


privileged excrementlord
Skipped a few pages but are you guys retarded?

It's been called the Purple Wedding because purple is the royal colour (because it was a hard colour to dye in the olden days?), Royalty often wear purple. Not because of amethyst coloured poison or choking cheek colouring which I'm not convinced was how they were described in the book (I though it was black?).

Not that I paticularily agree with the name, I would have thought Golden Wedding - another kingly colour and assosiated with Lannisters and Tyrells.
^ awful post

Anyway, what the fuck is with retards calling for Michael K Williams (Omar/Chalky) to play Oberyn? That would be stupid and terrible.


Trump's Staff
Yeah I'd say Ned Stark calling Tywin to KL to answer for Gregor's crimes and confronting Cersei about fucking her brother did more to ruin their house than anything Catelyn ever did. Although she definitely didn't do ANYTHING that helped their situation in the slightest.


Molten Core Raider
They even matched Stannis to Hitler's voice saying Stalin.

I feel ashamed for the one I posted a while ago.


Molten Core Raider
Oberyn never felt like an Omar to me. Omar is too wiry. Oberyn in my mind's eye was played by Mr Eko from Lost.
