GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Unelected Mod
With True Blood dropping and Boardwalk Empire clearly not nearly as popular, GoT is the #1 HBO property for probably at least the next 3 seasons. I think its essentially a lock for 6 seasons. The problem will be s7 when some of the actors come up for contract. If they can negotiate the main ones, then we could see it go much longer.


<Gold Donor>
Watched the trailer again, and man, They don't make awards big enough to give to the actress playing brienne. There's been some superb performances in the series, but I honestly think hers is one of, if not the best. She's such a fucking good and well written character in the book, and the way her story goes with jaime was the source of much entertainment to me. That said, I thought the makers of the series would fall into the trap of making brienne a cliche badass woman. In the books, she's more of a badass man stuck in a brutish woman's body. I cant wait to see what happens this season, even the brief moments of brienne in the trailer are amazing. The bear scene looks a++, but even this scene people may of missed at :52 of her just headed butting out of rage looks awesome.


Doer of Things
Yea the Brienne and Jaime chapters were my favorite by far up until the Barriston chapters in ADWD. I think that Tyrion and Brienne were definitely the best castings in the show.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Even lesser characters like Varys and Littlefinger are superbly cast, even if I keep seeing Baltimore's mayor in drag whenever he's on the screen.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I can't wait to see Ciar?n Hinds play Mance. I think he's going to be phenomenal at the role despite not being the perfect fit for him.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I think Dinklage is the best one on the show, but he's also given a lot of meat to work with, since Tyrion is written so well. Allen's performance stands out in that Theon's character isn't nearly so well written, but Allen has brought a lot to the role to show how tormented and conflicted he is that didn't come across as much in the books. Brienne in the show has barely gotten started, so too early to tell on that one.

I just hope they trim a lot/rewrite a lot of her scenes from book 4. All of that was so pointless.


They will be performing The Bear and the Maiden Fair, the song in the link is just some of the bands other work.


I don't know why people dislike book Brienne. I think she is one of the more interesting characters as you are given enough info to understand her mindset and then get to see how she changes as she gets to know Jaime.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Nerds hate female characters man. Go through the whole TV board and you won't find one female character on any show that doesn't have at least one hater. Usually the exception to the rule is if the woman does manly things like fight with swords or kick box or something but I guess even that isn't enough to save Brienne.


<Bronze Donator>
Brienne is a very well done and fleshed out character. You know why she is so determined despite the constant ridicule she gets, and through her conversations with Jaime reveals the events around the competition to win her hand in jest and how much it hurt her. I love me some brienne!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't know why people dislike book Brienne. I think she is one of the more interesting characters as you are given enough info to understand her mindset and then get to see how she changes as she gets to know Jaime.
Who here hates Brienne? I like her okay but I guess I have a problem with her physically. A good 'female who competes with men' would have to be much more stout or something. A tall and lanky woman has no place wearing armor and swinging a sword. I feel like she and the actor who now plays the mountain should shed their armor and go play a round of hoops instead of fight with swords.

They should've started pumping Gwendoline Christie full of steroids when she got the role.
