GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Gold Donor>
Extenuating circumstances in both cases. Something could happen to GoT as well, but as it is they are making money hand over fist with it. Apparently they made just crazy bank with the first season DVD/Blu Ray.
Yea, i remember hearing that they blew up all their previous hard sale records. If thats even half true, its safe to assume the show is green lit until that changes drastically.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It will last as long as it is making them money. It seems to be cleaning up for HBO so it is possible. The Sopranos was 9 years. Even Oz was 6 years.
I agree. Had to look it up, but fucking Entourage lasted 7 years too and that show was shit after the first 2 seasons /duck


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
GoT doesn't even seem like it needs that big of a budget for most of the scenes. It seems like they dumped 50% of their budget into making a big green fiery explosion and a few battles but that's really not why we watch the show.


Lord Nagafen Raider
GoT doesn't even seem like it needs that big of a budget for most of the scenes. It seems like they dumped 50% of their budget into making a big green fiery explosion and a few battles but that's really not why we watch the show.
yet people still bitched about the show "skimping" even when the battles happened off page in the books


GoT doesn't even seem like it needs that big of a budget for most of the scenes. It seems like they dumped 50% of their budget into making a big green fiery explosion and a few battles but that's really not why we watch the show.
I think the show loses a lot in failing to portray the epic scale of the books or even other shows of this kind. The Borgias for instance, on what I assume is nowhere near GOT's budget has no difficulty portraying an authentic looking army. I think much of the GOT budget must be about the cost of filming on (multiple) location.


Trakanon Raider
If DVD sales are healthy, that's an extremely promising sign; to remind you, strong DVD sales are the reason HBO considered True Blood their pride and joy.

But don't kid yourself, this show isexpensive. The massive cast, the location shots, the effects, the animals, the costumes (there aren't exactly other shows they can borrow breastplates in bulk from), etc. - every one of them adds to the cost.

I expect HBO to give it two more seasons. At that point, when storyline wise we're stuck in the muck of midpoint AFFC/ADWD, cast salaries are increasing, and any buzz has left (who knows what genre property people will have moved on to), HBO will have a hard decision on their hands to give it the 2-3 more seasons they need to finish it off.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They could, and probably will, just skip a year if the show catches up to the books or they run out of material. Didn't the sopranos skip a year and then come back? Same with Curb I thought and maybe another show I can't remember right now...


Buzzfeed Editor
GoT doesn't even seem like it needs that big of a budget for most of the scenes. It seems like they dumped 50% of their budget into making a big green fiery explosion and a few battles but that's really not why we watch the show.
I thought this too, but watch the clip where they explain how they constructed the funeral pyre. Some of these locations, given the special effects and control they need, must be crazy, crazy expensive. I


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They could, and probably will, just skip a year if the show catches up to the books or they run out of material. Didn't the sopranos skip a year and then come back? Same with Curb I thought and maybe another show I can't remember right now...
The problem with doing that is guaranteeing the availability of the actors when production resumes. This is especially true for a show like GoT that has such a massive cast. Spartacus suffered from this during the break they took while waiting for Andy's cancer treatments.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I thought this too, but watch the clip where they explain how they constructed the funeral pyre. Some of these locations, given the special effects and control they need, must be crazy, crazy expensive. I
I didn't really word my statement well before. I'm saying that yes, they're blowing through tons of money, but they don't have to in order to make a satisfying series. At least, not on the order that other big budget shows/movies do.


Trakanon Raider
Boardwalk Empire will be on the chopping block before this. It's an equally expensive show (actually more expensive, discounting the Blackwater increase for S2), and while it has become a critical darling Boardwalk isn't the water cooler show that Game of Thrones is. It's home media sales aren't even close. I love them both, but if one is going to get cut, it's going to be Boardwalk.

Note that this wasn't always the case. When they both premiered in the same year, there was a lot of sweating from Game of Thrones fans because Boardwalk had such an amazing cast and crew behind it, and HBO was pushing it as their marquee show. It just so happens that Game of Thrones took off faster, and felt fresher than another HBO gangster story.

edit: Holy crap Bran is growing up fast. The new interviews up with that actor make him look like he's going to out-age the role much faster than he should.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They could, and probably will, just skip a year if the show catches up to the books or they run out of material. Didn't the sopranos skip a year and then come back? Same with Curb I thought and maybe another show I can't remember right now...
Mad men took a year and a half off while negotiations were going on with AMC.