GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
I think they will use Bran to flash back to the Tower of Joy/maybe to show how the Others were repelled previously.
Yeah this is how I feel about things too. I'm not sure Jon will ever fulfill some great prophecy. I think it's maybe more likely that he won't, but the reader will find out that R+L=J is true at some point, even if it has little impact on what actually happens in the world.


tour de salt
everything with bran these last two episodes was filler. it would have been just as uneventful if they had just kept walking through the snow. the time wasted filming those scenes could have been spent elsewhere. bran's story is boring and so far unimportant. i mean when he docks with the weirwood tree he cant even communicate to anyone, so anything he finds out will be fricking useless.
You're thoroughly eaten up with dumbass if you think he turned Bran into an Old God + uberwarg just for political correctness sake.

Hint at possible Bran Stark future powers
"For roughly 2,000 years the two races fought a desperate war for dominance. The children used their magic to shatter the Arm of Dorne, the land-bridge through which the First Men came, in a futile attempt to end the invasion and later flooded the Neck - where legend has it that the children called upon their gods from the Children's Tower to send the hammer of the waters to smash the Neck, as they smashed the Arm of Dorne, but it was not enough to stop the advance of the First Men. "


Can't believe we are almost halfway done with this season. Hopefully, it kicks up in the last half because this is becoming my least favorite of the 4.


<Silver Donator>
Jon's success at Caster's keep is going to be very significant in setting up his being chosen as the commander of the Night's Watch in the show's version of events.
ding ding ding. One way to put Jon in a good spot to become Lord Commander without having to spend a couple episodes going into the whole process and behind the scenes of gaining votes.


<Bronze Donator>
at first I disliked the detour they took the last 2 episodes but now i'm fine with it.

On one hand it does just what Mist mentioned, setting up jon to be chosen as the next LC

On the other hand, since it's becoming obvious* that Cold Hands has been cut, the battle with the wights just doesn't make a lot of sense. Without Cold Hands, Their party doesn't stand a chance in a wight ambush, even with summer and bran hulk hodoring and killing a few of them. So this detour was an opportunity to put bran & co in a reasonable amount of danger that they could believably escape from. Also allowed them to preserve Bran's hulk hodoring scene.

*there's really nothing left for CH to do at this point so no reason to introduce him. Save Sam and Gilly from crasters? done already. escort them to the black gate? done already. Escort Bran & Co north? done already. Kill off the mutineer's at crasters? Done already. Fight sequence with bran hodoring? done already.


Millie's Staff Member
You're thoroughly eaten up with dumbass if you think he turned Bran into an Old God + uberwarg just for political correctness sake.

Hint at possible Bran Stark future powers
"For roughly 2,000 years the two races fought a desperate war for dominance. The children used their magic to shatter the Arm of Dorne, the land-bridge through which the First Men came, in a futile attempt to end the invasion and later flooded the Neck - where legend has it that the children called upon their gods from the Children's Tower to send the hammer of the waters to smash the Neck, as they smashed the Arm of Dorne, but it was not enough to stop the advance of the First Men. "
i expect he will find some pertinent infoz out, but not sure if it makes any difference as daeny has her dragons which can own the wights and sam is learning sekrit infoz in oldtown. then we have melisandre right at the wall. so im not sure where bran will fit into all this.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
so im not sure where bran will fit into all this.
This being HBO, Bran is 100% headed to tree sex with Meera Reed, a la the original Evil Dead.

I think Bran will end up being the general that brings everyone together when the shit hits to fan and winter comes in earnest; he ends up in the unique position of quite possibly being able to be damn near everywhere (and everywhen?) at once. After he gets control of that bullshit, I can see him becoming the glue that ties everyone together - and quite possibly our window into just what exactly the hell is going on up in the far north.


tour de salt
i expect he will find some pertinent infoz out, but not sure if it makes any difference as daeny has her dragons which can own the wights and sam is learning sekrit infoz in oldtown. then we have melisandre right at the wall. so im not sure where bran will fit into all this.
No way in 7 hells is the Heir to Winterfell/Decedent of the Kings of Winter/Uberwarg/Greenseer gonna be a simple info-vehicle bro.

Sure, Dany's dragons can own wights - but not The Others. Hell they ride resurrected creatures. All they gotta do is bring down 1 of the 3 and rez it to their team. Clearly Mel is just there to rez Jon and to bring the good news of R'hllor.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Can't believe we are almost halfway done with this season. Hopefully, it kicks up in the last half because this is becoming my least favorite of the 4.
Yeah I have to agree. Especially since they have been hyping the fact that this season wasn't going to be 8 episodes of setup and then balls to the wall on the last 2. They played it as if this whole season was balls out. So far its been pretty slow.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Bran could:
1. Warg into a dragon.
2. Figure out the secret to winning the final conflict of the books.
3. Broker a peace between man and the White Walkers.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm gonna go out on a limb here . . . but I've got a feeling how it's all going to end.

King Hodor the great.

All of Westeros will unite under his rule, adopting the language of Hodor ( yeah that's where everything and everyone is referred to as Hodor )

I'll bet my Tuconets on it.


Vyemm Raider
There's always the worry that Bran is being set up to be the deus ex machina that wins the day at the end and it's actually all of the other stories that wind up being completely meaningless.

It's certainly been done before.


Trakanon Raider
There are no good guys or bad guys in this story. Bran is being vetted as counterpoint to R'hllor. His chapters and Mels in ADWD seemed to imply this heavily. No clue how the great other and/or NK fit into it though.


Toe Sucker
brans a useless twat,IF and thats a big IFhe ever wargs into a dragon. I gaurantee somebody will straight up kill the little faggot and trap him inside the dragon forever.