GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Jon directly addressed it at some point, he said Mance was just testing their defenses and that wasn't a real attack.
Jon says that but it doesn't actually make sense. If you are testing the defenses, as a general rule, you don't waste all of your troops amassed on the less defensible side of the wall. I guess Mance is just an incredibly bad tactician.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It probably just uses weights as the "lock". I doubt it was designed to account for hulk smash.

As for why all 100k didn't attack...chokepoints. Numbers mean jack if you have limited avenues of attack. You can srnd climbers up dif parts, but that isn't practical for 100k folks. They needed to secure a gate.
Yeah, no believes there were giants north of the wall.

Do the other castles have gates, or is castle black the only main entrance in the wall?
I want to say they said they were frozen shut? But there are secret hidden ways around the frozen in part. That is how Bran and co got north of the wall and that is where they ran into sam who learned about the secret passages by reading about them.


Millie's Staff Member
It exploded because the writers wrote that it exploded. You don't have a good understanding in most fictional stories and Game of Thrones hasn't attempted to explain the physics behind its munitions.
its called plot convenience, basically the same principal behind a car flying off a cliff exploding into a ball of fire before it even hits the ground. oooh shiny. it doesnt take away from GRRM's writings, its just typical tropes, ya know like when a key character is about to get killed somebody comes in at the very last second to save them. at least GRRM only plays that card once in a while.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
With all the things needing to be wrapped up it really makes no sense that Bran is going to meet the Children of the Forest in episode 10. I just don't understand why they decided to skip him to book 5 in the last episode.
Book 5 is going on at the same time as Book 4 for a large part.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I miss level 39 hunter pvp, it was pretty much like this.


Ko Dokomo_sl

Do the other castles have gates, or is castle black the only main entrance in the wall?
When the Watch abandoned the other castles on the wall they stuffed iron and chains in and froze the tunnels to make it hard to re-open them. There are tunnels and caves underneath the wall, but most are secret, and when the wilding try and make their own they get lost underneath the earth most of the time, due to the nature of tunneling and also magic. The Watch will sometimes find the entrances and seal them shut, dooming those in the tunnel to dig forever in the dark.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
That moment with Ygritte dying did make me laugh.

As she was collapsing in his arms, I thought to myself how it would be funny for Jon to say to her "Say, it. Say it one more time : You know nothing Jon Snow".

Then it actually happened. Took me out of the show, gotta say.

Get ready for someone to do a youtube edit of that Simpson's scene where everyone does their catchphrase, and add in Ygritte's death.


Trump's Staff
Jon says that but it doesn't actually make sense. If you are testing the defenses, as a general rule, you don't waste all of your troops amassed on the less defensible side of the wall.
I'm not sure if you realize how much one hundred thousand is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jon says that but it doesn't actually make sense. If you are testing the defenses, as a general rule, you don't waste all of your troops amassed on the less defensible side of the wall. I guess Mance is just an incredibly bad tactician.
The testing of defenses also was to serve as a distraction. Most men were up on top of the wall. You hear Ygritte, I believe it was, say something like it'll be over before they know we're here, meaning by the time the men on top of the wall knew they were being attacked by the south gate (or at least before they could come down the lift) everyone below would be slaughtered already. Seems like they could have sat an archer somewhere to just shoot people in the lift as it was going up and down, but that wouldn't be very sportsmanlike I suppose.


Trump's Staff
The ones that attacked the castle side crippled the acting Lord Commander and killed half of the NW force. What a waste!!


Toe Sucker
I really liked how Jon jumped off the lift a solid 3-4 feet before it hit the ground, and everybody else on the lift waited until it stopped before they got off to help out haha


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh look Chuk doing his typical routine after an episode, can we just ban him from the thread? The little boy killing Ygritte, A+, not exactly how I thought the fight in the castle happened in my mind but it was still an amazing episode.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Jon says that but it doesn't actually make sense. If you are testing the defenses, as a general rule, you don't waste all of your troops amassed on the less defensible side of the wall. I guess Mance is just an incredibly bad tactician.
They tested them and they were weak. Seems people behind shows and movies don't really think through why that tactic is used and that is to find a place to commit your main force, but you do it once the weakness is found, you don't wait a day and sit on your ass.

Keep pouring men up/through the wall and it doesn't matter how many the Night's Watch can kill, a couple hundred men can only do so much before they collapse in exhaustion.

What I find the biggest crock was flanking team just busying themselves in a broke up melee down below instead of making a line for the main gate and opening it up. Get that thing open and it's all over and it's why that little bit is the bread and butter of shows whenever they have a team infiltrate a castle and hasten a siege.