GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I'm With HER ♀
Who here hates Brienne? I like her okay but I guess I have a problem with her physically. A good 'female who competes with men' would have to be much more stout or something. A tall and lanky woman has no place wearing armor and swinging a sword. I feel like she and the actor who now plays the mountain should shed their armor and go play a round of hoops instead of fight with swords.
It's a real bummer that they had to let go of Conan Stevens as the Mountain. There really wasn't a lot of wriggle room to establish the character in the jousting episode but he did a fucking fantastic job with the physical acting. I didn't know he had been replaced during the second season, so when some dude shows up in Tywin's chambers at Harrenhal and spat out a shitty one-liner delivery I was like ''who the fuck is this guy?''

Don't agree with you on the physical state of Brienne. If they pushed her to be more physically masculine I think it would be distracting. The TV interpretation of Brienne is one of my favorite characterizations in the series so far.


Molten Core Raider
It's a real bummer that they had to let go of Conan Stevens as the Mountain.
This. I thought they had cloned Brian Blessed at first, didn't realize his name was Conan, even better. This new guy just doesn't work for me.

Also think Brienne is perfect. Pretty much every role so far. That's why I have complete faith Caesar will kick ass as Mance.


privileged excrementlord
The new Mountain sucks hard. Wish they'd get Conan Stevens back before the duel with Oberyn next season.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Don't agree with you on the physical state of Brienne. If they pushed her to be more physically masculine I think it would be distracting. The TV interpretation of Brienne is one of my favorite characterizations in the series so far.
What do you mean by distracting? What about her character's physical state is not supposed to be distracting?


privileged excrementlord
Maybe they just figured no one would want to look at some giant version of Mickey Rourke in drag. How old is that pic of Brienne anyway? Thought I read they had her lifting heavy and packing on quite a few pounds before filming.


I'm With HER ♀
What do you mean by distracting? What about her character's physical state is not supposed to be distracting?
Maybe my memory of the books fails me, but the physical characterization of Brienne always rang loud and clear- mannish, ugly, horse-teethed, but still a woman. Yes, maybe in the series she has been homogenized a bit for the sake of appeal to the lowest common denominator*, but at no point was I ever like ''this bitch is out of her element.'' Not that you were serious about the steroids comment, but she's already stands a head taller than most everyone else on the show and looks thoroughly convincing throwing people around and impaling them.

*A few of the physical characterizations have been tweaked in the show, for one reason or the other. The first one that comes to mind is the 'prettification' of Tyrion (both before and after Blackwater.) A general audience can sympathize with disfigured/off-looking characters only so much when it comes to a TV format. Fans of the book would be A-OK with, say, Brienne having a monster horse-face and Tyrion being a noseless dwarf with mismatched eyes, but think about the average fan of TV GoT- and how well they would emphathize with the TV characters if they looked how they did in books.


Molten Core Raider
The good old Ugly versus TV Ugly.

What was the deal with the original Mountain being replaced by Michael Phelps? That dude nailed it, you could buy that burly fucker cutting that horse's head off.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The good old Ugly versus TV Ugly.

What was the deal with the original Mountain being replaced by Michael Phelps? That dude nailed it, you could buy that burly fucker cutting that horse's head off.
The original guy got offered a role on Spartacus which he took instead and

promptly got his face cut off

He's also playing an Orc in the Hobbit movies I believe.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The original guy got offered a role on Spartacus which he took instead and

promptly got his face cut off

He's also playing an Orc in the Hobbit movies I believe.
like real life or in the show?

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I don't hate Brienne's character, I just think that her entire arc in book 4 was fucking stupid.
-Assigned Mission to find Sansa.
-Wanders off in search of her in dismal and uninteresting places.
-Meets uninteresting people with no impact on the larger story along the way.
-Gets in some fights with missing bloody mummers.
(Readers:Whatever happened to those guys?! Their deaths weren't specifically mentioned! GRRM: *Sigh* Fine. There. Happy now? YOU INTERRUPTED MY BURGER)
-Runs into UnCat.
Her whole arc there could be trimmed down to: Assigned mission > Randomly runs around and kills a few people > Runs into UnCat and you'd cut about 400 pages of pointlessness.

Book 3 Brienne was very good.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have much hope for Brienne's story to improve going forward, but I agree with LLRule's synopsis of her story.


Millie's Staff Member
i liked all of brienne's chapters even if they ended pointlessly, its refreshing to see an honorable character for once.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Not that you were serious about the steroids comment, but she's already stands a head taller than most everyone else on the show and looks thoroughly convincing throwing people around and impaling them.
See I think that's the root of our disagreement. She nails everything about the role except being a convincing master fighter. She really is spectacularly able in arms, but she's just so gaunt that it doesn't work for me.

And I bet there's more to Conan Stevens leaving GoT than playing a 2bit part in Spartacus.

He could take off his armor from GoT, walk over to the spartacus studio, done a shitty germanic accent (Or whatever east of the rhine is) and shoot the 15 minutes he's on the scene rustling everyone's jimmies before they cut his face off.
conan stevens_02.jpg


I think it's more likely that HBO didn't give him as much money as he wanted, but I really have no idea. And the GoT is a massively more important gig than Spartacus. The guy was in like 3 episodes.

One thing is for sure. replacing
really doesn't do 'the mountain' justice.

Should've went with