GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think Brienne v Hound means that Lady Stoneheart will not happen. If it's like someone suggested earlier, and I honestly can't remember anymore, then Stoneheart intro scene will be her executing Frey's or something. This thread has made me think that her introduction to the series is her meeting with Brienne but I guess that isn't true.


Murder Apologist
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see stoneheart this season. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing her instead of any more LF/Sansa scenes (it actually makes sense that Darth Sansa was the last LF/Vale scene this season). I just think it would be one OMFG moment too many for the finale. Besides it's exactly the sort of OMFG moment that would power thru the mid-season doldrums in s5.


How can they hope to stop another attack with the gate pretty much shot? It didn't even feel like that was a real assault on the castle.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They don't have gunpowder, so you can't just blow the tunnels. Even in the book they admitted all they could do was cram it full of shit, toss water on it, and let it freeze. The oil/pitch barrel exploded because it was dropped like a thousand feet. Kinetic energy + burning liquid in a fragile container = super molotov.


Life's a Dream
That's why Jon went out into the north. He's hoping to kill Mance, the leader of all the wildlings. He's the only one that's holding them all together, otherwise they're 100 smaller tribes of people with 100 smaller leaders. They don't work together.

If Jon kills Mance (you met him last season), the Wildlings will never go after the wall again. They'll be be too preoccupied fighting one another.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I want to know how they think their gate will stop an army if a giant can just solo deadlift it. Don't gates have locking mechanisms?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It was on fire, when the doofus stabbed it and the oil leaked out they were fucked.

Still, I think as soon as the battle was over and settled they should have been shoving shit in that tunnel and throwing water on it. Along with wrapping chains around their door and securing them on their pile of shit they were freezing in.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It probably just uses weights as the "lock". I doubt it was designed to account for hulk smash.

As for why all 100k didn't attack...chokepoints. Numbers mean jack if you have limited avenues of attack. You can srnd climbers up dif parts, but that isn't practical for 100k folks. They needed to secure a gate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do the other castles have gates, or is castle black the only main entrance in the wall?


Trump's Staff
Jon directly addressed it at some point, he said Mance was just testing their defenses and that wasn't a real attack.


tour de salt
With all the things needing to be wrapped up it really makes no sense that Bran is going to meet the Children of the Forest in episode 10. I just don't understand why they decided to skip him to book 5 in the last episode.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Right so why can't they put them into the tunnel and light them on fire Mr. Wizard?
You must have never played D&D with a clueless wizard/fireball spell combo in a dungeon before.

There isn't a lot of shrapnel involved with an exploding barrel of oil, at least not relative to a structure the size of The Wall. So you basically end up with uncontained flame expanding through the open space of the tunnel. Even if they managed to light it and seal both ends, it would blast the gates off before it collapsed the tunnel in on itself.


<Gold Donor>
Best parts of the episode .... the Giant's Arrow that carried the guy 2 football fields and the scythe sliding across the wall.

Has the horn that has the magical brown note and blows up the wall been mentioned in the shows?


Millie's Staff Member
It was on fire, when the doofus stabbed it and the oil leaked out they were fucked.

Still, I think as soon as the battle was over and settled they should have been shoving shit in that tunnel and throwing water on it. Along with wrapping chains around their door and securing them on their pile of shit they were freezing in.
it was on fire, but that doesnt mean it would explode on its own. pitch is basically tree resin, animal fat, or tar. none of those things will explode on their own. its not the wildfire stuff which has magical elements that are unknown, pitch is a very well known thing used in battles. the fire on the barrel is so when the barrel busts open the pitch is ignited and due to its sticky nature will get everywhere spreading fire and smoke.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
it was on fire, but that doesnt mean it would explode on its own. pitch is basically tree resin, animal fat, or tar. none of those things will explode on their own. its not the wildfire stuff which has magical elements that are unknown, pitch is a very well known thing used in battles. the fire on the barrel is so when the barrel busts open the pitch is ignited and due to its sticky nature will get everywhere spreading fire and smoke.
It exploded because the writers wrote that it exploded. You don't have a good understanding in most fictional stories and Game of Thrones hasn't attempted to explain the physics behind its munitions.