GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
They won't be going to the Dreadfort because there's no need. Ramsay is in Winterfell, and Roose is with Robb.
What Fedor said. They've shown them in the previews for the season. Chronologically right now is when Theon is becoming Reek so they're obviously going to move that up rather than tell the actors come back in 5 years.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The only thing that disappointed me was Jon's story for why he was joining up with Mance. I remember it differently in the book. Didn't he go with a story about how he was a bastard his whole life?
Actually it seems like they took out Mance's story about how he was at Winterfell when King Robert (from S1E1) was there (posing as a bard). In the book Mance asks why he wants to join the wildings and Jon saying something like 'remember the table I was sitting at'.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I really really really don't like the dude the casted for Mance, not even remotely close to how I saw him.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
No ancient army in the world ever looked like the 300 dudes, that is the result of todays bodybuilding and nutrition. I bet if you guys think about medieval armies you expect huge cavalery charges on all sides, guys clad in plate armor from head to toe, when in reality only the richest of knights and lords could afford that stuff.

That flamboyant pseudo-roman guy in the picture is a joke aswell, that is not what the average legionnaire looked like.

Anyways, episode was a decent starting point, but i just wish we could erase Daenerys plotline from the show, god that stuff is awful.
If you're talking about:

I'm no Greek expert but yeah, hoplites definitely looked like that. Big shield, metal armor, functional helmet. Note that we're not talking about Roman legionnaires here, and honestly if they wanted to chose a military culture to draw from the Roman military was closer to the Unsullied than the Greeks.


Millie's Staff Member
That's a good point, but I didn't notice it at all. I feel like north of the Wall was the only storyline where that was the case though.
they only did that to finish last season's cliffhanger. it would have been more odd if they hadnt. i cant say what comes next but the timelines have a few opportunities to sync back up again.


A Mod Real Quick
My punishment was just and Tuco struck clean with his cleaver. I was banned for 3 days but let off easy. I will never speak of a book again, in fact I will burn it in some rite of passage to the lord of light.
Kinda sucks that there never seems to be budget to show a battle except maybe once a season. Walkers owning the crows would have been cool.

My biggest hope for the tv series is that they manage to make the daenerys bullcrap tolerable although it wasn't totally horrible in book 3 yet but book 4 and 5 I was skipping pages.


Unelected Mod
If the writers want to put new scenes in the show, that's fine but sometimes there are new scenes when there is no need. Margaery Tyrell feeding alms (toys) to the poor is one of them.
I think this is where you let your book purism get in the way of fairly judging a scene. Almost all the reviews are raving about that scene. I thought the scene was awesome, the look that Joffrey gives as he sees an actual good ruler doing things is just great.


Millie's Staff Member
maybe they didnt have lots of bodybuilders in those days due to diet, but they definitely had strong fit people. in the book the Unsullied are described as being intimidating because of their uniformity and their gleaming armor.

from the battle of qohor
After the Doom of Valyria the Dothraki first rode out east of the Dothraki Sea, it can be assumed that the fall of Valyria and the chaos that followed it is what prompted (and perhaps allowed) the Dothraki to attack with such power. 50,000 Dothraki, at least half of them warriors, were led by horse lord khal Temmo, sacking and burning every town and city in their path.[1]

Aware of the Khalasar advance, the Qohor strengthened their walls, doubled their garrison, and hired two mercenary companies besides, Bright Banners and the Second Sons. They also sent a man to Astapor purchased three thousand Unsullied.[1]

During the first day of the fighting the Dothraki were unmatched, Qohor forces were shattered, its heavy horse annihilated and the sellsword companies had fled in the face of hopeless odds. The Dothraki had retired to their camps to drink, feast and rest. before their final assault at dawn brake. However, during the night, the three thousand Unsullied has finally reached the city and come dawn, was waiting the Dothraki horde arrayed in battle formation before the city gates.

The Dothraki, could have easily out flank such a small force but in their contempt for infantry, launched a direct frontal assault, in an attempt to simply ride down the heavy infantry. Eighteen times they charged and attacked the Unsullied ranks and Thrice their archers wheeling past raining arrows on the Three Thousand, each time failing to break through.

Finally the Dothraki halted their attacks after the Khal, his bloodriders and sons had been killed. Their losses were staggering: 12.000 dead. Only 600 Unsullied remained, but the victory was theirs nonetheless. Four days later, the new khal led his remaining khalasar past the city gates in a stately procession. Each man cut off his braid and threw it down before the Unsullied.[1][2]

Since that day, the city guard of Qohor has been made up entirely of Unsullied. Each of them carries a spear with a braid made of human hair attached to i


Molten Core Raider
My punishment was just and Tuco struck clean with his cleaver. I was banned for 3 days but let off easy. I will never speak of a book again, in fact I will burn it in some rite of passage to the lord of light.
The night is dark and full of terror.


Unelected Mod
Nowhere in that clip was any description of their looks. However, it does point out that their strength was in their fearlessness and discipline. Something I think the show did a pretty good job of showing.

I just watched the clip again, the Unsullied looked quite good snapping apart and back again. Not sure where Tuco's complaint is coming from.
It "wasn't totally horrible" yet? Daenerys's story was the best storyline in book three, what are you talking about?
Never liked the Daenerys line of the story from the beginning and book 5 made my hatred into a raging inferno comparable to stuffing your arse full of wildfire and setting it on fire.


A Mod Real Quick
I couldn't help but laugh when they showed Joffrey with his little pansy napkin in his hand LOL. Such a shit. We had just watched season 2 again and the only time I laughed as hard is when he said about giving stannis a red smile and pulled his sword half out of the sheath.


Millie's Staff Member
do you mean the scented hankie he was sniffing at flea bottom? they did that to convey the bad odors there, its not so much a pansy thing as a snobbish thing.


A Mod Real Quick
do you mean the scented hankie he was sniffing at flea bottom? they did that to convey the bad odors there, its not so much a pansy thing as a snobbish thing.
I guess I didn't realize it was a scented hankie LOL. I thought he was sweating or something. Still gay.

Beef Supreme_sl

If you're talking about:

I'm no Greek expert but yeah, hoplites definitely looked like that. Big shield, metal armor, functional helmet. Note that we're not talking about Roman legionnaires here, and honestly if they wanted to chose a military culture to draw from the Roman military was closer to the Unsullied than the Greeks.
The common "Greek" hoplite wore a linothorax made of glued layers of linen, with a bronze helmet, bracers, greaves and shield (hoplon). Only the wealthy or lucky wore a metal chest piece and/or metal gorget.

I think the unsullied look fine. They weren't successful because of their gear, rather, their training removed all the humanity from them, turning them into fleshy Terminators.


Millie's Staff Member
if you noticed hes got something like a ball wrapped up in it, probably some kind of sweet smelling object. if you watch period piece movies like i do its easier to spot these things.
A pomander, from French pomme d'ambre, i.e. apple of amber, is a ball made of perfumes, such as ambergris (whence the name), musk, or civet.[1] The pomander was worn or carried in a vase, also known by the same name, as a protection against infection in times of pestilence or merely as a useful article to modify bad smells.[1] The globular cases which contained the pomanders were hung from a neck-chain or belt, or attached to the girdle, and were usually perforated and made of gold or silver.[1] Sometimes they contained several partitions, in each of which was placed a different perfume.[1]

The term "pomander" can be for the actual scented material itself or for the container that contains the scented material.[2][3][4] The container could have been made of gold or silver. Pomander can be a bag containing fragrant herbs. Pomanders were an early form of aromatherapy.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I didn't know about that because I don't watch period pieces like Chuk, but I do know the object because I have to use one when I visit his mother.